Garden Dinner at ancestral home of Honorary Consul Dr. Luka Mller-Studer, Zug, Switzerland The event will run from October, 2020 for transforming business and leading the future of global trade. His Majesty King Tupou VI and HM Queen Nanasipauu paid a visit to Canberra, Australia to grace the Christening Ceremony for Her Royal Highness Princess Nanasipauu Eliana, daughter of Their Royal Highnesses Crown Prince Tupoutoa Ulukalala and Crown Princess Sinaitakala. ngaahi koloa oku fakatupu fakalotofonua. Neongo e au ki ha taimi ke folau a e fanau ako ki Muli ke hokoatu a e feinga ako, oku kei totonu p ke ngue fakataha a e Puleanga mo e Vahe Fonua ni ke teuteu ha ngaahi ngue ke fakapapaui e kei fie foki mai p a e fnau i he osi enau ako ki he ongo Vahe Fonua ni. Pea ko e fehui kia kitautolu he Aho n: Ko e h a e mea e lava ke tau fakahoko ke tokoni kia kitautolu? HUUFI O E FAKAALIALI NGOUE A E VAHE FONUA VAVAU Third, the King took on the critical challenge of developing his land and his country. Tonga Navy has an ongoing commitment to Humanitraian assistance and Disaster relief in Tonga and at times assists the outer islands when the ferry service is unavailable. In other words the playersare what the sports are about. Tapu mo Haa Fale Fisi, Enhanced accessibility to modern and clean sustainable energy services, energy efficiency, and the use of economically viable and environmentally sound technology and research, play a critical role in our sustainable development. King Maha Vajiralongkorn is believed to be the richest individual royal in the world . Ko e too o e meatokoni oku fakatupu moui lelei, ko e kamataanga ia o e mau o e meatokoni oku fakatupu moui lelei. 'Aho'eitu Unuakiotonga Tukuaho was born on 12 July 1959 as the third son and youngest child of King Tufahau Tupou IV and Queen Halaevalu Mata'aho Ahomee in the Royal Palace in Nukualofa,. His Majesty The King also visited with the Swiss Armed Forces on 27th August 2019 and was hosted by Major General Lucas Caduff (Commander Territorial Division 3). Oku fika ua a Tonga ni i Mamani i he ngaahi Fonua oku lavea ngofua i he fakatamaki fakaenatula. This farsighted decree was issued four years before the international ban on whale hunting came into effect. END. It will feature the islands unspoiled beauty, natural bounty and efforts to mitigate climate concerns, as seen through the eyes of a child. Oku ou Talamon atu kiate kimoutolu i he ngue ke langa pea mo ofa hotau One key factor that weakens our ability as a nation to address the use of illicit drugs is the lack of a proper drug rehabilitation institution equipped with specialized staff and the accompanying social network. People are more important than equipment. Tapu mo Haa Matapule mo e kau Taki Lotu, pea However, it is split between the family, of course; however, in 2021, the royal family's net worth is $88 billion. The project goal in Tonga is to establish a learning center for sustainable development based on sufficiency economy that introduces integrated farming, multi cropping and agro farming systems. The only other witnesses are the other Cabinet Ministers and I have no intention of dragging them into this debate because I do not need their help to defend myself from the likes of Clive Edwards. -hrh, Only months ago Clive Edwards, as Tonga's Minister of Police and sometimes Acting Prime Minister, was seen by many as the most bull-headed man in the Tongan parliament. Their net worth is still an unknown. 3, December 2001. The Tongan Government is addressing the issue by making unhealthy food choices more expensive and healthier food choices cheaper for the Tongan public. In 1875 the constitutional role of the monarch was established in the Kingdom of Tonga. faingamalie mei he sekitoa FAKATUPU KOLOA Our government must allocate and prioritize finances towards this important endeavour as a matter of urgency. House of Saud, Saudi Arabia: 1 trillion ($1.4 trillion) 2.) The pilot project is to serve as a demonstration plot for sustainable agriculture development based on sufficiency economy. This will be the first time Tonga has a standalone Pavilion at a World EXPO. engagement and employment. Ko ia oku fai We have the friendliest people and, as the only kingdom in the Pacific never colonised, a unique culture" says His Excellency. Ko e ongo kveinga oku na mamahii peau omai he tau kotoa ki he Fale ni, ko e Moui Lelei mo e Ako lelei i he Fonua ni. Ka, oku iai a e Lao e niihi oku h mai ha t nounou i Ko e pole lahi ko e mavahe a e Ako mei he Otua. The royal family, a clutch of nobles and an elite caste enjoy a life of ostentatious wealth, while the 100,000-strong population ekes out a living from small farming plots or the sea. Oku tatau p ki he Ako. totongi o e Lolo. ai a e mahuinga o etau paanga, o fakatatau ki he It is expected to generate over 2,828,84 kWh of electricity over the first year of operation which is an equivalent of 680, 000 litres of diesel which could be saved in its first year of operation. koeni, oku nau tuu i he MOUA LAHI pe kuo nau TAPUNI. His Majestys special envoy to the UAE, Akauola, after signing the agreement on behalf of His Majesty, said "when you consider how Dubai and Abu Dhabi are two of the safest , friendliest most developed cities in the world the visa free MOU for the people of Tonga is a testament to the high level of respect the UAE places in His Majesty and the people of Tonga". Oku tau lolotonga feao mo e ngaahi faingataa fakaenatula ka i he taimi tatau p oku i ai a e ngaahi faingamlie oku omai e Natula o hang ko e lahiange a e fua ki he fakakomesiale. His Majestys Armed Forces in support of His Majestys visit to Niuatoputapu provided the VOEA LATE, with the intend of sailing up North. Given the urgency at hand, I would challenge the Symposium to think about proposed pragmatic strategies that could be implemented with the available resources and partners at our disposal. A whole-of-government approach for coordinated and coherent service delivery, continues to be a priority. Oku ikai ke lava ke tau tala p ko f a e fakatmaki e hoko mai, ka oku totonu ke tau hang p ko e kau taaupoou poto e toko nima naa nau ngue fakapotopoto oku ha ia Matiu Vahe 25. Ambassador Saleh Ahmed Alsuwaidi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to the Kingdom of Tonga, in Audience at the Royal Palace, Nukualofa, His Majesty King Tupou VI Inspires Mate MaA Tonga Prior To Historic Clash, Statement of HIS MAJESTY KING TUPOU VI on the occasion of the Its closest neighbour is the island of Tafahi a volcanic island standing at 560m high and when the weather conditions are right the mountains of Savaii (Samoa) can be seen from the peak o Tafahi. Tonga reiterates the call made under the SAMOA Pathway for genuine and durable Three days before his coronation on 1 August 2008, then-King George Tupou V announced that he would relinquish most of his powers and be guided by the Prime Minister of Tonga's recommendations on most matters.. Budget allocation to monarchy. Royal Family net worth 2020: The Queen can also include the Crown Jewels as part of her wealth (Image: GETTY) The annual analysis of public worth has listed the monarch's net worth as 350million. Promoting international peace and security, in particular conflict prevention: Strengthening global action to tackle climate change which is integral to the effective implementation of SDGs: Accentuating inclusion, human rights and the empowerment of youth and women respectively: and Promoting partnerships for advancing the achievement of the SDGs which are interlinked, very timely and relevant to addressing the challenges of our time during your tenure which we support fully. Niuatoputapu was the first destination for 2017. Oku ikai fakafiemalie a e IKAI ke fakahoko e he Fale ni Kau Talafekau Lahi ko e kau fakafofonga o e ngaahi puleanga muli Clark said the support from partners was critical to help governments to prevent and control NCDs. ko e COVID-19, o hang p, ko e Faitoo Konatapu, aia oku fakatuutamaki lahi ki he Fakatauange ke mou mau ha Fakataha Alea e lelei fakalukufua ki he kakai mo e Fonua pea langilangiia ai hotau Otua. I he tuunga koeni oku ohofia ai a mamani e he Kolonavailas, oku mahuinga aupito a e tauhi pau o e ngaahi founga e ala malui ai a e kakai o e fonua mo fakasiisii a e mafola a e mahaki, o fakatatau ki he fakahinohino a e Kautaha Moui a Maman mo e Potungaue Moui a Tonga ni. Ko e taumua matuaki mahuinga ko e moui lelei, ka ko Niuafoou ia mo Niuatoputapu oku moui lelei taha hona kakai i Tonga fakakatoa. His final resting place is located on the grounds His Excellency the Ambassador further provided the following release for His Majestys pleasure. Aia e lava i hono palani lelei p o e too o e akau fua mo e vesitapolo fakataha pea mo e tauhi o e fanga monumanu, too o e ngoue foha, pea mo e faamai o e ika i ha kii konga kelekele siisii p. There is urgency to develop practical guidelines and toolkits to assist States in delivering on all targets under Goal 14 in an integrated manner. FOLOFOLA A ENE AFIO KO E TUI Helping Economies Grow and Nations Prosper. women in the delegation donned shaila and abaya for the special visit. FALAITE 19 O SIULAI 2019. Kakai pea e ikai ke lava ke ausia a e ngaahi kaveinga mo e fiemau, pea e toe siisii ange Ke toe lahiange a e ngaueaki o e founga ngoue ki he mauanga moui a Thailand aia e lava p a e mau o e meatokoni oku fakatupu moui lelei mei ha konga kelekele oku ikai ke toe lahi hake i he vaeua eka. Mr. President, Ko e kau tauhi koloa ke nau oi mo teuteu a e moui, e fai ia he aho kotoa, hema mo matau, ko ene meatau ke maau mo e talifaki ke mateuteu he ka lavea hema p matau oku kei lava p ia o fepaki he oku ne iloi ko hono tokoni oku hau mei hono Otua pea oku na feao he aho kotoa. Oku ou fakaapaapa atu, The study visit to Thailand in December 2016 sponsored by the Thailand International Cooperation Agency (TICA) enabled eleven participants to observe and learn the applications of the Philosophy of Sustainable Economy (SEP). Ko e kii ki he Fakaaliali ko e teuteu lelei mo e teuteu ke lahi. RELATED: The Wealthiest Royal Family: Inside King Salman's $1.5 Trillion Empire 9 The Royal Family of Morocco ($8.2 billion) Via Wikimedia Commons Madame Kwang was awarded for exceptional services to the Crown and Kingdom of Tonga. Just as today following the Greek Olympic sports traditions, sports were performed during festivals and war/conflict was banned but sports were performed Ko e IKA foou mo moui. Samuela Akilisi Pohiva at the St George Government Building before proceeding to an Exhibition hosted by Her Royal Highness The Princess Angelika and the Tonga National Youth Congress at the Faonelua Convention Centre. Amongst the special guests were His Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco and H E Ueli Maurer, President of the Swiss Federation. Ka neongo hono ausia a e tuunga maolunga ko eni ka nae ikai malava ke tauhi ke The 1.5 degree limit is the heart of the Paris Agreement and although my country with our Pacific small island developing states neighbours as a whole contributes not even close to 1% of global warming, we remain committed to the Agreement. He also appoints the entire cabinet, the Privy Council and the Supreme Court. Abu Dhabi - all designed by Pritzker prize winners. by the late president of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Sheikh Zayed bin Our reality demands nothing less from us as a nation. The team visited one OTOP village in Khanchanaburi that processed bio-ethanol fuel from waste cooking oil collected weekly from house hold kitchens and restaurants within the area. Prince Charles - $100 Million. Tapu mo e kau Minisitaa o e Kapineti, "It is very risky to perform deliveries in Niuatoputapu because we do not have the required equipment to ensure the mother's and baby's safety if there are On Sep 5th, His Majesty and Her Majesty Queen Nanasipauu was hosted to lunch by Singapore's Senior Minister of State, Prime Ministers Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Transport Mrs Josephine Teo. ", "do their best, as Mate Maa Tonga is our motto". Huufi o e Konifelenisi Hono 96 a e Siasi Uesiliana position on the Expo stage and ensure the Kingdom nation is ready to fully He served 28 years in the military and has a net worth of $47 million. Ko e tekinolosia o e fanga kii Vakapuna oku fakapuna mo hano meafaitaa ki he ataa, fakataha pea mo e Satelaite, kaeumaa a e fengaueaki fakataha pea mo e ngaahi tukuifonua kaungaapi, a e founga lelei e 3 ke fakaaongai ai a e paanga oku fakamole ke malui hotau ngaahi kaua-fonua. Ko e fokotuu: ki he senituli ua o e lotu i Tonga. Koia, oku totonu leva ke tokonii e he Puleanga mo e kinga kotoa a e fakalakalaka o enau ilo ki he ngue iloa koeni o au p ki he too o e louakau pea ki hono fakamaketi. - Mele PayneLynch, In Response to Tupou Layton: To demand respect you must earn respect'. Undersecretary of the Crown Prince Court of Abu Dhabi, and Saleh Ahmed the knowledge era. Embassy of the Kingdom of Tonga to the P.R.C. Ko e tokangaekina o e hako tupu o e Fonua oku ikai ko ha ngue sii, ke langa hake enau moui pea ke aonga ho nau taleniti ki he famili mo e fonua. Oku kamata a e moui lelei mei he fakatupu o e meatokoni oku fakatupu moui lelei. Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University, Dubai Educating the Innovators of Tomorrow. By PesiFonua. Ka oku fiemau ke tokanga a e Poate ia, ki he ola Saadiyat Island is undergoing a remarkable transformation into a world class Oku ikai ke fakahoko e he Fale ni a ene ngaue ko e Ko e TOFE. oku ikai hano fakangatangata pe faitoo. This is wholly untrue but as Edwards is running for parliament his wild accusations are, I suppose, understandable. Statement of HM King Tupou VI on the occasion of the General Debate at the 72nd Session of the UN General Assembly, HM King Tupou VI addresses the general debate of the 72nd Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations (video), Second study vist to Thailand on food processing under agricultural development project based on the philosophy of Sustainable Economy (SEP), Voea Savea provides mercy lift to the people of Niuatoputapu, Royal Statement: Demise of Her Majesty Queen Halaevalu Mata'aho, The Queen Mother, Sunday lunch gathering at the Royal Palace, HM King Tupou VI Meets with Singapore President Tony Tan Keng Yam, HM King Tupou VI officially opens Free Wesleyan Church Conference and marks Tupou college 150th anniversary. Oku ou fie lave sii p ki he ngaahi ngahau i ha nima o ha toa. The Duke also conveyed a message from his grandmother Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II: "Your Majesties, it gives me great pleasure that my grandson and his wife are visiting the Kingdom of Tonga. HM's speech at the 72nd General Assembly of the UN, His Majesty King Tupou VI addressed the general debate of the 72nd Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations. It's only a fraction of the British royal family's net worth, but Kate Middleton's entrepreneurial family has an estimated fortune of $50 million thanks to their company, Party Pieces. Kapau e loto a e Siasi ke hoko atu a e fakalakalaka a e tuunga o e Ako fakamamani lahi ki he kotoa o e ngaahi Ako a e Siasi, e lava p ke fakahoko ia. Oku h mai mei he fakaaliali a e ngaahi fakakaukau foou, ngaahi ilo fakatekinikale pea ko etau fnau mo e toutupu oku vave mo lahi ange enau ilo ki he tekinolosia foou. 24th August 2019. Ko e ngueaki o e ngahau ka oku i ai mo e meatau talifaki pea i he Folofol oku talanoa ki he makataa o hang ko e makataa a Tevita. Ko e kveinga ia kuo tuku mai ki he tau faka-Konifelenisi koeni pea kuou lave p ki he tafaaki fakasino mo fakaatamai kae toki fai e he Kolisi Siaatoutai a e tafaaki fakalaumlie. Source: The Prime Minister's Office. Puleanga Aositelelia Finally, we urge all Leaders to focus and reflect on how best their power and legitimacy will benefit their own people and the entire world. Oku laumlie lelei p a e Kovana mo e Houeiki o e Vahe Fonua ni pea peh ki he Kau Minisitaa o e Kapineti, Fakafofonga Fale Alea, Kau Taki Lotu kaeumaa a e kakai kotoa oku tefua i he Malae Nippon. Forbes magazine has estimated the combined wealth of the Moroccan royal family at more than $ 5 billion ( 4.5 billion), but other knowledgeable sources put it close to $ 20 billion. In Tonga, we are pleased to inform of commendable reductions in the prevalence of tobacco smoking and alcohol consumption. Agriculture Development Initiative His Royal Highness The Crown Prince Tupouto'a 'Ulukalala The produce are grown by the men of the village while women operate the processing facility producing the end product for for the market. Nae fakahinohino e Kingi Siaosi Tupou Uluaki ha lesoni lelei e 5 fekauaki pea mo e Langa-Fonua Malu kaeumaa a e Fakalakalaka Taau ki he kahau. Royal Funeral of Her Majesty Queen Halaevalu Mata'aho The Queen Mother, HRH The Crown Prince overlooking soldiers and RNZAF Hercules arrival, HRH Crown Prince and Princess followed by HSH Prince Tungi on the airport tarmac, His Majesty overlooking the arrival of the Queen Mothers casket, His Majesty beside the Queen Mother's casket, Members of the Royal Family in the throne room with the Queen Mothers casket. Oku ikai ke totonu ke tau nanai i he ahiahii a e ngaahi founga foou koeuhi, e ngali ola leleiange ia mei he etau ngaahi founga anga maheni. 2 Tongan Royals Killed In Calif. 21st June, 2016 His Majesty King Tupou VI officially opened the first Pacific NCD Summit yesterday morning at Faonelua Convention Centre. As the Commonwealth celebrates The Queen of England's 90th birthday, this years Award winner, Aiona Prescott, aged 21, has been recognised by The Queen for taking the lead in transforming the lives of others and making a lasting difference in her community. HUUFI O E FAKAALIALI NGOUE A E VAHE FONUA EUA hono malui a Tonga mei he Faitoo Konatapu. What is the Qatar royal family's net worth? Ko e talanoa ki he malu a Isileli pea mo hono ohofi e he ngaahi fonua kaungapi oku kei ph p o au ki he Aho ni pea matuaki mahuinga a e mateuteu he ko e fakatokanga ko e momeniti p pea nau alu ki he Tau. This initiative played a vital role to stimulate knowledge and technology in the fields of environment and climate change. Ko e lotoi Tonga ia oku fiemau ke matuuaki a Natula. Ko e tafaaki ia o e faingata ka, i he taimi tatau oku kei iai p a e ngaahi faingamlie pea ko e mea ia oku mahuinga ke tau ngue mo fakakaukau a e Feliliuaki a e Ea, ke liliu a e fakakaukau, founga ngue mo e mauanga moui. Oku tau fiefia he kau fakataha mo e Eiki Palemia mo e kau Minisitaa o e Kapineti pea mo e kau fakaafe oku tau i heni i he Tapuni o e Fale Alea. Tonga remains committed with other members of the Authority, including its capacity as an elected member of the Council, to continue to work towards the finalization of the important draft exploitation regulations ensuring an appropriate balance between the need to conserve and protect the marine environment and the sustainable use of the deep-sea mineral resources. Kate Middleton: $10 Million. I congratulate you on the assumption of your presidency of the 73rd Session of the United Nations General Assembly. Oku oatu a e fakaml ki he Potungue Ngoue mo Toutai, kau Ngoue, kau Toutai kotoa. Ben A. Pruchnie/Getty Images Net worth: $530 to $600 million The British royal family's net worth is made up of property, art, and investments. Two successful case projects of small scale processing operations. ha tokoni p fakahu paanga mai mei he ngaahi Fonua Muli. However, she doesn't see most of it. Ke vakai a e fiemau a e Maketi i Tongatapu pea too leva a e fua koia, ke tau ngue lelei aki a e ilo koia o e fiemau a e Maketi. Imagine what we can achieve if all our resources were pulling or pushing in the same direction instead of against each other. Photo Credit: Singapore Ministry of Communications and Information, His Majesty King Tupou VI Meets with Singapore President Tony Tan Keng Yam. Indeed the Tongan UAE relationship is a living example of UAE-Pacific partnership. Tapu mo e Sea o e Fale Alea Ko e konga mahuinga o etau fakatokangai a e Feliliuaki o Natula, ko etau fakapotopotoi etau founga ngoue. Prince William is the wealthiest member of the Royal Family with a net worth of around $1.79 billion. His Majesty The King addressed the Team and re-affirmed the need "to put aside the division and to see the larger picture which is to do the right thing and united under the banner of sports in peace, for we can do much more if we are united as this rugby league team has already shown us, and if so, the possibilities are endless". His Majesty King Tupou VI holds bilateral talks with the Director General of the World Health Organisation, KO E FOLOFOLA A ENE AFIO KO E TUI. Amongst the distinguished guests present were His Serene Highness Prince Albert of Monaco, The President of the Swiss Wrestling Federation, the Mayor of Zug, and many local and regional dignitaries and friends and relatives of the Mller family. The technical cooperation and the model project that followed was initiated during his tenure as High Commissioner and followed up in 2014 by HRH Princess Angelika Latufuipeka in her current capacity as the High Commissioner to Thailand. Queen Elizabeth II is the richest member of the British royal family as well as the longest-reigning monarch in British history, crowned in June 1953. Koeuhi oku hokohoko atu p a e Feliliuaki a e Ea, koia oku fiemau ia ke tau filioi etau fakatupu a e koloa kotoa p. Louvre Abu Dhabi, Saadiyat Island, Abu Dhabi, HM KING TUPOU VI VISITS MAJOR ABU DHABI TOURIST ATTRACTIONS. In other words, when George or Charlotte are associated (even unofficially) with a British brand, sales skyrocket. Tonga", he kuo hoko a e pule maonioni fakaleveleva, ki he Taahine Kuini Fehuhu o e His Majesty King Tupou VI will have a presence not just at the opening and closing ceremonies but sitting down and engaging with potential investors and answering their questions. The largest in the country, the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque was launched by the late president of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, who wanted to establish a structure that would unite the cultural diversity of the Islamic world with the historical and modern values of architecture and art. Two would be mothers well into their third trimester of pregnancy, at 36 weeks were relieved that there was a means to travel to Vava'u to give birth. Ko e taimi koee oku fonu ai a e hofangahau a e tangata tau, ko e fakailonga ia o e mateuteu ke fepaki. Oku iai e fakaml ki he Ngaahi Puleanga Muli pea mo e ngaahi Kautaha fakavahaa-Puleanga mo fakataautaha oku nau fakahoko mai a e ngaahi tokoni ki he langa fakalakalaka o e Fonua. HM King Tupou VI signs the Visitors Book at the Louvre Abu Dhabi. Part Two. ko e makatuunga ia ki ha Fonua oku lava mea mo Ako lelei a hono Kakai. HM King Tupou VI met with His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Ruthlessly defending and implementing the King's and Royal Family's wishes, and employing his Special Branch Police to spy on the community to isolate dissent, few would doubt that he has been a formidable opponent of Tonga's pro-democracy campaigners ever since he was appointed by the King as a minister in 1996. EVENTS. The event will run from October, 2020 for 173 days, and the Ambassador is confident that establishing the Embassy in Abu Dhabi a year ahead of the grand opening, will bolster the Kingdoms position on the Expo stage and ensure the Kingdom nation is ready to fully engage in the Worlds Greatest Show. As a Queens Young Leader, she will be representing Tonga as she joins winners from 45 different Commonwealth countries in London for five days of high-level engagements, all designed to help them further their life-changing work. Ke tau lava ke moui i he Feliliuaki a e Ea pea ke liliu etau founga too etau mea tokoni mei he etau mea tokoni tukufakaholo anga maheni ki he meatokoni e lava o matuuaki a e Feliliuaki a e Ea. "Making the United Nations relevant to all people: Global leadership and shared responsibilities for peaceful, equitable and sustainable societies" aptly reflects who we are as a collective, ensuring the work of the United Nations has meaning to those that matter most our peoples - and we welcome your theme as the guiding principle for our work this session. We reiterate our call for the appointment of a Special Representative on Climate and Security to ensure that the UN System has the appropriate tools to respond effectively and efficiently to Climate Change as an existential threat and a mounting security challenge for SIDS and the entire international community. One hundred and niney two (192) countries will participate in Expo 2020, providing an unprecedented opportunity for the Kingdom of Tonga to showcase its agricultural riches and flourishing tourism industry to the world. ENABLING SMARTER TRADE Kimui ni mai, nae tataki atu a e tokanga ki he pole Oku fiemau ke Aka-Loloto iate kitautolu a e ngaahi mooni Faka-Kalisitiane, koeuhi ke fakaea ai a e angaofa a e Otua ki he kakai oku ngaueaki a e faitoo konatapu, heiilo naa nau ausia ai ha mooni faka-Kalisitiane ke ne solova enau ngaahi palopalema mo e faitoo konatapu. Tapu mo e Kau Tauhi Fonua mo Haa Matapule kaeumaa a e tangata mo e fefinei fonua Haapai oku tau lonuku i he Malae Leaaetohi, ko e Fakaaliali a e ola o e ngue a e Otu Haapai ki he tau ni. Estimated net worth: $88 billion The overall wealth of the beloved and well-known British Royal Family is calculated by the individual family member's earnings. Ko e ngue eni naa iloa ai a e Vahe Fonua ni, tukukehe ene hoko ko e mauanga paanga maae ngaahi kautaha mo e famili. Ke ohi mai ha ngaahi founga pe fakakaukau muli, o ikai fenaapasi pea mo hotau Ulungaanga Fakafonua, pea mo hotau Tukufakahoko faka-Tonga, e ikai fuu aonga ia ke taaki a e aka tefito o e faitoo konatapu i hotau sosaieti. oku iai ho nau fatongia ki he Kakai pea ki he Houeiki Extreme events like cyclones and typhoons, flooding, drought and king tides are frequently more intense, inflicting damage and destruction to our communities and ecosystems and putting the health of our peoples at risk. "The United Arab Emirates is an important stepping stone for us to cover the Middle East. Oku tupu mei he tataaitaha a e folau mai a e vaka tahii mo e folau vakapuna, a e hao a e kinga Niuafoou ni mei he mau o e faahinga meatokoni oku mau i he ngaahi Vahe Fonua i he faka-Tonga. Attending the meeting was Mohamed Mubarak Al Mazrouei, the marinas. The event was attended by members of the diplomatic corps, members of parliament, cabinet ministers, representatives from foreign defence forces, and many invited guests. Monuiaa ka ko e toa kuo fonu ai ene hofangahau na: E ikai ma a e faahinga ko ia, oka nau ka alea mo honau ngaahi fili i he matapa. The 2017 High Level Political Forum (HLPF) enabled the review of 7 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in particular: Goals 3, on Good health and well-being; 5, on Gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls; and 14, on the Ocean and its resources. ngaahi tau o e Nimangofulu (1950s), Onongofulu(1960s) pea mo e ngaahi tau o e In a dramatically worded official statement Tonga's Minister of Information 'Eseta Fusitu'a on November 4 denounced a group that is questioning the King's sale of the 'Atalanga royal residence in Auckland, apparently for daring to ask questions of Tonga'sking. 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