Hook notifies Emma by phone that Mr. Gold has trapped Belle on the Jolly Roger because he fears Hyde will go after her. Just a some good old Swan Mills family fluff." Hope is born to the savior, Emma Swan-Jones and her husband, former pirate, Killian Jones. Later, Emma holds the ring Hook gave her, while still grieving over him when she hears the dagger's call. On closer look, they realize it's wolf Ruby, who reverts to human after being covered by her cloak. Mysteriously, some town residents have been disappearing since everyone's return to Storybrooke, and when two more dwarves are reported missing, Emma decides to look into it. By chance, she meets Mr. Gold, who comes in to collect the monthly rent from Granny. At the dirigible's crash site, Emma helps collect scraps to create a new weapon to defeat Hyde, during which she develops a hand tremor and sees a vision of herself battling an unknown enemy. After Hades removes David, Regina, Emma, Robin and Henry's names, Emma fails to split her heart with Hook because he has been dead for too long. David and Hook procured only one bean, but it's enough. ("Going Home"), Directly after driving out of Storybrooke, Emma and Henry obtain false memories of their life together. Before she can ask him that means, he suddenly collapses and dies from a fatal heart attack. Zelena, incensed that the fairy threatened to take Robin earlier, wishes to finish her off herself, but Emma reasons that Regina's plan to find the other half of the wand is more practical so they'll have a weapon to use against her. When Emma's tremor acts up, Ashley takes the opportunity to run away, with Emma unable to use magic to stop her. Emma is accused of having a more than professional relationship with Graham, but affirms anything that did happen meant nothing. I smiled and ran back into the room. Congratulations! In this episode, Emma saves her parents, Regina, Hook . Inside the shop, she is instructed by Mr. Gold to take out a piece of invisible chalk from a jar and draw a protection line at the door. Close to death, Mr. Gold speaks to Belle on the phone and hangs up abruptly. At the school grounds, his teacher, Mary Margaret, reveals that Henry thinks she is Snow White, which shocks Emma. Without thinking or waiting for a response, Emma rushed forward, as if on autopilot, and wrapped her arms around the other woman. While Regina works on a locator spell for the wand, Snow involves Emma, Hook, David, and Henry in picking out a wedding venue. Emma finds it suspicious Kathryn didn't discover her husband's whereabouts until now, but lets it slide. Emma reassures Regina that she won't be a problem, especially since the father doesn't know Henry exists. To Hook, Emma persuades him into telling her the truth about Ursula in his own time. She and Graham investigate at a caved in sinkhole. Hook thanks Emma for saving his life, even though the cost was her own magic. Gideon refuses unless she assists him with his mission, to which Emma, furious at Gideon attempting to blackmail her into helping him after previously trying to kill her, drops her hold on him and slaps him hard, drawing blood from his lip. Back at camp, Emma begins helping to weave a large net out of vines to catch a Lost Boy while avoiding Hook's unwavering stare. Returning home, Emma notices Henry forgot to move the chest to the shed, so she begins taking it out herself, only to hear Hook's voice coming from a conch shell inside it. Throwing her hands up, the former queen engulfed herself in a cloud of purple smoke, using magic to transport herself to the ER within a flash. Henry had hopes of being in the Enchanted Forest, but a new operation in Storybrooke is fun too. Even with this, Emma surrenders and offer her the key to the kingdom. We sat in silence; I had no idea what to think other than her father's going to kill her. With her parents, they decide to place Regina in a jail cell for protection and then confront Mr. Gold for his misdeeds. As a price, the Dark One is revived while the key user will die. Relieved, she and Henry hug in reconciliation. As her body dissolves into mirror shards, she returns Emma and Elsa's lost memories. Emma affirms she is better as the Dark One, free of her past closed-minded and judgmental personality, and suggests they can move forward together if he is willing. ("Firebird"). The two are released to speak with the leader of the survivors, Lancelot, who Mary Margaret is acquainted with. #onceuponatime During the search, they come upon Henry practicing sword fighting. After Mary Margaret and David go on their house hunt, Emma notices Henry drawing blueprints for what to change if they decide to move out. Emma and her parents confronts Regina on her doorstep about what she did. The Snow Queen steals Regina's mirror and chokes them, but Elsa arrives to blast her away. She finds it strange the mayor is getting herself involved in the case, though Regina gives a recollection of how she found John Doe on the side of the road and became his emergency contact. Once inside, they reach a dead end and see a caged Neal on a separate strip of land. Hook confirms they did indeed go back to their homeland. Equally as surprising, Elsa's mother and Ingrid had another sister, Helga, who resembles Emma. Combing the woods with David, they soon find Mr. Gold. He refuses to let her go until she makes a hat "work", though Emma only makes an unfinished bowler hat. Emma used to wear glasses, but later, she switched to contact lenses. Dr. Whale leaves the room to prep for the surgery, and Mary Margaret remarks how drunk he appears to be. Emma is confused by the photographic resemblance. After turning him into the authorities, she heads back to her flat and lights a cupcake for her twenty-eighth birthday. ("Dreamcatcher"), After Merlin and some of the heroes have rescued Lancelot from Arthur's castle, they regroup with everyone else at the diner. She looks in the backroom, but she is sidetracked by her hand tremors, which are accompanied by her vision again. Regina didn't respond, all she could do was cry and cry into the phone and it was so hard for Emma to say, "Baby, I need to hang up so I can get there as fast as possible." Her words caused Regina to cry harder. ("The Jolly Roger"), After Zelena successfully steals Regina's heart, Emma reports for a group seance to open a portal to the land of the dead by using the now defunct candle to talk to Cora about her first-born child's origins. With a knowing look, the sea witch drops Hook's name as she walks away, which piques Emma's interest about how he knows her. This plan is further halted when Belle discovers it's possible to make a counter spell with the necklace. Emma answer the door, meeting Liam, Hook's deceased older brother. They set off for a cave Neal once inhabited as a boy. ("Going Home", "New York City Serenade"), A year later, in New York, Emma becomes accustomed to taking Henry to a fountain outside the Midtown Library and giving him a penny to make a wish, as way to cheer him up when he is upset. According to herself, Emma has been in many relationships that failed. After affirming her love to Hook, Emma allows the darkness to enter her body so she becomes the new Dark One before she vanishes into thin air. At one point, she is adopted and lives with a family, but is returned to the foster system at age three when that family has a biological child of their own. He explains that Zeus brought him back as a reward for stopping Hades, while Emma is overwhelmed with happiness at having him back. After some amateur sleuthing in Regina's vault, Mr. Gold informs them of a spell called "the curse of the empty-hearted", that when cast on someone, has the ability to make the caster think the person loves him or her. The couple convince Henry they are just lying down while Emma awkwardly excuses herself. That's why her choice of. The women hide behind a pillar, while the Queen gives Henry a hammer to smash the Dragon's heart to save his family. However, she'd rather bring him out of town so he can be away from Regina for good. The trio then finds Robin in New York, but even after Zelena reveals her true self, he refuses to leave her since she is pregnant with his child. She admits to not wanting the role of sheriff and people relying on her. Although Emma confirms Hook wants to move on, Regina advises her to help Hook forgive himself for his dark deeds. My phone started ringing and I was hoping that it was Hook, it was Regina. Anton spots Emma and rushes off to greet her with a warm embrace. On the street, Regina orders Emma to check out the stranger in town. When Henry writes another story, Emma reads it out loud, providing her parents with much-needed confirmation that Neal received their message. From upstairs, Henry has been eavesdropping and pushes his way into the conversation. In the woods, Graham tracks John Doe's trail until it goes cold. Emma is perturbed by this, but tries to understand since Mary Margaret didn't have a chance to be a mother the first time around. With the last curse, she recalls believing in magic after touching the fairytale storybook, which triggered her memories of the Enchanted Forest. On the stroll back to the apartment, she brings up to Neal the matter of coming back to Storybrooke with them. Emma asks her to leave, but Lily refuses to go without retrieving her crescent moon necklace, which is in an abandoned house she was staying at. On the journey to gather more poppy dust so Mary Margaret can reach the Netherworld, a raven from Cora gives them a message. At home, they nurse the temporary setback by snacking on ice cream. As large falling stones appear to crush Hook, Emma is grabbed and squeezed in the giant's fist. Later, when Mr. Gold returns after seemingly fulfilling his fate and offers up the fairy's blackened heart as proof that he killed her, Emma praises him for doing his duty as a Savior. After a time, Cora finally breaks through the barrier. Following Jekyll and Hyde's simultaneous deaths, Regina tells Emma that for the Queen to cease to exist, she must die and that although she and the Queen are separate now, her own capacity for evil is still there. After giving her the message, he disappears. Ingrid then appears; advising Emma to accept herself since it's the only option. Please consider turning it on! He directs her to capture a will-o-wisp, which can locate Merlin, but Merida grabs it first. Unexpectedly, Regina intercepts the battle, saving Marian's life, by obliterating the being, and then she teleports away. Emma hastily gets up to push Mary Margaret away so Cora reaches inside her chest instead. We hung up and I went over to the couch to sit and wait for David to arrive. ("The Bear and the Bow"), Unable to sleep, Emma continues weaving dreamcatchers, oblivious that Hook has noticed her worrying behavior. Cleo reveals that she once gave up her daughter, much like how Emma was given up, and this is all she hopes for her. Before Emma leaves to find the culprit, Regina insinuates, judging from the snow monster and ice cave-in, that the savior is incapable of her job. ", "Your father said you weren't feeling well and said you came here. Congratulations! On the way down, Emma thanks Milah for her help and reveals that Neal has moved on to a better place. As Emma's hand tremor acts up, she stuns Gideon with a burst of magic and moves to kill him but stops when Mr. Gold begs for his son's life spared. ("Unforgiven"), Learning from her parents that Regina has gone undercover to infiltrate the villains' plans, Emma becomes increasingly worried when she does not report back. Fun galpre, tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, A Slayer As A Companion Might Not Be A Good Idea, Doctor, Prince "Charming" James | David Nolan/Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth/Nathalie Sancoeur, Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth & Nathalie Sancoeur, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Nathalie Sancoeur, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Prince Charming | David Nolan & Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Marian (Once Upon a Time)/Mulan (Once Upon a Time), Original Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan Child(ren), Lydia is not allowed to do magic without Stiles anymore, - | The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System - Mxing Tngxi, luo binghe senses something has changed in the force, yue qingyuan goes through several stages of grief poor man, A little bit like Ground Hog Day meets Family Man but only if you squint, warnings for a truly ridiculous amount of fluff, Tissaia de Vries/Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, they be dancing around each other like always <3, The One Where It's (Shockingly) Not Peter's Fault, Stiles is Pregnant with Peters Werewolf baby, Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Maleficent (Once Upon a Time), Emma Swan & Maleficent (Once Upon a Time), and then comes back a more mature person with his little pack yay, Alternate Universe - No Durins Died At BoFA, Life When You've Had a Baby With A Dwarven King and Are Expecting Once Again. ("Pilot"), The next morning, Emma receives apples from Regina for her trip back to Boston. On the way there, he adopts the code name "Operation Cobra" for their plan to keep the Evil Queen from realizing they are working to break the curse. Hook asks her to find him in Central Park when she is ready to talk. They meet the Dragon, who also confined in the mirror by the Queen, and he shows them a portal that a previously trapped Sidney was working on. He admits his reasons for hiding, and that he is ashamed of his decision to use the shears rather than face his fate. (This is mostly DragonSwan but I swear Regina is there too). Emma changes the subject, taking the sword, and tries to remind him of how she taught him to swordfight in the alternate reality. Upset, he dashes out of the apartment as Emma follows. Her use of dark magic forces her physical looks to change; making her hair a bleached blonde color, her lips a deathly red, and even swapping out her gown for a leathery garb. Unable to shake her own suspicions, Emma goes to question Neal about Tamara. Emma returns to Archie and tells him about a theory she has, in which the cloaked enemy in her vision is Regina. one of the nurses pushed me into a room and Dad came in with me, while Ruby waited in the lobby trying to get a hold of Mom and Killian. While Cora threatens Regina with her father's demise if she doesn't leave the Underworld, Mr. Gold procures magic ale, which Emma uses to summon Hook's spirit, however, Hook is unable to respond to her. Suspecting Regina left her phone behind to keep her from following, she rushes outside and finds the mobile on the ground. Despite that they both want to finally be with their daughter, they ultimately decide not to interfere in Emma's life because if they take her now, she'll never grow up to break the curse and free everyone from it. Discovering footage of Cruella and Ursula taking the box, she informs her parents, although they both claim they were too suspicious of the women earlier and have since calmed down. The day after, Emma heads to the address, recognizing a dream catcher as Neal's, meaning the apartment is also his, but more shockingly, she finds a camera strap with Henry's name. After she is gone, Emma spills hot chocolate all over her shirt and is directed to a laundry machine in the back room. Excusing herself and her friend to the kitchen, Emma then sees news footage of Lily robbing a store. She quickly finds and apologies to August. Snow White never thought she would get the chance to see her daughter as a small child. Emma keeps this to herself, and when she makes up with Hook, she lies about the tremors being caused by stress. After Emma admits the details of her vision, she also reveals her suspicions that Regina is the hooded figure who will kill her. Unsure of his own skill, Dr. Whale consults Mr. Gold for help, but he refuses and only warns that they should hope Greg dies so an outsider can't spread their town's magic secret to the whole world. She even meets up with Hook, who informs her that Regina was with Cruella, Ursula and Maleficent in the diner last night, where they over-indulged in liquor and left some damage to the indoor property. Emma uses a locator spell on Ashley's shoe, and as she is following the shoe, she is joined by Hook and Henry. They learn Gerda wiped everyone's memories of her two sisters and wishes for her daughters to restore them using a crystal. Continuing on, they reach the old castle of Snow White and Prince Charming. Soon, Emma investigates another missing resident, Little John, who was kidnapped by a winged beast, so she sends David, Hook, and the Merry Men to look for him. The group split up to search for Hook, but after no luck, Emma finds Henry at the diner, after he unsuccessfully looked for Neal in the inn. From the outside of the mayoral office, Emma comforts a silent Regina and promises to help her find a happy ending. Henry believes the problem is everyone as magic is corrupting good people such as both Mary Margaret and Regina and makes them do bad things, though Emma insists it makes bad people do bad things, too. Emma, along with her parents, Leroy and Ruby, try to break into the stranger's phone to learn who he is. After Robin and Henry are sent to get it from the mayor's office, Emma discovers blood and follows it, but instead of Killian, she finds Hades' escaped prisoner Megara. Emma rips out Merida's heart, after magically pulling her close, and begins crushing it, when Hook, Henry, Robin, Regina and her parents arrive to stop her, convincing her to return the heart and that they'll find another way to track down Merlin. Later, she admits to Henry that the past is keeping her from accepting Walsh, so he sets up a dinner date for them. I saw her phone sitting on the counter, I grabbed it and started dialing Killian's number. After Emma finds new clothes, she and Hook witness Snow White trying to steal from Prince Charming. But that was something she could handle, nothing about it would change. Emma is unsure about helping him, so he gives her his name card. finally the contraction ended, he got me off of my bed, and put his arm around me to help me walk over to the stairs. Hope is born to the savior, Emma Swan-Jones and her husband, former pirate, Killian Jones. Suddenly, the cut on Hook's neck reopens. After some playful banter, she pushes Hook into a long, passionate kiss, but pushes away stating it's a one time thing. Aurora reappears to break up a fight between Mary Margaret and Mulan; explaining she escaped with Hook's help. The interrogation stops only after Hook pulls the dagger out of Regina's hands, to which Emma snatches the dagger and ember, storming off into the woods. ("7:15 A.M."), Once more, Emma butts heads with Regina. To this, Regina disappears in a cloud of smoke. Mr. Gold believes that he deserves thanks for bringing Emma to her parents, breaking the curse and saving Henry's life, which she is doubtful he has any credit in. Seeing papers from an agency in Ingrid's bag, Emma assumes she will be sent away again, however, Ingrid happily admits she is adopting her. With no more use for either woman, Mr. Gold prepares to hurl a fireball at them, but Henry arrives to absorb the crystal's magic into a replica of the Holy Grail. ", "Are you afraid that he won't stick around if he finds out? Before they rescue Robin from New York, the pair head to Massachusetts, following an address lead for Lily that is five years old. Emma orders Regina to make the trigger stop, but there is no way of doing that. Maybe I don't do everything for Gabriel like I thought I would Great storytelling with horrific grammar. Young Emma steals an Apollo bar from a movie goer's pocket. So I walked out into the lobby and went to ask Charming if there was anything. After thanking Regina, they eventually return to pawnshop where Mary Margaret awakens David with true love's kiss. Hook shares insight of Neal's talent passed down from his mother. ("Snow Drifts"), Shocked at her mother's death, Emma discovers Snow White escaped by turning herself into a bug, and she reverts to human with the Blue Fairy's help. It hurts but readableSlow burn as in the feelings were there, but the burn came at the last half of the story. As the two hide from the spider, Gideon continues to build up Emma's trust by apologizing for trying to kill her and assuring her that all he wants is to free the Black Fairy's prisoners, however, when they reach a dead end, he shoves Emma into a sticky web, trapping her in place while he steals Hrunting, revealing that he can open a portal to go kill the Black Fairy once Emma dies. David gives Elsa a shepherd's crook, and from it, she hears her sister's heartbeat. Believing Regina is lashing out, Emma shrugs it off. She begins apologizing for stealing, but he points out that he is actually referring to something else and then cautions her against doing things for the right reasons because bad things will happen. Only after getting to the location, she discovers the fake fight was an excuse devised by Regina and Snow to lure her to the bar. They reach a farmhouse and deduct that someone is living in it. David asks Emma to tell Henry that his grandpa loves him and bids her farewell in a warm embrace. I was still in a lot of pain. Regina's cousin - Robin - armed to separate her from the w. Mary Margaret makes an attempt to escape, but is knocked unconscious. She tells Archie about what's bothering her, and her reluctance in asking Hook to move in with her because she can't offer him a future where the vision doesn't happen. With a little help from some magic, Regina ends up carrying their child. Convinced that they must save the town, Emma persuades Elsa into handing over the pendant in a pouch, though it is actually filled with pebbles. While Walsh is away from the table during dinner, the pirate man, Hook, gives her an apartment address that she must see to know the truth about her family, who desperately need her help. Mary Margaret changes the subject to point out the mission could be unsafe since both Neal and Hook obviously have feelings for her. She gives him mouth-to-mouth resuscitationa "kiss"and has her magic drained away. Regina asks to be allowed to spend more time with Henry, but Emma does not think it is a good idea. At the last minute, Emma surprisingly constructs a makeshift landing out of the bridge planks to save herself; proving just how much power she has since Regina had only wanted her to simply retie the cut rope. Zelena, in disbelief that Hades is evil, encloses the town hall with a barrier, as she, the baby and Hades are inside. Joining hands, Emma and Mary Margaret leap into the portal. Swan-Mills family moments. Emma encourages him not compromise himself for the sake of someone else and then laments about her own future death by remarking she won't always be there to mother him like she can now. When she points at the list Tamara had as evidence, Neal admits that he gave it to her so she could adjust to the town easier. Spotting a storm cellar, Emma prepares to break it open, but on Hook's advice, they decide to regroup with Regina first. In a moment with her mother, Emma reiterates how happy she and Henry were in New York, though Mary Margaret knows that was because their memories were gone. Wordlessly, Emma magicks Zelena back to her cell. ("Leaving Storybrooke"), Later, Emma watches as Henry and Hook spar on the Jolly Roger. Regina briefly looks at Emma with a perplexed look before smiling at Arthur. I was in pain and I was tired of hearing that. Out of guilt, Marco finally comes clean about the wardrobe's power to protect two people instead of one, and he selfishly made a deal with the Blue Fairy to allow his son to go through. Instead, Merida offers to give her the wisp after she is done with it at the Hill of Stones. After Zelena gives birth, the heroes come to believe Emma is after the baby, as the child's first cry is an ingredient for the spell to snuff out the light. Inside the lobby, Emma is able to spot a room number407which has no name listed. Inside the vault, Regina is found unconscious while one critical item is missing and now in Pan's handsthe Dark Curse. Ingrid reminds her of how the crane game flickered and implies it wasn't an accident, but Emma just shrugs it off. Regina approaches to speak to her about the revelation that Mr. Gold is Henry's grandfather. Henry believes what she believes, to which Emma agrees that her instincts are correct. Instead, Emma believes Mr. Gold is framing the mayor. As the nuns are welcomed back in the diner, Emma finds Hook brooding, feeling guilty for trapping the nuns, although she insists Mr. Gold is at fault for manipulating him. Emma shoves him off the roof. As they are waiting for the surgery to finish, a male nurse cannot find Dr. Whale, whose pager is the pocket of his disposed lab coat. Having heard about Emma and how she forced Violet to break Henry's heart, Zelena recalls knowing what it's like to be betrayed by a mother and being angry about it for a long time. I did have her approval to write in her universe and appreciate her openness in letting me write this filth! Emma's goodbye letter, whose envelope is titled "for my family", The text page next to Emma's illustration in, The in-show inspiration for the character of Emma relates to the story of ", The scars featured on Emma's chest in the. Together, the women get Excalibur from Mr. Gold, with Emma intending to absorb all the darkness and having Regina kill her to extinguish the Dark Ones. Pan threatens two things will happen by his endgame; that Henry will never want to leave the island, and Emma herself won't just feel like an orphan, but also be one. Emma declares her love for him and then parts from him after a kiss. They believe in their world, Emma just might have her happy ending. Even so, Emma expresses concerns about what would happen if outsiders found out about Storybrooke and its inhabitants. That night, Emma breaks into the courthouse to search for more files. Miraculously, the necklace grants her wish; bringing Anna and Kristoff to the shoreline. A fissure in the ice reveals Anna's lost necklace, which Elsa retrieves. Emma and those who drank the curse fall asleep, but after David and Snow wake up, they awaken as well. Regina approaches, telling her to get away from her son, while Emma coolly stands her ground. As they have a toast in honor of Neal, the ship suddenly rocks violently, prompting them to investigate and discover mermaids are slamming against the ship. After realizing only Neal can read the map encryption, an upset Emma flees outside as her parents follow to console her over losing the man she loved. She sends him away and goes after the bird, which leads her to an Oracle, who lets her see the end of the vision. 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