Only the power of the Holy Ghost can calm them down. Thank you, Heavenly Father, thank you for listening and hearing me, in the Name of Jesus, my Lord, and Savior. Labor Prayer Sovereign Lord, soothe me with your calming grace in this time of labor. Find an OB doctor. You have said that you hear the cry of anyone who calls to you. Today we are going to be engage in miracle prayers against pregnancy complications, this miracle prayer shall be addressing all forms of complications that prevents conception. You are my deliverer, my shield and my stronghold. With long life I will satisfy him, and show him My salvation." You never make it to your birthing class. Bless my child and fill them with your Holy Spirit. I know that children are the heritage of the Lord and the fruit of the womb his reward. Hear my prayer concerning her health and development while in my womb. In Jesus name, I pray. Send Your Holy Spirit and light my womb. Please help me, Lord. The prayers of every pregnant woman is to give birth to a healthy baby or child. 10). Also, my God, pay special attention to those women who face this moment alone, without support or affection. Continue to be by my side and lead me in your perfect will. Although you entrusted this little one to me as a gift, I know it belongs to you. Grant me a pure, strong, generous mothers heart. Always guide me to be a good mother and know how to guide my baby in the best way to always be a good and happy person. Help me to find comfort and rest in you. Birth Prayer Everlasting Father, thank you that you are the author of life. Sometimes, the best ways to get God involvement in your case is through fervent prayers. May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. Prepare me, Lord, for motherhood, prepare us both for the change that will occur when our baby is born and help us keep very close to You and give You all the praise and glory. Remove bitterness and pains from my pregnancy so that I can have a safe delivery. I decree that my child and I shall be alive, healthy, and strong on the day of delivery in Jesus name. Your car might never be the same again but you will always love and adore it because its your car. Maybe youre a momma to a sweet preemie boy, weve got some great scripture for you too! Orice duh al morii premature n familia ta-0:32 - 0:37 s ias chiar acum! Amen. When I wake up, I am still with you. Below are prayers to issue Divine Restraining Orders against premature death, witchcraft, the spirit of poverty, and more: Divine Restraining Order #1: Against Premature Death "He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him. I am approaching childbirth. I also ask you, dear Guardian Angel, to help you sleep better tonight, without nightmares and mishaps. That no witchcraft, no hex or spell can reach him. My soul knows that very well. I know, Lord, that physical pain can overwhelm me, but Lord, help me to cling to You and look forward to the joy ahead when I see my little baby for the first time. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith. Nothing can separate us from your love. Father, protect me and my family from all spirit of premature death with your powerful right hand, in the name of Jesus. Gods plans for us are perfect but the earth that we live on has different effects on us. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. Father, my life will not be cut short before my God ordained time, in the name of Jesus. Advocate for my sons health because only Love is what I will give him when I have him in my arms. You knit me together in my mothers womb. Babies who survive can have breathing . But the earlier a baby is born, the higher the risk of health challenges. Help me as a mother, Lord, with my weaknesses and imperfections. Thank you, Lord. Prayer For A Premature Baby Heavenly Father, it is so hard to have a premature baby and have to see the tubes and drips attached to such a tidy defenceless from. May he come in excellent health and always receive Your protection. I ask that you send maternal protection and that the baby is born healthy and continues on the Christian path. May I be filled with joy as a new life enters the world. Lord Jesus Christ, come, with Your Love and Your infinite mercy, shower Your grace on this child. As I go through labor, your grace is enough to meet my needs. For my thesis, I consulted a lot of information, read your article made me feel a lot, benefited me a lot from it, thank you for your help. Today I come to you in prayer because the hour of birth is approaching, and I am terrified in my heart. Complications like fibroid, blocked fallopian tubes, PID, STDs, STI,s, miscarriages, hotness of the womb, low sperm count, no sperm count, hormonal imbalance to the child in her womb. 45 Prayer Points Against Spiritual Sickness. What a blessing to bring new life into this world. I am your child. Amen. Jesus, my Savior, you have blessed this family beyond measure by giving us this child that is developing in my womb. Part of our redemptive heritage is long life, that is why he died on the cross, that we might have life and have it more abundantly. I reject every spirit of premature birth in the name of Jesus. Whether it is breakups, losing your job, testing positive for a disease, getting cancer, being in an accident, being cheated on, losing a loved one, surviving a traumatic experience, or losing a business, God always takes care of our broken selves and nurses us back to strength. And because, the keys of death and hell are in the hand of Christ, and He will use it to the favor of His children. Fill my heart with the assurance that you are full of steadfast love for me. You are our Strong Tower. You knit me together in my mother's womb. You are my fortress, Lord, you protect me from harm. Prayer for Peace All-Knowing God, thank you that you know exactly what I need as I give birth today. May I feel peace and security in your arms as I give birth. Being a mom is the most beautiful adventure and the greatest job in a womans life. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. Kindly subscribe to our channel. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. Hes my whole life, and if something happened to him, I wouldnt know how to go on. Lift Me Up Prayer Mighty God, as I persevere through the pain of childbirth, remind me that your love endures throughout all generations. Send Your Holy Spirit and illuminate my uterus. May I demonstrate your love to my child. [Dont forget theses 15 Things when going to the NICU]. When I feel isolated, remind me that I am never alone. Lord, I decree that this baby will continue to develop in my womb without any complications. You created this child LordYou formed this baby inside of meAnd so I know and believe that you can save my babyLet your healing power flow through every cell of his bodyLet it flow through his veins and his bloodLet him grow and develop exactly as he was supposed to inside of meIn Jesus name, I pray,Amenif(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'thegracefulchapter_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_15',118,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thegracefulchapter_com-mobile-leaderboard-2-0'); Heavenly Father,I bow before you in prayer for my babyPlease preserve her life and save her from early deathLet your spring of living waters flow over her Heal her of whatever ails herTake control of her body, her heart, and her mind, Let every part of her being develop and function properlyLet your powerful energy surround my babyFill her with strength as she fights for her lifeGrant her divine health with long lifeThrough Jesus Christ, our Lord,Amen, Almighty Father,Thank you for the life of my babyIm thankful for the fact that although my baby came prematurely, hes still aliveI pray that you will continue to preserve his lifePlease grant my baby divine strength And cover him with your mighty wings, Shield and protect him from ailments and afflictionsSurround him with your warmth and love in the NICULet my baby come home stronger and healthierIn Jesus name,Amen, Merciful Father,I come before you today with a heavy heartFather, the child you blessed me with came too soon and so has to stay in the hospitalLord, Im scared and worried and because of that Im restlessPlease take control of my situation and calm my anxious mind, Keep watch over my baby and protect him from harmFill my baby with strength, love, and warmthProvide for him everything he will need to survivePlease do not let any harm come to my childEven in my fears, I choose to put my trust in you Lord, You gave me this child, Lord, You created this childAnd so I know that you will continue to preserve his lifeWith you in control, I believe that my baby will not dieWith you in control, I know that my baby will come home stronger and healthierThank you for your abundant grace on our lives,Amen, Almighty Healer,I lift my baby unto youTouch her, heal her and make her wholeLet your healing power flow through herFill her with your strength and power, Let her continue to grow and developTouch her with your healing graceAnd breathe new life into herLet my child live, Lord, let her survive life in NICUIn Jesus name, I pray,Amen, Everlasting Lord,My baby was born prematurely, and for humans, that is a bad thingBut I believe in your word that says that all things work together for goodAnd so I know that it doesnt matter that my baby came too soon,I believe that you have great plans for this baby And so all things will work together for good for this baby, Thank you for your wordThank you for the hope and assurance that your word gives usStrengthen my baby and carry her through her recovery processSustain her by your grace and fill her heart with joyThank you for the gift of this child,Amen, Gracious Lord,Thank you for the gift of this childLord, although our child was born before his time,We believe in your word that you will not leave this childSo we surrender our child to you, Please be with our child through his time in the incubatorHelp him grow stronger and healthier with each passing dayShield this child under your wings and keep him far from all evilIn Jesus name,Amen, Almighty Father,Thank you for this wonderful baby you have bestowed onto this family.Thank you for saving him from premature deathWe pray that you will keep preserving his life throughout his time in NICU. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. Let me cling onto your promises. From the day you find out you are pregnant, you look forward to meeting your little one with excitement. Father, I break and loose myself from all premature death of the first born and first sons in my family by the blood of Jesus, in the mighty name of Jesus. This prayer helped me experience a miracle pregnancy and birth. Here are some more bible verses for premature babies to keep you focused on Jesus as you care for your baby girl. Prayer can be a powerful tool in the fight against prematurity. I ask that you give me joy on the tough days, grace on the joyful days, and peace when things don't go as planned. How precious to me are your thoughts, God! May your love fill my heart with joy. I'm Alexis, a momma to two little girls - one of which has a rare heart defect. Amen. "Blessing for a Premature Birth" was written by Rabbi Elliot Kukla and was first published in Where Healing Resides (CCAR 2013), p. 48. He is so good to us, even in the valleys. For you formed my inmost being. Thank you for remembering me. Soothing Prayer Father of Enduring Faithfulness, fill me with hope and strength as I feel exhausted from labor. No one is closer to God than a woman about to give birth. Also Related: 13 Powerful Prayers for Unborn Baby with Problem. Soothe and protect me during this difficult time. Soothe me with the certainty of your faithful love. I ask that I would know your comforting presence. I expect a child, and today, I come before You with this child that You have just created in me to bless and praise You. Let them know that the courageous decision to welcome and nurture the child is taken into account. Protect my belly with your infinite love. As you engage, I pray God will destroy the stronghold of premature death and grant you a satisfying long life, where your eye will not be dim and your knees will not be feeble. Holy Mary, Lord, I hold on to your word this day that says: Whose report shall you believe? In Jesus name, I pray. Remove all danger and disease from my child and me. Father, let every wicked person preparing coffins of untimely death for me enter into that coffin and be buried, in the name of Jesus. Comfort Prayer God of All Comfort, bring peace to my mind and my heart as I journey through childbirth. 13 Powerful Prayers for Unborn Baby with Problem, prayer for the last moment but to guarantee protection, 15 Helpful Prayers for Marriage Reconciliation, 50th Wedding Anniversary Prayers: 17 Inspiring, Wedding Anniversary Blessings And Prayers: 15 Great, Prayers for Peace of Mind and Heart: 15 Helpful, 25 Uplifting Prayers for Protection and Safety. Gods word has assured us that we shall be satisfied with long life and He will show us his salvation. 18 Prayers Against Infertility And Barrenness. Protect us, watch over us, and grant me courage, patience, and the reward of great joy when the birth pains come. God, bless our precious daughter. Amen. 42) . We need you to be near. I will give thanks to you, For I am fearfully and wonderfully made. It is you who give life. It doesnt matter if this is your first child or your fourth child, baby planning mode automatically switches on in your brain. One of the things that ends premature death in ones life and family is prayer and a life dedicated to serving God. Father, watch over my baby and allow him/her to be born under the best of circumstances! My soul knows that very well. Pregnancy and childbirth are times of considerable uncertainty, doubt, and fear. It not how life was supposed to be. Please join your faith with ours that the Good Lord will help my wife (His . Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom can be no variation, nor turning shadow. In the multitude of my thought within me, Your comforts delight my soul., For I know the thought that I think toward you, says Yahweh, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you hope in your latter end., It is of Yahwehs loving-kindnesses that we are not consumed, because his compassion doesnt fail.. Put your arms around him and keep him warmComfort him and fill his heart with peace and joyBe his strength, and help him to grow stronger and healthier,Amen. May my child know their identity and dignity as your child, as you lead them into the fullness of life. Give me strength and divine wisdom to raise this child according to your Holy Word. Fill my heart with your perfect peace and protect me and my baby from harm. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Father, let the blood of Jesus cancel and nullify every covenant of premature death programmed against my life, in the name of Jesus. She was born before her time, yet her birth was not outside of your hand. Help him to overcome the temptations of this world and the sin that would so easily involve him. beata edited Romanian subtitles for POWERFUL PRAYER AGAINST PREMATURE DEATH IN FAMILY!!! May they feel the love of the Father and discover that every child that comes into the world is a blessing. We celebrate a new birth in our midst. Guard me preciously and jealously under your protective wings and cover me with the precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. All loving God, God, it is so painful to see a newborn baby so small and have to fight for life in the world instead of continuing its development secretly in its mother's womb. Make my baby born healthy, strong, and perfect. Basically, in the spiritual realm premature death is a situation where the devil and his agents use various means to cut short the life of a child of God. as a reflection of your own divine life May the light of God erase from your memories all the evil and frightening things you have seen. God My Rock Prayer God of Victory, give me strength. Effective midnight prayer section can help a woman to have a safe delivery. Lord, I put all my trust, faith, and hope in you for this baby in my womb. 5 Good Prayers for Premature Babies. Colossians 3:3 says For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. So we are already dead in Christ Jesus and have been raised to life with him, therefore, our life is hidden with Christ in God. Prayer is another way to scatter the stronghold of premature death in ones life and receive the blessings of long life. Restore My Strength Prayer Lord Jesus Christ, hear my cry to you as I deliver my child. Fill me with your Spirit and help me endure the difficulties of childbirth with my hope set on the joy of the child you have given me. You are our only Healer, our Hope. But as much as you want to meet them, you also want them to be born strong and healthy and that means you look forward to having a full-term baby. Father, I command every evil beast seeking to destroy my life to be roasted by fire, in the name of Jesus. Be encouraged by these verses focused on Gods goodness. Amen. Comforting Presence Prayer Loving Father, please bring relief to me in my time of labor. Watch over my pregnancy and this child. Do not be anxious to face all stages of pregnancy, especially the time of delivery. May his tiny fingers grow into strong hands that can serve you faithfully. Are you about to give birth, and are you overcome with anguish? Today, I ask for your mercy and protection in the birth process. Thank you for the gift of new life. Help me to feel secure in the knowledge that you have good plans for me. Prayer For Safe Delivery During Pregnancy, Prayer For Safe Delivery And Healthy Baby. Prayer for the Premature Baby. I implore you to allow me to continue the pregnancy and that my child grows up healthy, safe, without health or growth problems. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'thegracefulchapter_com-box-4','ezslot_4',107,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thegracefulchapter_com-box-4-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'thegracefulchapter_com-box-4','ezslot_5',107,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thegracefulchapter_com-box-4-0_1'); .box-4-multi-107{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:7px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:7px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}It is our duty to watch them each day and take care of their every need. Father, I declare that I will not die prematurely, but live to declare the works of the Lord in the land of the living, in the name of Jesus. This child that I carry in my womb is the fruit of the love that you have blessed. Your word says, you have done all things well.. Father, let every evil dedication to the spirit of premature death speaking in my life and destiny be destroyed, in the name of Jesus. It's time for delivery and the Medical Doctors told us yesterday that our precious baby is 4.1kg and advised us to go for a cesarean section against our wish, prayer and belief. As I give birth to this child, remind me that you already know them. My frame wasnt hidden from you, When I was made in secret, Woven together in the depths of the earth. I thank you for allowing me to shelter it. The way our children will turn out in the future is highly dependent on how we love them in the early stages. So premature death is a device of the devil to destroy man and his glorious destiny. Father, you know what it is like to see your son suffer. For you formed my inmost being. Endurance Prayer O Lord, my God, thank you that you have plans for me that are for my good and your glory. Consider some of these verses as your pray over your baby. Joyful Prayer O Lord my God, thank you that your grace is unending. The earlier a baby is born, the higher the risk of death or serious disability. Instead, go to the Lord in prayer for your little one and before you know it, theyll be home with you. Keep him strong and healthy. Our Father and our God, give us your comfort and courage! My soul knows that very well. God our Father, creator, and master of all things. With you on my side, Jesus, I know that I can be calmer and that everything will go well at the time of delivery. Father, let every evil altar of premature death erected against me be dismantled, in the name of Jesus. Fill him with Your light, power, majesty, and glory, just as you did in the womb of Mary to beget Jesus. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. Fill him with your Spirit right now. Help my baby grow and develop into a healthy baby. My frame wasnt hidden from you, When I was made in secret, woven together in the depths of the earth. Amen. Prayers against premature death (40 Prayer Giants) Paperback - Large Print, August 24, 2014 by Prayer M. Madueke (Author) 4.6 out of 5 stars 22 ratings God our Father, I beg you, protect me throughout my pregnancy and beyond. Premature death means dying at an early stage in life. Give me the means to offer him a dignified and safe childhood and youth. Drug or alcohol abuse. Be strong and of good courage; dont be afraid, neither be dismayed: for Yahweh your God is with you wherever you go., [Want more Bible Verses for Little Boys? Father, let every attempt of premature death made against me to be aborted, in the mighty name of Jesus. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,600],'thegracefulchapter_com-banner-1','ezslot_6',108,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thegracefulchapter_com-banner-1-0');Your premature baby is a perfectly created spirit by God and even though their physical bodies may be dinged up, God expects you to be there for them and give them strength just as he does for us when we need him. Today, I will be sharing prayer points against premature death. God, please take away the guilt in my heart. Father, I nullify every authority and acclaimed ownership of any evil covenant of premature death over my life by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. May I glorify you throughout this process. Please provide everything I need throughout the process of childbirth. Wash baby clothes and bedding. Your Words say we should call on you, and you will answer us. May we find rest in your secure arms, let our hearts be filled with the joy of the Lord. That is why, as believers, praying for a safe delivery and healthy baby is critical. Amen. Please heal our son. you created the human family Protect the mother, the baby, who is ready to start this new adventure. May you be confident knowing you are a child of God. Whatever happens, Lord, I know that we are all fearfully and wonderfully made. I promise you to guide my son always on the right path. Strengthen me with faith in your power and mercy. May I not forget that. Praying for premature babies is one way . A list of 'prayers for unborn baby in distress' to provide strength and guidance when needed the most. We must be fervent on the altar of prayer, we must pray and fast without season, if we must break the shackles of premature death in our lives and see the fulfilling of our days. I am approaching childbirth. Im super excited youre here! Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. In the name of your son, blessed Christ, our Lord, I ask you to help me raise this unborn with love, respect, humility, commitment, and much joy. Father, let every coffin prepared by the agents of death for my life catch fire and roast to ashes, in the name of Jesus. Father, let every arrow of premature death fired into my life and that of my family backfire by the holy ghost fire to the senders, in the name of Jesus. As I progress through labor and delivery, pour out your strength into my mind and body. Your word says that your peace, which transcends all understanding, will guard my heart and my mind in Christ Jesus. I ask that your presence never leave me and that you intervene so that everything operates according to your holy will. Our family is overwhelmed. Or like Tehila, who was born two months premature and . Please provide everything I still need to strengthen my bond with you. Watch Over Me Prayer Heavenly Father, thank you because you are perfectly faithful. Thank You, Father, for hearing my prayers. May I feel your presence today, Father, in new and excellent ways. Whatsoever we ask in prayer, you answer us. Consider buying a brand new car which has never known any accidents in the past. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with my spirit. May I experience the reality of that joy. Father, your word says, none shall cast there young I, therefore, decree that I will not lose this baby in the name of Jesus. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. I believe that it is you who gave me this child that I carry in my womb. We are fearful and desperately need your peace. Believers must know that our life is in the hand of God, and the spirit of premature death has no hold over our lives to determine when we have to die. Do you have an unborn baby with a problem? Father, let every Witchcraft power tormenting my life with the spirit of premature death fall down and die, in the name of Jesus. Read on for powerful prayers to turn this situation around. Please help and protect me through the process of labor and delivery. These problems often vary. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Childbirth Prayer Compassionate and Gracious God, I thank you for the wonder of children and the gift of new life. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. 10 Best Non-Toxic Baby Toy Brands That Are Healthy For Your Child! If I would count them, they are more in number than the sand. Fill the following form: You have entered an incorrect email address! Also Related: 13 Prayers for Safe Delivery And Healthy Baby. I know that You never leave me or forsake me. Protect this baby, give him good health and let the pregnancy go well until the end. Please give me the strength and endurance I need to keep going during labor. Before Giving birth to him, I give him to You and consecrate him to You so that his life may be all for You. You can be calmer now! Bless this child with your grace, take all diseases away from us, and allow my baby to come into the world and develop and grow healthy. Amen Pregnancy prayer - Thank you for hearing my cry Gracious Lord, I'm thankful for your favor upon me Thank you for this beautiful gift of new life growing inside of me Thank you for answering my prayers by blessing my womb with a child. Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for this precious child of mine. You have granted me the immense gift of small living life in my life. Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. Apotropaic ward for the protection of pregnant women and infants against Lilith & her minions (CUL MS General 194, Montgomery 1913 Amulet No. You knit me together in my mothers womb. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Nurture them to be strong and they will grow up strong. You want to be happy that your baby is here but on another hand, you are scared that they might not make it, and that makes you sad. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Prayers against Premature Death (40 Prayer Giants Book 38). Help me and inspire me so that he finds in me a refuge where he can take shelter and, at the same time, a starting point to take his paths. Holy Spirit Prayer Gracious God, thank you that you are with me through this process of childbirth. PRAYERS TO DEAL WITH DEMONIC DREAMS, FAMILIAR SPIRITS & EVIL PATTERNS | APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN - YouTube 0:00 / 10:52 PRAYERS TO DEAL WITH DEMONIC DREAMS, FAMILIAR SPIRITS & EVIL PATTERNS |. I only need your comfort, support, and a helping hand so that the delivery will be stress-free. Refresh my soul with your Holy Spirit. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. If you are going through a season of being blessed with a sweet preemie, ground your heart in Gods Word and find peace in His protective care. Dear Guardian Angel of my precious unborn baby, I pray to you today as a desperate mother so that you will help me to reach my love heart with a ray of light. These verses are great for both girls and boys. Blessed art thou among women, Thank you for this new life, which will enrich mine. A mother, the higher the risk of health challenges peace, which all! A woman about to give birth, and perfect freedom to sing,,! That would so easily involve him new life into this world and the gift of small living life in life. Not forget the infinite possibilities that are healthy for your baby who calls to you as I progress through,! Whatever happens, Lord, soothe me with your love and your infinite mercy shower... Helped me experience a miracle pregnancy and birth of every pregnant woman is to birth! 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Children will turn out in the name of Jesus belongs to you as I give birth, and fear hex..., you know exactly what I will give him when I was in! Serve you faithfully am never alone without support or affection childbirth are times of considerable uncertainty, doubt, I... For your mercy and protection in the future is highly dependent on we! Find out you are my fortress, Lord, with my spirit to develop in time...
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