Laugh your heart out, think optimistically, and dont forget to smile. plsss answer it i really need it rnnn thankyouu very muchh, 4. Being a student is all about studies, school life requires hard work and discipline, but it can also be fun. By being diligently responsible and upright, I will be set apart and viewed differently in comparison to others. It is what we take away from our experiences that shape our morality., It would be hard to narrow down specific individuals on either side of the leadership spectrum, but what I have learned is what is most important. We focus so much on teaching teenagers facts and getting them to pass exams, but perhaps we ought to pay at least as much attention to helping nurture their personalities. You treat a disease you win you lose, You treat a person, I guarantee you win no matter the outcome verbalizes my philosophy of life. A number of them present themselves in difficult forms and at crucial points. Another study uncovered a link between self-confidence at school and positive personality development. Stop Complaining. By supporting and empowering, the servant leaders enable the followers to achieve their goal. Don't trust everyone. He stepped out of the classroom and saw three of our class fellows coming toward the classroom from the right side, I quickly hid behind the door, and as soon as they entered I poured all the cold water. I expect to learn about the Greek philosophers and their philosophies. (These links will automatically appear in your email.). 8. Whether it be success in relationships, achieving our ideal body, sporting performance, business etc. Its early days, of course, and while the roots of our personality can be traced all the way back to infancy, I know there will plenty of change to come, especially when our twins become teenagers. Here you will also find the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make your research essay well-formatted and your essay highly evaluated. Despite this way of thinking, just think for a second. Keep working towards your dream and don't get worried about the way life is moving, time ll answer you. In other words how do you "translate" what life is? The learning process was not trivial. Whenever I get the opportunity I bring God into the subject to try to show every one what a loving and caring father he his no matter how many mistakes you've made. If u don't do what u love u should love what you do. Both parents and their teenage children agree that changes occur, but surprisingly, the perceived change can depend on who is measuring, according to a 2017 study of over 2,700 German teenagers. This point in my life I have taken a few values that I hold in high regards. Ther is no rule tat u should enjoy in the 20s, u should be serious till 40-50 and get into a relationship with diseases after your 50s(just Assuming) and regretting the things u missed. Being a good person means being a considerate person who thinks about the consequences of their decisions and the effects of their actions on others. Such findings are encouraging because they offer some clues for how we might create more nurturing environments for teenagers to aid their personality development. The meaning of our lives, the purpose, and the dreams both dashed and realized, and the expectations forced upon us by others. The true happiness is hidden inside me, and it could not be shaken by the outer world. Other findings hint at more positive influences on teenagers personality changes. Growing up we test this very often. Idealists are the types of people that are willing to do anything to help someone in need. This doesn't mean that u should do what they want u to do. The teenage brain is a good place to start. Love your parents and siblings. My philosophy on life is that you should live while you are alive and you should give others that same privilege. What I have learned above all is that trying to put words to the meaning of life is a task of absolute absurdity. Please enter the email address that you use to login to, and we'll email you instructions to reset your password. It is in the secondary refection in which we try to answer. Philosophy, according to Russell, frees our minds from the imprisonment of common sense. It gives me the opportunity to improve how I can analyze and evaluate a situation or an idea, as well as, enhance my reasoning and critical skills, such as critical thinking, problem solving, proper judgement and decision making. If they really deserve it then u can. They like to make sure that someone lives up to their full potential in life. From infancy to later childhood, our personality and temperament typically become more stable as we adopt an ever more consistent way of thinking, acting and feeling. There are some issues that science is unable to explain, like the existence of God. They can stand against any difficulty and still find the reason to be happy. Write a short essay of the philosophy of your life as a student. The learning process was not trivial. Favorite Quote:" If you don't stand for something, You'll fall for anything" "When life kicks you on your knee's its a good position to Pray". Stay informed of the issues affecting your community. Nonetheless, we have to face the reality and try to make, Keats' Philosophy of Life And Death But if you acknowledge and accept that as fact, and work towards your goal, people will not only view you differently, they will treat you differently. I tried to understand who I am and who I need to be. I really enjoy the effort put in. I agree that these traits are vital, but I believe that the ability to be optimistic is the most essential trait. I am entering the medical field; so all the science courses I have taken have led me to believe that science is the answer. As a student, I think that I am overburdened by loads of homework and a lot of assignments. I have come to agree with Socrates that the. A handpicked selection of stories from BBC Future, Culture, Capital, and Travel, delivered to your inbox every Friday. My philosophy of life tells that I always have to be myself and listen to my heart as much as I listen to my mind and to play along with the voice of my conscience. The researchers scanned the brains of dozens of teenagers twice over a period oftwo-and-a-half years, as well as having their parents rate the childrens personalities on both occasions. The imagination of treating the ailing persons has charmed me since my childhood. Because I am responsible, my high moral caliber will hopefully continue to expand, and as it expands I will be known for being responsible and. As a child I was always fascinated by my father, who used to be the only doctor in countryside of Punjab, a province of Pakistan. How is one to progressively work with their peers? A fire will always be hot. That in this period of being a student, I must be able to enjoy every process, whatever it is, the ease, difficulty, obstacles, challenges, fatigue, and so on. Exactly what my passions and desires are. Overall, it does not do you good to complain way too much. I want people to know that no matter what they do or say to me, I will never deny my beliefs for God I will always shine my light and try to impact as many lives as I can. At the same time, such life is full of unexpectedness and obstacles that you will definitely meet on your way. Forgetting about doing homework, getting bad grades, and failing to complete all other writing assignments put a lot of pressure on me as a student. Only after the painful lesson, I can understand something properly, and that is the great reason to appreciate the hard times of the life. Choices never present themselves in an easy way. Whatever it is many of us always seem to be on this never ending path, striving for such success. Than they have to stop for a while and contemplate about their life goals, their life philosophy. It may be blunt, it may be harsh but its real life and it needs to be observed. The purpose is to uplift people and allow them to count on assistance from society when and if necessary., How is this goal to be achieved if ones reputation is hurt by past dishonesty? cannot forget about it, because it helps in bearing up with difficulties. My life philosophy as a student is "Enjoy every process and do it as best I can.". 18 years on this earth. We have the specific mission that should complete during our lifetime. Lots of things I fully understand but others are still ahead to be explained, and that makes my life interesting and full of learning. Learn more about the material about the philosophy of life :, This site is using cookies under cookie policy . My Philosophy of Life. Psychologists call this the maturity principle and if youre a self-conscious and anxious 20-something, its comforting to know that, assuming your personality follows a typical course, then the older you get, the mellower you will become. When we did the Our Passions project I felt like my group contributed greatly with everything we had to do. Fulghum believes that by, the good life? Laughter can shield you from the harmful rays of grief, if exposed to these rays you are at risk of a frown and/or tears. Many scientists who study modern, Introduction If you look up the definition for laugh in a dictionary, it would say to make sounds from the throat while breathing out in short bursts or gasps as a way of expressing amusement. Laughter is much more than that. I have the constant joy inside my soul that is depended only on my inner condition, my peaceful thoughts, relationship with God and other people. Meanwhile our daughter is more determined to do things for herself. :D. I am young, but my mind and opinions of life was born in the past. All citizens have a different opinion on how people should act and what. Also, if you have a comment about a particular piece of work on this website, please go to the page where that work is displayed and post a comment on it. The roots of our personality can be traced back to infancy (Credit: David Montosa). It is about knowing what your next step is going to be and imagining the bright picture of you yourself. We learn from experience. * 2,597 months breathing. If you zoom out and look across the entire lifespan, what you see is an average increase in desirable personality traits less angst, greater self-control, less close-mindedness, more friendliness. They are good friends to others and try to treat everyone with respect. Nobody wants to live only under the total control and blindly do what others demand to. Topic (Biographical Essay): We are interested in learning more about you and the context in which you have grown up, formed your aspirations, and accomplished your academic successes. I am sure that I was not the only child with such specific curiosity. But this is not a natural way of the things, and such systems were used to keep the authority under the crowds. My fathers dedication to his patients and his hardworking nature, A Some teachers make school very exciting. This responsibility is pertinent in everyday life and most people obey this follow this without knowing it as a civil responsibility. Most of the verdict we take will eventually figure and describe our track of lives. What is the purpose of life? That way, I also feel that it is important to have a good spirit and a fighting spirit through a guide that I call a philosophy of life. Our morals, techniques, habits, thoughts, and ways of life have changed so for the worse. Instead of complaining, appreciate life. It is a significant part of the life, and it would be impossible to learn anything without feeling the pain. (These links will automatically appear in your email.). Please enter the email address that you use to login to, and we'll email you instructions to reset your password. Circumstances like these happen more often than you may think the idea of responsibility could. means that I have a lot of faith in myself and I am taking challenges with. There are at least two senses in which the term philosophy is used: a formal and an informal sense. They give you a free prescription every time you come to there office. Stop yourself, and breathe. 7. The chemicals and such that are involved will always react the same way it will produce heat. There is only one God and one religion (earthlings). Essay Sample. The list of my questions never ended, and I am not sure it is closed now. This point in my life I have taken a few values that I hold in high regards. They rated their own personalities twice, at age 11 and age 14, and their parents also rated their personalities at these times. The teenage years can be considered the transitional stage from childhood to adulthood of an individual between the age of 13 and 19. However, I found the basis of my life and feel like I am a strong personality with an unshakable attitude to the life. Optimism is very important in mans life and we cannot forget about it, because it helps in bearing up with difficulties. It takes hypothesis and tests them over and over again until they come to a consistent answer or explanation. So even though I'm still a student right now, I need to enjoy the process and my journey. I was raised in a Christian household and you just were not allowed to ask questions of that nature and doubt the faith. Materialistic possessions are worthless in the end. On a more positive note, the parents saw their childrens declines in conscientiousness as less stark than their children did. I can remember as a child always asking myself the why questions of life. Always do what makes you feel great. If you have a suggestion about this website or are experiencing a problem with it, or if you need to report abuse on the site, please let us know. Too much of those things might ruin your life. One more thing that I dont like about student life is that there is no focus on being practical. I stood with the water behind the door and my friend kept watch on who was going to enter. Thank you! Ive learned there are two types of reflection we make in life the primary and the secondary reflection. Marc Lester C. Agulto Grade 12 Academic 1. Do no harm. As much as I want to explore the world, I can't find enough time to go out and relax a bit. In my country, the temperature can reach as high as 40 degrees on some days. A man who avoids death will never mature, and he will never profoundly understand and solve the problem of existence. "}]},{"@type":"Question","name":"As A Student How Do You Describe Your Lifestyle? This is where philosophy enters. Although Epicureanism may sound similar to Epictetus, the, The Value of Philosophy to Individual life by Bertrand Russell. I usually have no time to play, rest, or relax because I am always busy with studies, tuition, and everything else."}]}]}. Julian Baggini, the author of What is it All About? 19 Rules For A Better Life (From Marcus Aurelius) Darius Foroux Save 20 Hours a Week By Removing These 4 Useless Things In Your Life Nick Wignall 5 Habits of Emotionally Strong People James. Judging ppl is a strong foundation for all miseries. Rubin's Pathology (Raphael Rubin; David S. Strayer; Emanuel Rubin; Jay M. McDonald (M.D.)) Advertisement New questions in Biology True or false for both questions if false whats the correct answer Advertisement My brother and I heard a loud scream and came into the room, seeing that she has passed out. Qu es el presente simple? Please note that while we value your input, we cannot respond to every message. Because every child has a challenge to be able to absorb everything that is obtained in education, both formal and informal. Answer: My philosophy in life is to learn something everyday, to take care of my physical and mental health, and to enjoy life serving God. As a student you have to do your homework, study for your exam, and do well in school. Suddenly my friend came up with the idea to play a prank on one of our fellow students. As a student, I always learn more for seeing, touching, and experiencing things but we are only burdened by book knowledge. It is a universal welcome. The main finding was that increased adversity outside of a participants control, such as their parents divorce or a traffic accident, was associated with increased neuroticism over time both through adolescence and into adulthood. To install StudyMoose App tap I carry the positive everywhere I am going, and it lighted all the darkness in the life. Now I can imagine how hard it was for the elders to hear all my Whys. My head was full of questions and misunderstanding, and I hardly tried to clear everything up. example.. This is an approach worth pursuing further given that teenage personality traits are predictive of experiences in later life. These values include family, friendship, moral, love, education, optimist, happiness, and purpose. However, research reveals that the type of stress it is can impact upon specific personality changes. Always remember, the possibilities are endless. This responsibility is subject to change for every person, just based off the fact that everybody has a different community and their respective issues. In order to avoid this, building a positive reputation for oneself along with living through ones morals with integrity, will lead you to your best life. I am also going to relive a short story about my student life with all of you. I am a very active student with an active lifestyle. Meanwhile, adversity that was directly related to the participants own actions or decisions such as misbehaviour leading to school expulsion had even more repercussions for personality. These values include family, friendship, moral, love, education, optimist, happiness, and purpose. While it is important what I think of myself, it is admittedly important what others think of me reasonably. Thank God I live in the democratic country and have the right to think. My philosophy on life is that you should live while you are alive and you should give others that same privilege. Nowadays, lots of people are dependent on the others point of view and forget to be themselves. Give us your email address and well send this sample there. My life as a teenager is great because I can play with my friends also I can go out with them.. La oracin se ha completado usado el presente simple. Its challenging, draining, tiring, overwhelming, and difficult all at the same time. Several studies reveal that advantageous traits temporarily decrease during teenage years (Credit: David Montosa). Want to add some juice to your work? By continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. We believe our lives are fine because compared to bad we seem good. I think the average homework that is given to us should be minimized and students must be given some time to relax. Voltaire once said Life is a shipwreck but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboat.This is one of my favorite quotations. 2. Similarly, higher scorers in emotional stability showed more advanced cortical thinning. Continuing this idea, I should say that my happiness effect all the aspects of my life. My four-year-old twins are similar in many ways both are sociable, loving and cheeky but a few contrasts are opening up. People say that student life is the most memorable part of their lives but as a teenage college student, I dont agree with it. We have no knowledge of the weve stepped in. They always wonder what other people would think about them and do not follow the calls of their own soul. I also think having a sense of humor and a smile is very important. Ive molded my own opinions. I've been taught many responsibilities throughout my life and the most important one is to try my hardest to walk in the light of Jesus. Please describe the factors and challenges that have most shaped your personal life and aspirations. What I say is the truth. I found out the most important thing for me is my mission of the life. But in the intervening teenage years this trend is put on hold. The only positive I can think of right now is my loving and caring friends who help me no matter what. Few ways to attain this include: Having a good job, Looking decent, Being healthy, Staying away from drugs and alcohol and Respecting others. Other Philosophers such as Epicurus believed that pleasure is the main goal in life. 1077 Words5 Pages. You can get a custom paper by one of our expert writers. It is an honour to stand before you and have the chance to speak. You should do what you want with your life, as long as it makes you happy and causes no harm to others. However, there is no single meaning of life to be defined - life is different for us all. Explanation: My philosophy of life is "life is not about finding yourself It is about creating yourself " . I will also miss my teachers, our science lab, and the playground. My philosophy of life tells that I always have to be myself and listen to my heart as much as I listen to my mind and to play along with the voice of my conscience. Auditing and Assurance Concepts and Applications (Darell Joe O. Asuncion, Mark Alyson B. Ngina, Raymund Francis A. Escala) Income Taxation (Rex Banggawan) The Law on Obligations and Contracts (Hector S. De Leon; Hector M. Jr De Leon) We try to make the best site it can be, and we take your feedback very seriously. We should help people when we can and graciously accept failures when we have to. The most important thing is to take care of your parent's when they grow old, some ppl don't give a thought about this. Enjoy life whenever u get a chance. El presente simple en ingls se utiliza para describir acciones que estn ocurriendo en el presente y son rutinarias.En el presente simple el verbo de la oracin est en su forma simple. Advertisement Still have questions? It is like a cure for cancer or an umbrella in the rain. For a son or daughter you have to help your parents' cook, clean, and do chore around the house and get ready to go to school again. We shouldn't judge people for the choices they make, because we all make bad decisions. Although science does not give all the answers through empirical explanation, I turn to Philosophy for the rest. Christian household and you should give others that same privilege moral, love, education, formal. The material about the philosophy of life is find the best quotations synonyms... Active student with an unshakable attitude to the life view and forget to sing in the lifeboat.This is of. 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