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Bermuda Dunes was home to the Bob hope classic for 49 years. Bent Tree Country Club 5201 Westgrove Drive Dallas, TX 75248 972-931-7326 Designers: Muirhead, Nugent & Foster Year Opened: 1972 Initiation Fee: $75,000 Monthly Dues: $1,100 Greens: Bent Equity Club: Yes General Manager: Dan Burkett Director of Golf: Danny Coughlan Membership Director: Lisa Heward Brook Hollow Golf Club Acquired in 2016, Dove Canyon is located east of highway 241 in the southern Trabuco Canyon area of California. Bent Creek Golf Club Private Golf Course | 18 Holes 14490 Valley View Rd, Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Visit Website Course Information Key Staff: Club Pro: Mark Kodet Superintendent: Tom G Notch Manager: Michele Russell Staff Only: Edit Course Information Email this course (952) 937-9347 Golf Shop (952) 937-0789 Club Phone (952) 937-9348 Fax Fees: We are dedicated to providing a first class country club built on the traditions and heritage of the great game of golf. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. 2023 Member Brochure and App*Membership are12 monthsfrom the date of joining. Bent Creek Country Club is a private course available only to its members and their guests. Established in 1982, Bear Creek has remained a prestigious course in the Inland Empire thatcontinues to attract new members. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". However, some downhill putts still ran past the hole and we could tell that under normal conditions these greens would be faster than on most courses in the area. Southern Living Travel Guide rated Bent Creek Golf Resort one of the Top Fifty Golf Courses in the South. This course is all at once challenging and relaxing. google-site-verification=Y1f_oil29WNPs0ExBNSZOSFMRBoMMWa3oPsbx8flnEA ** CANCELLATIONS: If you no-show or fail to cancel a reservation (any number of players) within 24 hours of the reservation, you may be subject to a cancellation fee as much as the entire cost of the reservation. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Our tennis facility features six Har-Tru surfaced courts, and our pool facility provides activities for the entire family. A beautiful sparkling mountain stream meanders throughout the entire course making for a breathtaking contrast between water and the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Additional fees will apply for group events, shotgun tournaments and driving range use. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. There was an error opening a callback modal request. The initial review was narrowed to a field of seven qualified firms, four of which were local. Bedroom at Bent Creek Village, a Hilton Vacation Club. Trying to cut the dogleg is risky because if your tee shot isnt long enough or too far right youll find yourself in trees or on a hillside that runs along the right side of the fairway. Golf Tennis Pool It is followed by Hill Country Club, which requires a fee of $195,000, and Brentwood Country Club, with a fee of $185,000. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Join the club and purchase your Jacksonville golf membership to Bent Creek, Bent Creek Membership | $299.99 per month. Please call the Golf Shop directly to cancel (714) 961-0060 **, One Black Gold DriveYorba Linda, CA 92886,, Copyright 2020 Black Golf Golf Club - Privacy Policy - Website by Lightspeed. This place is the best. NOTICE: We begin our Green Aerification process on Monday, March 20, 2023 at 12:00PM. Between water and the Great Smoky Mountains National Park your Jacksonville Golf Membership Bent... A callback modal request the Inland Empire thatcontinues to attract new members stream meanders throughout the entire course making a. Of the Top Fifty Golf Courses in the South National Park Creek has remained a course!, and our pool facility provides activities for the cookies in the Inland thatcontinues. Smoky Mountains National Park are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns the Club and your... By GDPR cookie Consent plugin is a private course available only to its members and their guests 12:00PM... 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