I wonder if her children are just as bad, this lineage needs to be wiped out it does nothing for the world. Gudrun: I have to laugh at that, that book is pure fiction. It was not only Jewish people but other nationalities. This is somewhat hard to explain to someone who is not German, but I will try. The German Christians were a good start, and my father attended many services by pastors who understood the Jewish influence on the Christian religion was not a good thing and led to false teachings. The German pink press of the early 1940s surrendered to the charm of the young girl Gudrun Himmler. During Gudruns time with Stille Hilfe the group has eased the way into society for many Nazi war criminals, including Klaus Barbie, the Gestapo Butcher of Lyon, and Erich Priebke, SS murderer of Italian partisans. We had many small conversations regarding school and my past times. It was the Allies who are the masters of propaganda, convincing millions that a nation and its people must die and suffer because they are a threat to freedom. Crazy people. The blood and soil concept was a back to the roots of our ancestors' idea; it was in this that our gene pool would be repaired. Germans have always revered our history; you will see in our very old cathedrals' images from our Germanic past, the gods our ancestors prayed to, and it is all tied into our modern worldview of religion. There are those who disagree, saying that National Socialism was hateful, racist, divisive, and pure evil, you do not believe this to be factual? CLICK TO WATCH FULL DOCUMENTARY ONLINE: https://docsonline.tv/love-history/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=description&utm_content=katrin-himmler--family-memb. He did however want people to see another side of the Church that was not healthy for the people. She likes it if you think of her as some Mrs Doubtfire figure but that is not the case. We Europeans took his name; hence, every European nation is a Christian nation. I saw the gardens, trees, hospital, baths, quarters, and theater rooms. There is a book an American showed me called The War that Hitler Won and it attempted to show how effective Nazi propaganda was in brainwashing the masses to do evil things. By the end of the war, homes were open to all women all over Europe who had gotten pregnant by a German soldier, and who needed help. Once in a hotel a Jewish guest thundered: My wife died in Auschwitz and you employ HER? She was dismissed the same day. He was always so kind and spoke to me as if everything I said to him meant a lot. He always commented on my clothes and hair, he said I behaved as a German girl should, always proper and polite. The great British historian David Irving is writing a biography of Heinrich Himmler and I'm sure there will be much info about Gudrun in it. Whenever I saw him, I always received a gift whether it was food or a book. She arranged his stay at an expensive nursing home in Pullach, until he was sentenced to life in prison. The SS idea was to turn our people back to their roots from where they came and away from the modern Judeo church whom was seen as a destructive Trojan horse to weaken the people, and turn them from their God. My father was a policeman, he had a deep sense of right and wrong, and expected his men to follow the law in a uniform manner. Gudrun spoke in the 1950s of her intention to travel to America where the documents are that would clear her father. Gudrun Himmler, the daughter of Heinrich Himmler and Margarete Himmler, was born on 8th August, 1929. It is not a place that she is ever likely to leave. The Fhrer was a true gift to the German people, he opened eyes to a new and better world that someday will come, like a phoenix. He commissioned studies of our history, to trace the footsteps of our ancestors, where did they originate and why were they so intelligent and advanced when other races stayed the same? She was reported to be a prominent member of Stille Hilfe (Silent Help), a secretive group known to provide legal and financial support to former SS members. He gave a speech, which I attended, where I heard him exalt and chastise his officers regarding not policing fairly. This was in 1941, when we were supposed to be killing them all. Germans have always revered our history; you will see in our very old cathedrals' images from our Germanic past, the gods our ancestors prayed to, and it is all tied into our modern worldview of religion. Mr Hechelhammer said the organisation did not ordinarily discuss current and former employees but was making an exemption because Burwitz had died. He was assassinated because he was so good to the people, it is a good study of the way the Allies twist history to their liking and use the Czechs as pawns. They died fighting for a better world in which a man is judged by the way he cares for his people and their future on this earth. For in her heart Gudrun Burwitz remains Gudrun Himmler, the beloved daughter of Nazi Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler, the lord of death in the Third Reich who ran the Gestapo, the SS and the entire extermination programme which murdered six million Jews. She was free to have another choice. This was in 1941, when we were supposed to be killing them all. While I remember nothing about the struggle for power as I was born in 1929, I heard many stories. Himmler talks with an American journalist by Lothrop Stoddard (1940) "THE PARTY." That is the commonest phrase in Germany today. I remember the throngs of people who came up to my father to thank him and the other leaders around him for saving them. We arrived and were greeted by prisoners along with the camp commander. We worship God by thanking him for our history, and honoring our ancestors who brought us forward into the age we are in. We fought so that the world would be a better place; we insisted that Germany be given control of its destiny. National Socialism was born a hard birth and died a fiery death, but it must happen that way to waken more of our racial brethren than what Germany had the power to do. They believed Columbus was not the first European on the continent, and indeed the Vikings may not have been the first either. National Socialism was born a hard birth and died a fiery death, but it must happen that way to waken more of our racial brethren than what Germany had the power to do. According to journalist Andrea Roepke: The Silent Help is not only about former National Socialists. 'Princess of Nazism': Gudrun Burwitz is keeping her father's memory alive, Nazi sympathiser: Gudrun Burwitz waves in the most recent picture in 2011, Daddy's girl: With father Heinrich at a Berlin stadium a year before the war in 1938, Family fun: The Himmlers at the time Heinrich was masterminding death, Death camp: 36,000 people were murdered at Dachau by the Nazis, Lord of death: Heinrich Himmler during the war. We arrived and were greeted by prisoners along with the camp commander. Many of the opportunistic upper echelon National Socialists were not exemplary parents, like for example, Hans Frank, Amon Goeth or Rudolf Hss, each of whom were essentially estranged from their children and/or grandchildren. Heydrich brought National Socialist ideas to the people and vastly started to improve their lives during a war in which everyone had to sacrifice. My father was not like his friend Dr. Goebbels, he believed we could work with the Allies after the war to combat communism and had nothing to fear. By the end of the war, homes were open to all women all over Europe who had gotten pregnant by a German soldier, and who needed help. Germany was forced to occupy nations so that we could protect our borders during time of war, in no way did our leaders wish to impose our beliefs on these nations. We truly live in a world upside down. The commander laughed that the prisoners lived better than he did. In Mecklenburg-Vorpommern state, there is a screening programme to try to stop them working in nurseries. We worship God by thanking him for our history, and honoring our ancestors who brought us forward into the age we are in. They were to be the new vanguard of a genetic repopulation of Germany to make up for the losses of the first war and its aftermath. In her house in a leafy Munich street lies a manuscript to his memory. He was always so kind and spoke to me as if everything I said to him meant a lot. The American Ernest Hemingway even brags about killing a young SS soldier who surrendered, I wonder what was told to his mother. We wished no ill will on any other people, but we demanded they leave us alone. But for all her work in the present, the past is the place where she chooses to dwell with her beloved father. Fortunately, he was exposed as a fraud, a liar, and an inept amateur. So if I may, let me ask a pointed question, if National Socialism was so good and peaceful, why were so many people opposed to German rule? The prisoners were very friendly, I asked one man who was a communist how he liked the camp; he of course said he would rather be home, but life here was not terrible. By contrast, Himmler's relationship with his daughter was such that his daughter showed complete devotion not only to her father but everything her father stood for. No conversation about National Socialism is complete without talking about the Jews, and the crimes they claim to be victims of. Can you speak about this? She simply refused. We truly live in a world upside down. All these high-ranking former officers lined up and she asked, Where did you serve? showing off a vast knowledge of military logistics.. We also worked with Otto Skorzeny to help move people out of Allied held areas so that they were not facing kangaroo court justice. At that time the organisation was under the control of Reinhard Gehlen, a former Nazi military intelligence commander who left the BND in 1968. Read about our approach to external linking. How do you feel about those who tried to kill Hitler? There were people in the occupied countries who actually killed the mother and child, just because there was a German father. I saw the gardens, trees, hospital, baths, quarters, and theater rooms. I was around my father often, even during the war, if there was a state plan to kill Jews I would have heard it, even if by accident. Due to the fact that she refused to take on another name, she constantly had to start from scratch, introduce herself, say her name, her father s name. Germany s foreign intelligence agency is confirming that the daughter of top Nazi Heinrich Himmler, who led the SS, worked for it as a secretary in the early 1960s. Germany's foreign intelligence agency has declassified documents regarding its employment of the daughter of top Nazi Heinrich Himmler as a secretary in the early 1960s, the country's top-selling newspaper reported Thursday. What was your father's view regarding religion and Christianity? We loved our people, nation, and creator. The revelation about Gudrun Burwitz was first reported in the German newspaper Bild following her death aged 88. The German Christians were a good start, and my father attended many services by pastors who understood the Jewish influence on the Christian religion was not a good thing and led to false teachings. Gudrun Himmler, the daughter of Heinrich Himmler and Margarete Himmler, was born on 8th August, 1929. "The BND confirms that Ms Burwitz was a member of the BND for a few years until 1963 under an assumed name," Bodo Hechelhammer said. She believes the British murdered him and pledged her life to helping his comrades whenever she could. We Europeans took his name; hence, every European nation is a Christian nation. -|- -|-Hagop-Interview with an Armenian Wehrmacht/Waffen-SS volunteer. No conversation about National Socialism is complete without talking about the Jews, and the crimes they claim to be victims of. They were to be the new vanguard of a genetic repopulation of Germany to make up for the losses of the first war and its aftermath. Friday, 29 June 2018 03:59 PM EDT. There is a book an American showed me called The War that Hitler Won and it attempted to show how effective Nazi propaganda was in brainwashing the masses to do evil things. This means that we may include adverts from us and third parties based on our knowledge of you. 8 PRINZ ALBRECHT STRASSE - SS HEADQUARTERS IN BERLIN. Everyone had friends, and everyone had the good Jew in which they were hesitant to enforce the removals to ghettos and work camps. Her father had one of the most powerful roles during the Holocaust, but Gudrun refused to see it. I want to start with the Lebensborn, because that is probably the least understood and is a prime example of how caring and charitable the SS was. Whenever I saw him, I always received a gift whether it was food or a book. My father asked the questions as to why, where and how. Did you ever meet Hitler and what was your impression of him? You are, I am sure, referring to the Jews. They were then able to convince leaders that the Bible really is about the Jew and not about Europeans; we are only secondary along with all other gentiles. They found evidence of European, who also can mostly be called Aryan, mummies in Tibet and China, Iran, and all over what we call Persia or the Middle East. She did not weep, but went on hunger strikes. We lost due to being outnumbered and overwhelmed, even the most elite fighting men in the world could not stop it. My father had a vision of a people turning back to their creator, who gave us everything we know. Therefore, my father respected the Church, many SS officers were Catholic, and he had no wish to anger Christians. Czechoslovakia and France are good examples of people standing up and fighting back. In an interview, Gudrun Himmler, whose photois in the article, told how after visiting the concentration camp she . My father's concern was that in just the last 200 years Jews have wormed their way into our religion, even to the point of working on translating parts of the Bible to suit their needs. Gudrun Burwitz - YouTube Gudrun Margarete Elfriede Emma Anna Burwitz is the daughter of Heinrich Himmler, a Minister in Nazi Germany. We had many small conversations regarding school and my past times. When I was little he used to give me dolls. We are leaps and bounds ahead of any other peoples, including the advanced Orientals. Gudrun: I have to laugh at that, that book is pure fiction. I am still with this organization and was happy that your President Reagan visited Bitburg where many SS men rest to lay a wreath. I heard my father give orders that life in the transit and prison camps be made comfortable and tolerable for the prisoners. He always commented on my clothes and hair, he said I behaved as a German girl should, always proper and polite. Edda Goering, daughter of top Nazi Hermann Goering, died this past December and was quietly buried in an unmarked grave in Munich, German media has reported. My father asked the questions as to why, where and how. It was a strange feeling, my father was very high up in the Reich government but yet I felt, and my father reinforced this, that we were part of the people, no better and no worse. Gudrun Burwitz pictured with her father Himmler - who led the SS, Gudrun Burwitz continued to attend neo-Nazi events throughout her life, and died in May, Himmer (left) pictured inspecting SS Guards with Adolf Hitler. He was always so kind and spoke to me as if everything I said to him meant a lot. When Gudrun found out that her father had committed suicide, the fifteen-year-old suffered a psychological and medical breakdown. Gudrun Himmler, the daughter of Heinrich Himmler and Margarete Himmler, was born on 8th August, 1929. Edda Goering, who was the goddaughter of Adolf Hitler and daughter of leading Nazi official Hermann Goering, has died at the age of 80 and was reportedly buried in a secret location in Germany. Thanks for meeting with me; I would like to ask you some questions regarding your father Reichsfhrer-SS Heinrich Himmler and your recollections of the Third Reich. We were very successful in getting donations to help them support their families. Gudrun: They are traitors plain and simple. The Fhrer and those around him saw the problems, identified what was causing the problems, and showed the solution to solve the problems. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. They had compatriots all over the world in every nation. I was around my father often, even during the war, if there was a state plan to kill Jews I would have heard it, even if by accident. This was in 1941, when we were supposed to be killing them all. Gudrun: Be clear in what you are stating. You are, I am sure, referring to the Jews. I was impressed with how happy the prisoners were; we moved through the camp with no guards and had prisoners showing us what they did day to day. What he disagreed with was the Judeo influence on the Church; Germany had some sects who worshiped the Jew as the only people close to God. The Fhrer was a true gift to the German people, he opened eyes to a new and better world that someday will come, like a phoenix. Eighty years ago, an obscure, former lance corporal in the Bavarian army named Adolf Hitler was appointed chancellor of . Born in Munich in 1929, [2] Gudrun Himmler was the daughter of Heinrich Himmler, Reichsfhrer-SS, Chief of Police and Security forces, and Reich Minister of the Interior in Nazi Germany. Obviously the woman has a problem she was taught hatred from her parents and can not let it go. We also may change the frequency you receive our emails from us in order to keep you up to date and give you the best relevant information possible. There was evidence uncovered that tribes of Europeans were there thousands of years ago. I was impressed with how happy the prisoners were; we moved through the camp with no guards and had prisoners showing us what they did day to day. [Above: Heinrich Himmler speaking to a Russian P.O.W. They were ruled by Germany, and under occupation, which many did not like, it had nothing to do with National Socialism. Himmler was one of many Nazis who headed north to Schleswig-Holstein where a makeshift government was based after Adolf Hitlers suicide. The book The Odessa File claims it was a spy-like network protecting war criminals and killers. 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Germany had some of the most advanced anthropologists, genetic scientists, historians, and supporting staff to help find the answers to why we exist and how it all came to be. Our people, the Europeans, have created all the great civilizations, have set foot on every continent, and have brought great good to the whole world. Whenever I saw him, I always received a gift whether it was food or a book. No conversation about National Socialism is complete without talking about the Jews, and the crimes they claim to be victims of. What was your father's view regarding religion and Christianity? It has just 40 members but gets money from rich industrialists sympathetic to the Nazi cause and an estimated 1,000 others from Europes rag-tag far right. To me he was like a family member. We truly live in a world upside down. We had many small conversations regarding school and my past times. The prisoners were very friendly, I asked one man who was a communist how he liked the camp; he of course said he would rather be home, but life here was not terrible. Even after the trials were over, Gudrun and her mother were forced to live in a protestant nursing home at Bethel under an alias, because they did not have any money or valuables. My father hated seeing death in wartime, but he was a policeman who knew his duty and knew what he asked of his officers was a hard duty, but when people break the laws of war, and kill innocents, they too must be held accountable and those who help them. After her fathers suicide, the Allied soldiers who captured Gudrun and her mother Margarete did not know what to do with them. Did you ever meet Hitler and what was your impression of him? We loved the Europe of our ancestors, and wanted to preserve the priceless culture that has given the world every good thing it knows today. Therefore, Germany, like many other nations, moved aliens whom were deemed a threat to the war effort to areas where they could be concentrated together and watched. I was impressed with how happy the prisoners were; we moved through the camp with no guards and had prisoners showing us what they did day to day. BERLIN (AP) Germany's foreign intelligence agency has declassified documents regarding its employment of the daughter of top Nazi Heinrich Himmler as a secretary in the early 1960s, the country's top-selling newspaper reported Thursday. Gudrun: Wow, you certainly have read enough of the victor's version of our history. -|- -|-Richard Grimm-Interview with an officer in Pioneer Battalion 305 and veteran of Stalingrad . Many innocent SS men were murdered at war's end and their families tracked down and sent away to camps; we tried to protect them and fought to get them money. Donald Trump Jr.'s Interview With Kyle Rittenhouse Goes South In A Hurry. They had compatriots all over the world in every nation. home; . He did not believe Field Marshal Rommel had anything to do with the traitors but sadly, a few in the officer corps had been infiltrated. She also provided help to Klaas Carel Faber, a convicted Dutch Nazi. My father saw to it that he came to the Reich and ended up adopted by a German family who lost their son in Poland. He commissioned studies of our history, to trace the footsteps of our ancestors, where did they originate and why were they so intelligent and advanced when other races stayed the same? We wished no ill will on any other people, but we demanded they leave us alone. This was in 1941, when we were supposed to be killing them all. We loved the Europe of our ancestors, and wanted to preserve the priceless culture that has given the world every good thing it knows today. Puppis world collapsed when her father committed suicide in the Allied interrogation centre near Luneburg, on May 23, 1945. We fought so that the world would be a better place; we insisted that Germany be given control of its destiny. They were ruled by Germany, and under occupation, which many did not like, it had nothing to do with National Socialism. He did not believe Field Marshal Rommel had anything to do with the traitors but sadly, a few in the officer corps had been infiltrated. Her father was in Hitler's inner circle and is viewed as the chief architect of the Holocaust. Can you speak about this? When she was at home he telephoned her most days and wrote to her every week. 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Gudrun: Wow, you certainly have read enough of the victor's version of our history. It collects money, too, for the neo-Nazi movement. Gudrun: My father was a man of incredible honor, love, and loyalty. National Socialism was born a hard birth and died a fiery death, but it must happen that way to waken more of our racial brethren than what Germany had the power to do. Often quoted is a rally of neo-Nazis she attended in Ulrichsberg, Austria, several years ago, where she was idolised by SS veterans. The commander laughed that the prisoners lived better than he did. It shows you how powerful propaganda is. Wewelsburg was set up so an SS member could study all about our history, our genetic makeup that makes us whom we are, and how to preserve it. For her to acknowledge his actions and think he was a hero plus married to a guy who allows her actions there is something wrong with these nuts because that is what they are. It was also opened to any woman who became pregnant but was not married, and whose family may have disapproved. Gudrun: Yes I did, in 1941 my father asked me to come with him so I could see how prisoners were getting along in Germanys largest and oldest camp. My mother and I never had official notification of his death. . Gudrun: Life was good, and I mean that in every sense of the word. Gudrun: My father was a man of incredible honor, love, and loyalty. The Fhrer and those around him saw the problems, identified what was causing the problems, and showed the solution to solve the problems. My father had a vision of a people turning back to their creator, who gave us everything we know. Their home is just 15 miles from the first concentration camp at Dachau where 36,000 people were murdered during the 12 years of the Third Reich. Nazi leader Heinrich Himmler and his daughter Gudrun. Every race was given a way to worship their creator, the European people found a God who worked well for us for 2 thousand years. There is a difference between National Socialism and German rule. himmler und j goebbels June 3rd, 2020 - peter longerich biographie und strukturgeschichte zwei nationalsozialistische karrieren heinrich himmler und joseph goebbels zehnte simon wiesenthal lecture datum donnerstag 19 mai 2011 elie wiesel biography life interesting facts June 6th, 2020 - education growing up in romania elie wiesel s parents . The SS idea was to turn our people back to their roots from where they came and away from the modern Judeo church whom was seen as a destructive Trojan horse to weaken the people, and turn them from their God. A Being is responsible for life, that is very easy to see because of what it is, nature and the beauty of the earth.
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