He described the dark gray or black animal as 30 feet long, with 15-16 feet of that being a tail. . Muchas personas han visto estas criaturas voladoras. In case of both the photographs, some people suggested the creature could be a Thunderbird mentioning some such sightings. As of early December of 2017, it seems that no scientist has a body of a recently-deceased pterosaur to examine, or at least I have no knowledge of such a discovery and examination. I figured thats where it had landed, startling the birds. . This occurred near a swamp in Rhodesia where the man suffered a large wound in his chest that he said was caused by the monster's long beak. Flying Dinosaur book for a ten-year-old reader. . . Nonfiction: Live Pterosaurs in America, third edition. . They have been reported in Raleigh, Durham, Asheville, Wilmington, and in other areas of N.C., as well as in Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, and in many other states, By living-pterosaur investigator Jonathan Whitcomb. . 9. Jonathan Whitcomb introduces excerpts from a number of Youtube videos about modern pterosaur sightings. You deserve to know the truth about these accounts of sightings of gigantic living pterosaurs. Trust one eyewitness of a plane crash over the imaginations of a hundred professors whove agreed how that kind of plane should fly. Nothing compares with this book about encounters with modern non-extinct pterodactyls.. The following is part of the mans email report to me . pterodactyls) hunt bats at night. Just before noon, on June 19, 2012, in her backyard in Lakewood, California,[the anonymous lady]clearly saw, at a close distance, what impressed her as a dragon-pterodactyl. It had no feathers but the tail she estimated at about six feet long. Sightings; Podcast; Toys. . Live Pterodactyls in Youtube Videos The popular, textbook declaration that all species became extinct millions, of years ago, universal pterosaur extinctionthat concept, itself is approaching extinction. Jonathan Whitcomb. . . Facts Analysis: . In case of both the photographs, some people suggested the creature could be a Thunderbird - mentioning some such sightings. 3 different sighting reports involving huge Thunderbird and Pterodactyl / Pterosaur creatures in Colorado, Texas and Mississippi "In 2008, on the southeast corner of north Table Mountain in Golden, Colorado, I witnessed a large flying Thunderbird riding the lead edge of a thunderstorm that was coming out of Clear Creek Canyon. . The report that two strange dragons with wings have recently appeared in the swamps east of Selma was at first regarded by many as a sen- sational story without foundation in fact, but after different persons at different places had claimed to have seen the strange creatures it began to be thought worth investigating. The Western dogma of universal pterosaur extinction is on its way out, soon to become extinct itself. . I saw one years ago on the East Hawaii Big Island side. Take that in context: Over the past thirteen years, Ive looked at hundreds of eyewitness sighting reports of possible living pterosaurs. Then . . The American World War II veteran Duane Hodgkinson reporting seeing a huge pterodactyl in a jungle clearing in New Guinea in 1944. It was in upstate New York and no one believes me. [Comment made, around February of 2017, on an online post: Dinosaur Sightings: Are Dinosaurs Still Alive Today in Africa?], Other Pterodactyl Encounters While Driving. Did not notice if it had a tail or not Those numbers fit well with the following three factors: If many more persons had significant sightings, like many millions of Americans, these flying creatures would have been discovered before now and I would be swamped by eyewitness reports. . This will be the fourth edition of Live Pterosaurs in America, to be published first in ebook format. . A Destination Truth episode about a potential modern pterosaur in Papua New Guinea, Special thanks to Kwong Yee Cheng for the use of the lovely photograph of the Getty Center in Southern California, Youtube Videos About Pterodactyl Sightings The Bible and Modern Pterosaurs. Music video: living pterosaurs in California. It reveals the 19th Century photograph is authentic one, and the animal/object is real. Yesterday, so the 13th of May 2013. Yes, some scientists believe that a limited number of species of pterosaurs have survived into modern times. . Eyewitnesses from around the world testify of the featherless flying creatures that they have observed, unlike any bat and obviously not any bird. . True to the spirit of the West, they shot the creature. As I stood there a creature glided down from my right to just above water level directly in front of me, no more than 50 from where I was. This was not one of those [larger birds that may live around the area]. In both cases, the "dragon" (or "pterodactyl") was near a storm channel. - the ROPEN #shortshttps://youtu.be/DP5hB0tAhGQDo Pterodactyls Live in Hawaii?https://youtu.be/PNziChtLIwAPterodactyl Sightings - Ropen Overheadhttps://youtu.be/hc-RuKvZviUFlying Dinosaur in Cook County, Illinoishttps://youtu.be/jDMjMK3bF3g* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Watch \"Pterodactyl Sightings in Central California\" https://youtu.be/QyqMNHWSADcYou might also enjoy \"Pterodactyl Sightings in Los Angeles\" https://youtu.be/BM4lju1L5mE*Have you, or someone you know, seen a living pterodactyl? Message: " I was 17 in 1968 when I was going to my neighbor's house in late spring or early summer. COLUMN: UFO sighting stats show a focus on Baker County. . Now we have an eyewitness in northern Alabama who saw two of the flying creatures chasing a bat at around 5:30 a.m., in the spring of 2020. It was the summer of 1977 and I was 17 at the time. Those two encounters, however, were in different years and with different eyewitnesses. A Non-Extinct Pterodactylhttps://youtu.be/SA7mVJyl1Vk Pterodactyl Sightings - flying creatures around the worldhttps://youtu.be/C6dwYLGVi34 Terodactyl Attacks Three Men - Dangerous Pterodactylhttps://youtu.be/p12qJyLlxlI Pterodactyl Sightings in North Americahttps://youtu.be/MYfbnSHR0OM Get important facts on the ropen of the southwest Pacific:https://youtu.be/-XtT0qwaTZ0 Become a part of this community; it's FREE:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcFASF8Mhlow-SKJQsgoQ8Q?sub_confirmation=1 Have you, or someone you know, seen a living pterodactyl? By the reckoning of one source, the area around Baker City is something of a focal point for UFO sightings. In that country,snooping around on private property might get you on the wrong side of a gun. This required using a low-magnification eyepiece, fortunately, to locate that galaxy, allowing the amateur astronomer to see the flying creature sweep through the field of view. . Altadena, California (north of Pasadena) about 1968. Where does that lead? two dragons [described]for the newspaper: broad heads, long bills, and large eyes. I know of three cases in which a person has seen a frigatebird [a large bird of tropical areas], or a photo or video of that kind of oceanic bird, and thought it was a living pterosaur (or at least he put forward the idea that it was a non-extinct pterosaur). Non-extinct pterosaurs in North Carolina Where do these flying creatures appear? . My principal Youtube channel for videos about modern living pterosaurs is Protect Animal Life. Some think that tales of the "mythical" dragons in the lore of many cultures around the would be attributed to the sighting of pterosaurs. . Stories of flying reptiles have been recorded for many hundreds of years. 1. Its because ropens are nocturnal and rare but spread across the planet, and on occasion some fly in daylight. . Pterodactyl with a Pee said: . Playing Badminton Alone With the Wind, Video: Fact DMart 20th Anniversary Celebration Free Gifts: Scam. . To be technically correct, we should use the word pterosaur, yet most persons in English-speaking cultures are more familiar with the word pterodactyl. . pterodactyls. He was skeptical, thinking that they had videotaped only a bird at night. When I returned from Papua New Guinea, in 2004, I knew almost nothing about reports of apparent pterosaurs, or dragons, in California. Their silhouettes resembled giant Sordes Pilosus pterosaurs. What Happened at Lake Elizabeth, California? We were standing in the street . Since a good number of these relate to sightings in the United States, lets begin there. . This forum discussion began in March of 2013 (The Gear Pagestill online early in June of 2018), when the great majority of Americans had little or no comprehension of any reports of pterosaur sightings in North America. Here's the report from October 10, 2017 (anon. . The pterosaur is very real . The problem with science is that we think we know it all and that is far from reality. . The man who was driving has had to be anonymous because of his professional position (either a medical doctor, attorney, or police officerI will not even reveal which of those three it is). What is it? . [Pterodactyl Sightings Flying Creatures NOT extinct]. Eyewitnesses see modern pterosaurs around the world, actually, but this is mostly about two ropen sightings in western Minnesota in the summer of 2018, by a young man (Jonathan Archer) . With my interpreter Luke Paina, I led the first expedition on that remote tropical island in Papua New Guinea. Most of them have been in the United States. 2. How does that relate to this video? While many experts believe the drawing is a bird, the beak, head prominence, wings, and legs also look very much like those of a pterosaur. . Laura Dean, who encountered a huge flying creature in Central Arkansas in the spring of 2012. The fourth edition of SFRFG mentions this encounter in Raleigh, North Carolina, and says, The many hundreds of comments on this encounter, some positive but mostly negative, deserve attention, yet not here. Its time to dive into some of those details. . . Generations of people in Utah have reported large flying creatures, sometimes using a word like dragon or pterodactyl or pterosaur. This is a brief introduction to eyewitness sightings of apparent living pterosaurs seen in Utah. The Plesiosauria (/ p l i s i s r i ,-z i-/; Greek: , plesios, meaning "near to" and sauros, meaning "lizard") or Plesiosaurs are an order or clade of extinct Mesozoic marine reptiles, belonging to the Sauropterygia.. Plesiosaurs first appeared in the latest Triassic Period, possibly in the Rhaetian stage, about 203 million years ago. This is more obvious in some of the many reports from Southern California, not that a flying creature always needs to be directly over such a structure on the ground, in order to use it for navigation. The final publication may differ, at least in a few details. As of early May, 2022, this channel had about 230 videos about modern living pterosaurs, a.k.a. That didnt strike me as right so I asked her if she was sure and she said they werent lights exactly, but that the wings had a glow or reflection. I drew level to the place they crossed . . The second one was led by David Woetzel and Garth Guessman, with Jacob Kepas interpreting. I did see its head crest and the. I was driving a car alone, on my way to pick up my sister. Buy your own copy of this living-pterosaur book on Amazon or from some other online book seller, or buy one or more to give as gifts for Christmas or for birthdays. I have never read about living pterosaurs nor have I heard of any others reporting of their sightings. An old photograph surfacing online quite often is said to show the extinct creature Pteranodon shot by a group of soldiers during Civil War posing around it. They have been reported in Raleigh, Durham, Asheville, Wilmington, and in other areas of N.C., as well as in Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, and in many other states . . Los Angeles River near the Colorado Street Bridge, east of Griffith Park, Pterosaur Sightings East of Griffith Park, May 13, 2013, Sighting of a Pterosaur It begins with late-20th century ropen expeditions in Papua New Guinea and then shows the two expeditions of the year 2004, led by the American explorers Jonathan Whitcomb, David Woetzel, and Garth Guessman. I also assumed that the few reports that I had readapparent pterosaurs in some of the 48 Stateswere of a few stragglers from Central America. We both looked up to see what did that and saw a large flying animal., Getting back to the ladys encounter northwest of Austin, she told her husband, It looked like a pterodactyl. Note that she first was thinking or hoping for a commonplace explanation: a big turkey vulture, only this thing had a long neck and a pointed beak and head. I looked back at the road and witnessed the man swerve off the road and flip his van into [a field next to the road]. A transformation in thinking about modern pterosaurs. Lets now pause to take all this in context. Why a pterodactyl sighting should be reported, The Van Meter Visitor and the Gun Shots. I read a comment left under one of the videos on my Youtube channel Protect Animal Life. 7. Seventeen sighting reports are featured: modern pterosaurs around the world: Italy, Africa, Spain, England, Cuba, United States, and Papua New Guinea. With many photos, this is an online map of what is probably the oldest modern-pterosaur site ever published: Pterosaurs Still Living. . Texas and California are the states in the U.S. where some have occurred. Sighting in California, S.F. flying dinosaurs, in North Carolina, including Raleigh, Durham, Conover, Wilmington, Guilford County, Kernersville, and Charlottethese are not rumors but taken from emails to the cryptozoologist Jonathan Whitcomb, over a period of years. In 2002, an Alaskan bush pilot . .. Whitcomb (2014) relates additional sightings of supposed pterosaurs in other countries, including England, Spain, Netherlands, Mexico, and Canada. Ebay: None YouTube (Old): . Pterodactyl with a Pee Well-Known Member. How can living Rhamphorhynchoid (basal) pterosaurs fly in California, in modern times? Published in October of 2014, Searching for Ropens and Finding God will take you around the world, with those who have risked life, health, and reputation, as they have looked for living pterosaurs. . In Texas, there were reports of pterosaurs in Harlingen in 1976, San Antonio in 1976 and Los Fresnos in !982. (*The encounters themselves may be older.). All of a sudden I see the HUGE bird looking thing fly across the overpass I was on, maybe 20-25 feet in front of my car . Sometimes an eyewitness will remain quiet about seeing a live "pterodactyl" until he or she learns that a friend or member of the family has also seen such a flying creature. Here are a few details: New dinosaur book for LDS and other faiths. Their wings were long, angular and pointed and their tails had triangular points. Discover for yourself these amazing yet true stories and why they are usually absent from news headlines. . They each had a distinct neck between body and head, that was more narrow and clearly visible. I know that some skeptics may not accept the following estimates, yet I disclose them now with confidence that theyre not very far off. Pterodactyl sightings in the USA. An amateur astronomer, standing outside hisNew Mexico home, about 140 miles west of Lubbock, Texas, saw an apparent bioluminescent nocturnal pterosaur on September 1, 2014. Of the 41 sightings reported in California, 7 are featured in the new Youtube video "Giant Pterodactyl in California." Most of the encounters in the video were in Southern California. How many of those potentially hundreds of persons would have trusted my sister enough to tell her about seeing a live pterodactyl? Definitely a lot less than a thousand. Bay area I got the following in January of 2018, a few days after the sighting: Fremont, CA - 1/14/2018 - around 10pm PST I witnessed a pterodactyl from roughly 50-75 feet away. These nonfiction books are Live Pterosaurs in America (third edition) and Searching for Ropens and Finding God (fourth edition). . . I became a believer in American pterosaurs. . . Sometimes an eyewitness will remain quiet about seeing a live pterodactyl until he or she learns that a friend or member of the family has also seen such a flying creature. The yellow colored pencil I used in my sketches represents the Dull yellowish spotting I saw. . Estimated Number of Sightings of Pterosaurs in the United States. Sighting was for 15-20 seconds; Scott was the most skeptical of the observers; It looked like a pterosaur, but he was not 100% sure. It seems that considering the history of sightings of pterodactyl and mini T. rex type dinosaurs going back all the way to the Wild West days, as well as the number of reports over such a large area, that we would have found at least something. This morning at about 6 a.m. . The world is now totally different. Although there seems to be no hard evidence that pterosaurs did not die out millions of years ago - no pterosaurs have ever been captured and no bodies have ever been found - sightings have persisted. A few days ago (early in May of 2019), I uploaded a video to the Youtube channel Protect Animal Life. In addition, the flying creature was only seven or eight feet off the ground. Apparently this is a genuine photo of a modern pterosaur, what some call the Civil War pterodactyl photo, although it was actually recorded AFTER the American Civil War. But the details in the descriptions, not the labels chosen by eyewitnesses, determine how likely it is that a person has observed a live pterosaur. Of the many pterodactyl sighting reports in Los Angeles County, received by the cryptozoologist Jonathan Whitcomb, over many years, six encounters are in this video. Long before getting this report early in 2018, I had concluded that at least some modern pterosaurs in the United States navigate by following stream beds or storm channels. 1968), American science educator, environmental scientist, and cryptozoology skeptic. [Tails were] long and thin with a bigger point at the tip. [One of the sightings in this video was in Altadena, California, in the late 1960's, close to Pasadena; another sighting was in Irvine, California]. For Americans, that can mean driving. 5. On the night of July 11 . Various labels have been put onto these flying creatures: Ive received reports from a number of countries on five continents, yet most of the eyewitness reports have been from the USA, and theyre enough to now make an estimate that I believe is more accurate than my estimates in earlier years: how many Americans have seen a living pterosaur. The pterosaur was in perfect silhouette, wings outstretched, distinctive head in full view, pad on the tail. Two sightings have been reported from the same backyard in the city of Lakewood, California. The refer the apparent Pteranodon to modern pterosaur and the photograph as Ptp. Workmen were digging through Jurassic-era limestone for a railway tunnel between the St.-Dizier and Nancy lines. In that same general area, about two years later, Susan Wooten witnessed a huge flying creature: "as big as any car and had NO feathers." Pterodactyl with a Pee said: . ), Chapter 2: Sightings of Pterosaurs in California. We each draw our own conclusions about these amazing flying creatures, yet we agree on many things. A lady reported observing a huge dragon pteradactal that had been perched, at about noon on June 19, 2012, on a phone line or cable company wire over her backyard. The driver of the car, in clear daylight, saw the huge ropen fly not far above the road in front of him, about half a mile from San Diego Creek, at the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary. In fact, some scientists have witnessed a live pterodactyl with their own eyes. I live in central [New Mexico]. The most recent sighting had been just fifteen days earlier, between Griffith Park and Glendale. . Thats why my associates and I continue to work in the realm of cryptozoology, using whatever knowledge is available. The following is overly simplistic, I know, but consider this: With about 300 million persons in the United States, if my sisters experience is typical then more than 300,000 persons in the USA, at least once in each of their lives, must have had a good sighting of a living pterosaur. . . After the encounter, the man estimated its wingspan was between 30 feet and 50 feet, probably closer to 50. The wingspan was the length of the water trough, six feet, and it was at least four foot tall.. . . It could be when they're driving or riding as a passenger in a car. The Girl who saw a Flying Dinosaur is a nonfiction book, but its not technically about dinosaurs: Its a short cryptozoology book about apparent living pterosaurs. Location of sighting: Lansing, Illinois. Yes, it is true: We really do have at least a few species of modern pterosaurs still flying overhead. . They were the largest creatures to ever attain flight. . Old Photograph of Pteranodon Taken During Civil War, Old Photograph of Pteranodon Taken During Civil War: Fact Check. Sightings; Podcast; Toys. . . . . ThatsdumbDoit 2 yr. ago. In this video, I get into a sighting in Altadena, California, in about the year 1969. But with the recent sightings, it may make people wonder if some are still alive. Of that being a tail it all and that is far from.. Anniversary Celebration Free Gifts: Scam older. ) more narrow and clearly..: Live pterosaurs in Harlingen in 1976, San Antonio in 1976 and Fresnos. Feet, and large eyes nonfiction: Live pterosaurs in Harlingen in 1976, San in! 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Whitman Student Dies 2022, Yamhill County Arrests, Articles P