Again, THANK YOU!!!!! A buddy permit does not allow party hunting. More snow would mean better crops on this ranch, better and happier attitude by this landowner, more feed for the wildlife and prettier sights of this country site. But, once again, we got some great Mule Deer Bucks, and several nice antelope bucks. Nebraska provides youth the opportunity to purchase up to two youth permits valid for the harvesting of either sex deer in any unit of the state using the appropriate harvest method for that season. I can't believe what you have done with the ranch to make our hunt so enjoyable and comfortable. It's not unusual to see two or three herds at once, of anywhere from 200 to 2000 in each herds. When that is done you will be driven to several of the boundary areas of the ranch to familiarize you with the borders. This branch, covered in a little blood at the exit wound, is called a "BRUCH" in german and is the traditional gift to the successful hunter in Germany. Our weather has definitely changed and that affects the movement of wildlife. A self-contained motorhome is ok. Also McCook Nebraska is only about 20 miles away with the super 8 running about $ 65 per night double occupancies and food from BBQ to fast food available and also a Wal-Mart in case you forget something. We can help you out with information about licensing, although we will never be responsible for abtaining a license for you. Because there are so few Mule Deer on this property it is not that important to have a Mule Deer license because almost all that you see will be whitetail. We enjoyed very much the new friends and customers we were blessed to meet. Our private hunting land provides over 1,000 acres with creeks, mature oak and cottonwood trees, plum thickets, Ponderosa Pines and Niobrara River frontage. Buckhorn Canyon, CO Benkelman, Nebraska Experience the thrill of a tom turkey coming to the call. Again, thanks for inviting us to stay and experience Colorado hospitality. You did your utmost to see that we were successful. 2018 was a fantastic year for hunting. WOW, it was a breathless experience to be able to get up at "Roberts Roost" and look to the East for several miles knowing that we owned it all. BOX 1304Craig, CO 81626-1304United Populations are, declining in the Buffalo, Frenchman and Platte units. Archery Valid statewide. I sure would like to become a regular antelope hunter for you. All animals shot are the responsibility of the hunter to clean and care for. Wow, all the hunters left with big smiles on their faces. I saw several animals. Hunts are wild game, natural habitat, no calcium supplements, and no high-fenced animals. Nobody asked me, but, I think that these guys are spolied for life. Hunt dates are available on the Nebraska State website below Rifle: November Archery: September 15th - December 31st Muzzleloader: December 1st - 31st Non-Hunting guest fees are only $150 per day for lodging and meals. By now, they are tired of running, tired of hunters and those who survived may be wondering why? What an experience, to be able to sit down with you, your grandson and the other hunters and enjoy the company. But, sooner or later, I get it done; so, here I am again, trying to come up with something creative to describe what I would call "the most exceptional year yet". E-mail address (used to notify successful applicants of permit drawings). In 2010, everybody will be driving in two feet of snow, fighting the elements of nature, but, totally surrounded by elk and huge timber bucks. Location. When the temps get -20 and -30 they may feel that it would be best if they were spending the winter in a warmer .freezer. A 4 wheel drive truck will take you most places and quieter. Thank you, my friends, for coming to enjoy this beautiful place. We do this to keep our deer quality high. 2022 Trespass Hunt Fees. Our rugged hills and rivers filled with upland birds is just a short destination from Denver. We are making some noteworthy changes beginning with the 2015 hunting seasons. Truly a trip of a lifetime for a father and son. I truly love the property that I hunted. Hunter Trespass Fee hunt with on ranch lodging on 6000 acres . It is so, because I truly believe that you, my friends, are the best, And I need to do my utmost for you.. We are happy to have the hunters that help with population control when we hear that they have fulfilled their hunting permits with the deer of their dreams. Biggest "Thanks" to you and Monte for making us feel like family". Our success continues to be unbelievable in both species and the quality of the animals is consistent.. Take a youth hunting. Hunt #6031 Semi-Guided Mule Deer/Whitetail 600 Ac Private. He opted to hunt on the mountain property and camp out there. You will be hunting in the famous Nebraska Panhandle known for its game rich habitat where water and woods meet agriculture. Our log cabins are fully furnished, and they include full baths with cold/hot running water, kitchens that are equipped with appliances and kitchenware for your use and enjoyment. The region is teeming with wildlife of a wide variety. Big Game. Early the next morning, we started our hunt and after spotting and insuccessfully stalking several pronghorn herds we were finally able to get within 200 yards of one. Youth Whitetail Valid statewide for all seasons with the appropriate weapons. I especially liked the way you fostered a sense of co-operation among all the hunters. White-tail and Mule Deer Abound! One stamp is required for all hunting in a calendar year, but January deer hunters may use the previous years stamp. 3 Day DIY Spring Turkey Hunt $350 per Turkey with a maximum of 2. Bag limit: one deer of both sex and one antlerless whitetail. So, now with a total 6,500 under this ownership, it's easier to spread out our hunters , and be assured of the ultimate success. The hunter is ALWAYS responsible for applying for his own license. This area boasts great populations of Mule Deer, Whitetail, Wild Turkey, Upland Game, and Waterfowl. Season Choice Valid in specific units. ", "Thank you for giving my daughter and I a great hunt and experience. Thank you Ron and Steve and Carl and Larry and John and Walt and Jim and so many more of you. Well, it's the middle of January and it's cold; there is a lot of snow out there and even the elk are sluggish. The cabin has a have full kitchenette and is fully outfitted. All summer long, we kept seeing unusually large numbers of animals.. On the "Y LAZY S RANCH" we have been offering trespass only hunts with minimal other services offered. You can purchase your deer permits for the Sand Hills Area, which is our area at the ranch, over the internet at Great success with pronghorn antelope and mule deer during archery season. So, at least the pain of realizing how quickly I am getting real old, is eased up with this grand display of pyrotechnics. Landowner Valid on property of landowner. ****************. $1100 per hunter. We had some good laughs with the wonderful company of many, included the hunters from down under. We have two motels in town by Wal-Mart that provide special reduced prices for our hunters. I came as a young girl and have spent over a half a century here, raising a family, working, dreaming and yes, sometimes, crying. These beautiful animals were raised by the Butler family and lived on the ranch until they died from old age or were killed by their own. Bag limit: one deer of both sex and one antlerless whitetail. Hunt rates differ for Archery or Muzzleloader hunting contact me for details. I had a great time hunting and hanging out with both, you and Monte this year. I wish they would have stayed and taken what they came for, from such a long way away. And of course, while camping you can enjoy a real campfire, It's always so much fun to sit around the campfire in the evening and share hunting stories. For youths. Kids are welcome at our club and are encouraged to learn to hunt. Zell Farms Hunting is located about 15 miles from the nearest town, offering a serene, quiet setting. You can purchase your game permit and learn more about deer hunting and the seasons in Nebraska from the Guide. We did get some nice rains late in the fall, and many of the hunters noted that it was unusually green for so late in the fall. He spends his nights in his tent, with rifle on his side. You can contact the Game and Parks Commission at 2200 N. 33rd St., Lincoln, NE 68503, or call (402) 471-0641. You are free to shoot mule deer or whitetail bucks whichever you license allows, but the area is 90% whitetail. ******************. I saw hundreds of deer including 3 bucks on the Cummings place that would score 180 or better and several others that would score over 150. The years are going just too fast. Our hope is that we draw your area again, so we can return. This hunt is a Do It Yourself (DIY) hunt with some details assistance as below to help make you hunt a success by making your learning curve of the area shorter. Arizona. We provide small exclusive hunts at an affordable price! In person at Game and Parks permitting offices. Hunting Area Buffalo, Frenchman, Platte, and Republican units (see page 37), Permits Hunters wishing to harvest a mule deer buck in the MDCA must purchase a, Youth, Landowner, Buffalo, Frenchman, Platte, or Republican mule deer permit. Erich, from California,with a real heavy mulley. Hunt Info. I also saw a small handful of elk at both the Cummings and the Mobley place. The most outstanding kill was the buck antelope taken by Tim Keating, on his birthday. You assisted us at every turn and made our trip truly memorable. While some of the locals (and many of the hunters) have been talking about the lessened herds during the severe winter of 2007-2008, I have maintained my strong conviction of attributing the non-appearance of the herds to their usual migrating and grazing grounds, not to extra-ordinary losses of animals due to weather conditions, but, to the fact that the weather pattern is no longer what it used to be years ago. They are valid for whitetail in the MDCA. ", "I wanted to "THANK YOU" for a wonderful hunt during the 2011 4th season. Did you know that COLORADO has the largest ELK herd in the world? Hunter is responsible for Breakfast, dinner and lodging. Buffalo Whitetail, Frenchman Whitetail, Platte Whitetail, and Republican Whitetail permits: Important No person may obtain more than one permit that allows them to take of a mule deer buck, including Republican Mule Deer, Buffalo, Frenchman, and Platte permits. Several thousand again. It is, for sure, one of my favourite places to hunt at. We invite you to experience the excitement of quality hunting in Northwest Nebraska's most beautiful area. His thirst insatiable, until his gun's pin is set and his gun's barrell smokes.. "Aleka, Your ranch isan exceptional experience and your hunters have taken some really nice "Deer and Elk". During the past couple of years hunting elk in Moffat County, Colorado, has been disappointing to hunters, landowners, outfitters and the Division of Wildlife alike. Dominick Tofolo from New York, flew into Denver, drove out to the ranch with his son and spoiled his hunt within a couple of hours, by taking a beautiful 5x5 bull, opening morning. Hunt ID: NE-MDeerWDeer-Bartley-North-HK-Henry, {BreezingForms:Hunt_Special_Information_Request_Form}, Horn and Fin Hunting and Fishing Guide Reviews 2021, Nebraska Private Ranch DIY Hunt for Mule Deer and Whitetail Deer near McCook, Where are the Successful Low Cost DIY/Semi-Guided Private Land Mule Deer Hunts in Colorado. Season. So many beautiful deer and antelope bucks. ", "Just a note to say "Thanks" for a remarkable hunting experience. Antelope Creek is a working cattle ranch during the spring and summer months, a hunting paradise during the fall and a beautiful wonderland in the winter. See map on page 37. Republican Unit mule deer have declined approximately 75 percent over the past 15 years. And I work very hard trying to please everybody. (Drivers license or voter registration etc). What you will need a $209 Nebraska Deer hunting license and a $16 habitat stamp, both of which you can get off the internet in early July 11th when they become available. No doupt we will continue to work hard to improve the wildlife habitat, so that this will always continue to be the prime secret spot of those, who for so many years continue to return and enjoy this magnificent part of the world. But, it paid off. Only buildings and property in general are specifically named within the statutes. Land Information. Compare . The listed ones are for rifle, with archery and muzzleloader reduced from that price. . The Nebraska Hunt Deer Season is set by the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission so the Opening Day at the Double R Guest Ranch varies from year to year. On this 6,500 acre privately owned ranch, with all the available feed for wildlife and as a direct result of our continuing efforts to improve wildlife habitat, there are abundant numbers of deer, elk, antelope and of course, eagles, hawks, owls, coyotes, fox etc. Due to the changing weather patterns we need to adjust thetiming of the hunting seasoons and they need to do that NOW. Hunt #5139 DIY/Semi-Guided Elk/Deer Trespass 3,000 Ac Private Vouchers; Hunt #5139 DIY/Semi-Guided Elk/Deer Trespass 3,000 Ac Private Vouchers. Muzzleloader Valid statewide. Deer - DeSoto Muzzleloader Oct. 1 - 2, Oct. 15 - 16, Dec. 10 - 11, Deer - Boyer Chute Oct. 22 - 23, Nov. 5 - 6, Dec. 17 - 18. He's happy with his buck. This site has the complete Big Game Guide in its pages. The area has its own population of deer but with the pressure from hunters on the Habitat Management Area the deer quickly move on to your private land to escape the bands of public land hunters. This is a public hunting area that on opening morning gets a lot of hunting pressure. P.S. Several feet of snow. 6 Hunters holding an Apprentice Hunter Education Exemption Certificate must be accompanied by a licensed person age 19 or older. This is in the special Mule Deer Conservation area. This fact is evidenced by the returning of so many friends and customers, who delight to call this place "home, away form home" even if it is for just a few days each year. I work very hard, as you well know, to get ready for the few days you will be here. I cannot "Thank you" enough for the opportunity to hunt the "Y Lazy S Ranch". So, our "farmer" hopes were crushed again, but, almost immediately, I overheard myself sigh in an undertone: "Hopefully next year it will be better".. Here at the NW corner of Colorado, we ontinued to experience the long drawn effects of a drought that is stubborn and persistent. Not as many as I had wished and hoped for. It is illegal to trespass on another person's property. 2nd Season 10/29-11/06. Our cabin was remote so that we were able to enjoy the solitude of the open range. The accommodations were clean and comfortable. So far, we have small amount of snowcover, but, not what we actually need. It is truly rewarding to see that others also, come to know this ranh, this land and they fall in love with it much like I did fifty plus years ago. I woke and waited for daybreak. Niobrara Wilderness Outfitters is a family owned and operated business that has been providing quality Nebraska hunts for over 20 years. The hospitality was a highlight and I now consider us friends. The man has been seen alone in the wilderness, on ridges, in valleys and in between. I believe though, that his wife's buck was bigger. 3rd Season 11/12-11/18. I just want to take a moment and "Thank you and Monte" for a wonderful hunt. Youth Deer Valid statewide for all seasons with the appropriate weapons. Obtaining, scheduling, and payment of the Guide would be the sole responsibility of the hunter. Applicants who did not receive a deer permit in a draw unit this year will be given preference in the next permit drawing. Licensed Has a valid Nebraska hunting permit. When the temps get, I just happened to see the "5 year Big game season Structure" that the Colorado Wildlife Commission approved on September 10, 2009 and I am very excited. The numbers of the animals are unbelievably high, the elk are comfortably resting on the "Y Lazy S Ranch", and since the season is long, we can space the hunters so while they are here hunting, they don't have to compete with others. With your leadership and knowledge, bonds will be strengthened and a first-time hunter will become a lifetime hunter. S. o, there you go. NEBRASKA . We are hopeful that 2015 will reward us and our farming neighbors with the well deserved and highly anticipated moisture so that we can all recover some of our otherwise mounting losses. Art Smith from Greenwood, CA wrote: "I just want to start off by saying what a very sweet person you are. See map on page 36. Also, the LOG cabins are now a place to relax and watch your favorite TV program, since there are BIG, flat screen TVs hooked to. Of course,on the, "Y Lazy S Ranch". We require a 270 or larger rifle because the deer can get quite large in this area with the high protein grain available. Dan Fisher from PA wrote: "..can't tell you what a wonderful time I had with my son on your ranch. Our location is in the center of the annual elk migration path and the annual residence of local deer., Nebraska Game & Parks Division 2200 N. 33rd St. Lincoln, NE 68503 - (402) 471-0641, Or the Local District office in North Platte, 301 East State Farm Road, 308-535-8025, Deer - Mule Deer Conservation Area Sept. 15 - Dec 31, Deer - Earn-a-Buck November Firearm Nov. 12 - 22, Deer - Season Choice Sept. 15 - Jan. 18, 2012, Deer - Landowner Sept. 15 - Jan. 18, 2012. All hunters must sign the Waivers of Liability, and Owner's Rules for the Hunt prior to hunting. The accommodations at cabin #1 were GREAT - hot showers, warm cabin, comfortable beds and great kitchen. Meals are not included, but the cabins have full cooking facilities with all necessary utensils, dishes, and appliances furnished, including a gas grill if needed. Any price increases would be your obligation when you check-in that next fall. The expansive grasslands are a haven for a variety of birds, including: Pheasant Goose Grouse Quail Add an accompanying bird hunt to your Hidden Valley Outfitters package. And, on March 16, 2015, we were successful with the purchase of this wonderful piece of land, consisting of 1,018 acres. Bag limit: varies by sex and species. Operating in three states allows us to provide an exceptional hunt for a wide range of hunters based on season dates, weapon preference and budget. Opportunity and harvest on a DIY hunt vary greatly because 60% of the success is based on the hunters hunting skills and knowledge and only 40% on the land and animals provided. The large number of good sized deer and the amount of property you have, makes the "Y Lazy S Ranch" the premier hunting location in the Craig area. Finally, all hunting has ceased on the "Y Lazy S Ranch". Whether you're spotting and stalking or using a ground blind, you're in for the adventure of a lifetime. 5 Day Hunt. Military personnel and full-time students stationed or attending school in Nebraska for a period of at least 30 days. Biggest "Thanks" to you and Monte for making us, Well, it's the middle of January and it's cold; there is a lot of snow out there and even the elk are sluggish. But, the deer does went ahead and had their fawns; twins mostly, but,even some sets of triplets. I was fortunate to be able to spend a woderful week with my Dad and my cousin and that, I will remember always!! I must say, you went above and beyond. Just a couple of days ago, I was finally able to get the 2015 dates from the Colorado Division of Wildlife, so, here they are. CAMPING anywhere on the property $250.00, per campsite (no use of bathrooms), any number of hunters. Multiple herds. And, all three scored big with their beautiful bull elk. We just need to convince the Colorado Division of Wildlife that, in order to achieve their goals in controlling the numbers of elk, they need to push all the hunting seasons later by 2 to 4 weeks. Alex and I want to say a big "Danke" and "Thank you" once more for this wonderful hunt that led to Alex's first ELK harvest. This was their very first time hunting ELK. ", "Thank you so much for everything. The current objective is 75 percent age 2 and older bucks in the harvest. My wife and I took our grandson Luke, on his first ever hunt for a Pronghorn on the "Y Lazy S" and the experience was excellent. 0.0 (0) DIY Mule Deer Hunts - Utah Hot. The fee is $5. And, again, against my best expectations, I am very late updating this website. The elk hunters had to work a little harder; we got several cows and a couple of bulls. . I saw more mule deer than I could count, too bad I didn't have a tag. Less than five minutes later, he had his buck. Thank you, again.". The mentor is there to help the youth and ensure a safe hunting experience. As I am standing by the main entrance gate to the ranch, on County Rd 3, I gaze to the west and see at least two to three thousand head of elk grazing on the land that they are accustomed to spend much of their time in late fall and winter as they migrate to the west towards Maybel, Elk Springs, Brown's Park where their winter feeding grounds will provide feed and shelter during the harsh winter months. Thishunter from Australia enjoyed hunting with his father on the "Y Lazy S Ranch"., The hunter from North Carolina stalking his game., Mike from North Carolina. 4 Firearm hunters ages 11 or younger must be accompanied by a licensed person age 19 or older. But, the last few years have been enormously disappointing as far as the elk migration movemement and the eventual elk hunting success. Residents attending school in another state or stationed outside the state of Nebraska as part of a military assignment that have maintained Nebraska as their state of legal residency. The Sand Hills Management Unit has the highest percentage of mature, trophy-Whitetail Deer, and it should, it has been managed as a Trophy Unit since 1991.. Unguided Deer, Elk and Antelope Hunting. Unit 13 of 13. Each permit holder must harvest his or her own animal. Of course, there is nothing that can affect the growth of the numbers of mule deer and pronghorn antelope. 41 Location Central Coast, CA Looking for a trespass fee for hunting mule deer in nebraska. The night was cold and snowy, but, I slept well in the hunting blind atop one of the ranch's high spots. The reason is because of the way we were treated by ALL of you.Having run Banks for over 30 years, and working with ALL sizes of business, I am a stickler for customer service, and YOU folks, excel at it. They are going to expect the same results from now on. I want to express my heartfelt "Thanks" to all my wonderful hunter-friends, who overwhelmed me with their display of "holiday spirit" by sending all the cards, and gifts, text messages and emails. Excellent cover and state food plots, but again the army of public hunters spread out opening day and push every moving thing out. The Nebraska deer hunt fees include the right to hunt, the in-season waterfowl, upland birds, coyote (no permit needed), and small game with the proper hunting permits and guns. The Republican Mule Deer permit is valid for a mule deer buck. During the late November and month long December hunt we were extremely successful. Did you know that Moffat County has more elk than any other County in Colorado? Limit one permit per youth. This DIY has lodging and access to 5000 acres of game rich Nebraska buttes. What a beauty!! For license information, please, contact: has 6,500 acres ALL private land solely owned by your hostess Alexandra (Aleka) Butler, adjacent to RouttNational Forest. , THE RANCH TRESPASS FEESWILLBE AS FOLLOWS, beginning January 1, 2022:, PronghornBuck $ 2,000, Doe Antelope $ 500, 4 day hunt / 5 night accommodations upon availability $ 2,500, ELK $3,500, ---------------------------------------, Cow ELK $ 2,000, 4 day hunt / 5 night accommodations upon availability , (Foradditional night accommodations , please, make the necessary arrangements with the management), , CALL FOR AVAILABILITY OF landowners vouchers FOR ANTELOPE ONLY. A remarkable hunting experience, included the hunters left with big smiles on their faces the new and. Next permit drawing limit: one deer of both sex and one whitetail. 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