Sorinex sells a glute ham roller, a new piece, that I love doing leg curls and glute ham bridges with. In 2017, Mike published Heavy/Light: Periodized Throwing for the Highland Games. Mike is also a CrossFit Level 1 Certified Coach, creates dedicated strength programming for Highland Games athletes, and trains youth athletes in baseball and track & field. I guess weve all been part of sports at this point that we understand that no one really cares. As I progress into each phase, the reps drop while the weights increase. BC: Okay, so I can see why some people say it resembles a bodybuilding split, but its easy to see how it would still be very effective for explosive sport training as it contains two pressing days, a pulling day, and two heavy/explosive hip and leg days. Man if I could just get on the treadmill a little bit more, these abs. My programming is broken up into three phases: Volume, Hypertrophy and Strength/Power. There are a couple of real basics, that we can start with. Some of the guys have, and some are now using testosterone-replacement therapy (TRT). We throw two weights for distance. I didnt feel like I was floundering for what to do in the gym everyday. With a strong lifting background, he was already primed for classic Highland Games events like the caber toss, hammer throw and weight throw. Thats really my concern is just self optimization. You know, accumulating some implements, and starting to think about training for it. Wednesday Back and bis How did you get to be a guy who throws around cabers around the world. One can easily see the connections between points one and two. 3 sets of 8 with a minute rest OR 55 OR 53 OR Pyramids OR multiple Pyramids, aka Waves. Where core work will mostly consist of abdominal and low back muscles, stability work will include all the small muscles of the torso. It is comprised of eight (internationally) or nine (US and Canada) events. Do you incorporate any specialized glute training in your program? Whats the saying if looks could kill? I kid. Brett McKay: Got you. Program, Strengthen Your Tribe: A Report on the Atomic Athlete Vanguard, The Best Riddles for Kids (With Answers! How does someone If they want to get started with Highland Games, how do they do it? Improve the most missed lift in Weightlifting. You know, completely below parallel. (LogOut/ Im not going to be a guy who just phones it in. Training Highland Games, throwing Maybe you sleep with a Captains of Crush gripper under your pillow or lift stones for fun and think 20-rep squats are the key to enlightenment, as well as to gains in muscular size, strength and fitness. So this is why we work the overhead squats and unilateral movements. Thats probably been the event that Ive been the best at over the last couple of years, as well as the weights for distance. The competitor then runs forward, building momentum, before tossing the caber into the air so that it turns end over end with the upper end landing before the end originally held by the competitor follows through and hits the ground. Muscles dont react that way, they grow. His name is Matt Vincent. However, people believe that if they want their stomachs to shrink, they should do the exact same thing with their abs. I pretty much will just save my carbs for bourbon, whenever the time is right. Go home. I can still fatigue my legs and get plenty of work in, without having to squat all the way to the bottom. Its Vanity plays itself into my head plenty, and I dont want to be totally gross, but at the same time, I know that I compete my best when Im between 270 and 280 pounds. I'm curious why doing curls to work the biceps always seems to fall into the "cosmetic" category. Kind of the same as Strong Man is, but now with YouTube and the Internet, its a hell of a lot more accessible. Your email address will not be published. I was already lifting weights prior to starting his program but working with Mikes lifting program was a welcome shift in focus. Where can we find out more about you and your work out there? Dan is big on simplicity and treating the body as one piece.. Brett McKay: Is there an event that you specialize in, particularly? Thats just from Ive just abused my body for the last two decades and Ive not been that nice to it. My body hurts. Props to you. We also throw a 56 pound weight up over a bar, for height, with one hand. BC: Not too shabby my friend. I have also seen that many of them come to the Heavy/Light methodology while employing many different programs for their strength and conditioning. Get to know a coach with a decade plus of experience. Welcome to the official website of Professional Scottish Highland Games Athlete Daniel McKim! Throwing is one of the most overlooked sports of Strength Sports. Equipment Required: A sandbag, A BOSU ball, A punchbag. American Dan Williams broke the record in 2014 with a throw of 6.17m (20ft 3in). They have an amateur class and they have a novice class. Throw Ideally, if you have the implements, choose two or three events and practice them. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. When Im done competing, Ill still program like this, as I simply love to work out. And thats spelled hviii. Im not interested on being a 280 pound 45-year-old. Like, I want to try that out. 14 weeks per phase.. or 3 phases in 14 weeks? My program, the Hviii was really basically a condensed version of my program, the long program with strength lab or training lab, that Heres five weeks, quick rotation, and just allows you to, you dont want to think about a whole lot or reprogram every five weeks. What Ive been fighting for in my sport is, essentially, the same rules that the NCAA, IOC, SHGA, WADA, etc. I dont have anybody in my gym telling me, giving me white lights, and I dont have the ego anymore to say, Well, Ive got to bury all of these squats. What I want to do is perform better and I perform my best when Im not hurt. Dont go nuts. Im curious why doing curls to work the biceps always seems to fall into the cosmetic category. Friday Hang snatch, front squat, anterior/quad. Brett McKay: Thats an interesting question. Program Options Athlete Package (Throwing+Lifting) : $75.00 USD - monthlyHeavy/Light Lifting : $30.00 USD - monthlyHeavy/Light Throws Coaching : $60.00 USD - monthly Equipment Required: Barbell & Plates Whats the benefit of doing it? These include the shot put, tug-o-war, caber toss and hammer throw - collectively known as heavy events. BC: Now lets talk roids. 56# Weight for Height: 18 Growing up as a baseball player, Mike transitioned to fencing and chased the Olympics for a decade. Right. We also throw the lighter stone, which is 16 pounds and it can go up to 18. BC: Twins oh no!!! BC: Great points. 1.) How important are the glutes in Highland Games competitions? What aspect does quickness or athleticism come into the .. Like throwing a sheaf over your head. Youve probably seen on TV or on the Internet, the Highland Games. This Highland Games Training Camp will be a true 3 day immersion in all things lifting, throwing, and overall health related with John Odden. DM: The best tool is Perhaps this is Dr. Clinton Lee gives you some strategies to keep your knees feeling healthy and strong. I did a couple years of Strong Man and a couple of years of power lifting, and got a chance to go compete in a Highland Games. Youre a large man. There is no one right way to do this. Since our talk, my knee pain has improved; thanks, man. I dont ever want to look back and question like Maybe I should have done this, or, what if I had trained harder, or what if I would have done this? I know Im doing everything I can to give it a go. Now, weve slapped a medical term on it to make athletes tell themselves its okay to do. Not to mention, that guy throws kegs for height. John has gone from an average gym guy with no throwing background to a Pro-Heavyweight, and eventually reinventing himself as a Lightweight world record holder and National Champion. The hammer throwing event features a hammer made from a metal ball weighing around 22 lb for men or 16 lb for women, attached to a wooden pole or handle. For me, they fit in nicely with my upper back work, which is important for events such as the caber and hammer. Like I said earlier, a strong posterior is critical for my events, so adding in the things you showed me has not only helped my training but also my back health. Good idea. So get a shotput or a big rock and get 50 good throws. Dan McKim YouTube Anyways, today on the podcast, I have a world champion Highland Games competitor. (Questions not related to today's topic should be directed towards the daily thread.) Former Highland Games World Champion, Matt Vincent, and former thrower, Chad Wesley Smith have both said that training in the gym only gets you so far. Strength, power, body control, and conditioning are required for any athlete that wants to make progress in the Highland Games. Improve your mental performance with Coach Kate. Brett McKay: Ive got you. DM: I do. BC: I met Matt Vincent the year before at the Sorinex Summer Strong conference, and hes another strange combination in that hes a humble, gentle giant just like you. I need to be able to accelerate that object in as short amount of time as possible, so I need horsepower. Overhead Squat: Mix reps each workout. Always there like a beacon in the pitch black. I imagine youll say weightlifting. Man, thats all of the fringe strength sports Ive found. Its fantastic. Price: $97 Buy Now Highland games Online Clinic: Weight For Distance Unfortunately, a popular item is TRT, which is on virtually every commercial break or radio sponsor that you hear. So many of us appreciate your work and expertise. I'll usually get 2-3 short throwing sessions a week. Am I right that its usually the two of you battling it out for first and second spot? Im sure its not looking like a body builders diet, Im sure youre eating for performance. Everyone is just trying to go out and do their best and enjoy the fact that we get paid to travel and theres prize money and all of this for this sport that not that many people know about. Dan McKim Instagram. Brett McKay: For our listeners who arent familiar with it, what is sub-maximal loading? DM: The Scottish Highland Games is part track and field throwing and part strongman. MILO articles on Highland Games heavy events technique for weight for height, caber toss, weight for distance, putting the stone, hammer throw, seasonal weight training and more, from Jim McGoldrick and others. Team Juggernaut's favorite variations to improve one of the most complex lifts, Use the simple tips to improve your Front Squat, Improve your jerk with these simple tips from Max Aita, Improve your Clean with these simple tips, Simple but effective tips to improve the Snatch from Max Aita. I met with a collegiate strength coach who put me on their Force Plate to test my strengths and weaknesses. The moves are called out and it's fun to take part and learn a bit about Scottish dancing with Downeast Scottish Country Dancers! Tell us more about your training. So to stay with the alternating A / B format I love so much: As for the schedule: Throw, Lift A, off, Throw, Lift B, off, off or repeat. Brett McKay: Fantastic. Without rules against it, nothing would stop a guy from taking a full year off the sport and getting completely gassed on steroids. Brain Games are a new, "kernelized" approach to intervention, with simple and discrete stand-alone activities that can be easily integrated into routine operations at crches with a limited amount of training and supervision . Two Dumbbell Clean and Press: start light and go up to max.2. Not missing lifts, for me, is the accumulation of work thats going to make you stronger. I think its really important as an athlete that you knowing how to manipulate your own body weight is kind of key, how to adjust yourself in space and move quickly. Yes, I believe the hang snatch to be my favorite explosive and most transferable lift for my sport. Find out more about participating in a Highland games on If youre doing a bodybuilding routine, this probably isnt for you. (Brets note: below is my friend Jim Kielbaso showing off the glute ham roller). Balancing a 90lbs. I couldnt ignore the results of athletes training in methods beyond classic block periodization. Ive always wanted to get involved with it somehow, get in touch with my Scottish ancestry. Liberty or Death: SCBC goes all in at the LibertyOpen. I like being able to move. I want to give it the most Ive got while my body is still willing to give it a go. around your body. Im definitely not an endurance athlete, but I like spending time on the bike. Brett McKay: Youve got to keep striving. With the help of Joe and Adrianne Wilson, he competed in his first and second ever, Highland Games competitions. Great interview Dan. Sports Science Topics & Research Guest Articles, Peer-Reviewed Articles (Journal Publications), Coaching, Personal Training, Programming, & Nutrition Topics, Coaching, Personal Training, Programming, & Nutrition Guest Articles, (Brets note: I randomly found a video of Dan performing hex bar jump squats so I embedded it below), (Brets note: below is my friend Jim Kielbaso showing off the glute ham roller), Dan McKim eBook: Behemoth: Power Training for Strength Athletes, How to Isolate the Quads and Hams in a Garage Gym. Ive been very fortunate to be part of a sport that allows me to travel around the world and do some pretty awesome stuff. Is there How do you overcome plateaus, how do you deal with setbacks, k mean, what is your mental game like? And on a serious note, is there anything about your training that other competitors find surprising? The one that kind of rotates in and out is called the sheaf. Youre saying youre chasing Daniel, right, in the competition. Should I go for that PR so I can be excited that I put more weight on the bar or do I hit what I was able to hit for three now for five. What are your current bests in the various Highland Games events? Dan is an amazing athlete. Heres how I break it down each day of the week: Monday Bench press, close grip, triceps I think the mountain from Game of Thrones does this sort of stuff as well, youve competed against him. In prior years, Ive had the police watch me and even ask to, clean up when youre done. During the season (April through September) Ill typically practice the events two to three times a week. If you do, also try to work some, Power Clean (jerk optional) heavy single, then back off sets with power clean only for triples, Off or find a group of guys you can throw with on this day, Off or find a group of guys you can throw with on this day or start cycle over. Theres no need for one week 15 because Id assume hed take a full week off. This is going to build strength and power. Brett McKay: If youre concerned about six-pack abs and being chiseled . All these muscles help stabilize the body and improve your ability to throw. Brett McKay: It seems like your approach is also like sub-maximal loading. DM: Probably my 341 lb. Brett McKay: Lets talk about the Highland Games, because I think people are familiar with caber tossing. That helps me keep that. I cant guarantee you will win, but you will be prepared and you will have a good time. I still dont see how that would be the most efficient way to do it. Matt Vincent: Yeah, Im 32, Ill be 33 in April. Old Celt's Highland Games Athletic Equipment 1071 Deer Run Lane Crownsville, MD 21032 Home: (410)721-7610 Work: (301)805-4858 Fax: (301)805-4856 E-Mail: Mjolnir Hammers Ltd. PO Box 221 Beverly, WA 99321-0221 (509)932-4580 Edwin W. Holcombe 333 Coinbow Drive Mt. hang snatch and 500+ lb. Was someone like, you should do this? My plan is to put 3 implements (14 pound stone, 16 pound hammer, and 42 weight for distance)in the Hyudai and throw at lunch. Bret, you da man when it comes to muscle theory. What I do is i keep conditioning in my program. You know, so I follow a more keto approach, which is high fat, high protein, and very limited carbs. That wraps up another edition to the Art of Manliness podcast. You have an entertaining Instagram feed, but also some of your work in other places online. Its a really interesting strength sport out there. All of our top Strength & Conditioning content in one incredible (and free!) The principal weight training exercises involved in power development are the Olympic lifts (clean, snatch, overhead press/jerk variations) and the power lifts (bench press, squat variations, and deadlift variations). It's a fascinating strength competition, and one I've long wanted to learn more about. Brett McKay: You talk about you wear kilts when you do this. Watch this video: Sometimes referred to as 'weight over the bar', this game requires competitors to throw a weightover a raised bar. Friends may come and go. Highland Outlaw Workout This is a predominantly sandbag based highlander workout with the incorporation of stability exercises and speed drills. Doing that is going to allow you to be a little bit smarter in training and think which one actually makes more progress. bench press. There is minimal info, compared to Powerlifting, From being involved in various strength sports for this long one of the big mistakes I see is that guys never take IHGF Professional Highland Games World Championships Things have been very exciting in my world lately. As always, I appreciate your support, and until next time, this is Brett McKay telling you to stay manly. Pleasant, SC 29464 (803)884-9993 October 13, 2014 at 6:54 pm. I imagine your posterior chain gets plenty of stimuli with all the Olympic variations and throwing you do, would you agree? Please elaborate. I mean, injuries are going to happen, right. The Brain Games package consists of a series of games and exercises designed for young children in classroom settings. Ive got other things and responsibilities in my life; and not every day is great, so what this does is just allows me to kind of auto regulate a little bit more and say I can get the work done. If things feel great on the last set, I can push a rep max. Strong biceps also prevent elbow injuries in throwers. Thats one of Jims big principles. So, for me to get the most done in a week that I can, safely, I split my workouts into muscle groups so I can turn around and train hard the next day. The key to proper training is to do what you need to do, not what you want to do. Look man, if I was really happy, I would just lay on the couch and play video games, just be content, and that would be great. DM: Great question! Brett McKay: Theres a fine line, you said that if you just focus on getting big and strong, youre going to fat, but that could be a detriment to . As a thrower, like, in college, you kind of always know about the Highland Games. You have two stones that you throw exactly like the shot put. Haha! He is now a Highland Games Athlete, and won the 2016 U.S. Highland Games Lightweight National Championship, and in 2019 he won a Masters World Championship. Because I love to lift, this allows me to get five days of lifting in each week, pushing it hard every day. Thats what helped interest me in the sport; throwing across various disciplines. Matt Vincent: You know, I dont know. These came from Scotland. For me, both mentally and physically, I have to have an off-season away from the sport. This program, for me, is any athlete looking to perform better. Its probably been in the last three years that Ive understood recovery and properly doing things like that, you know. Matt Vincent: Im really bad at the hammers. Caber Toss: Well throw a different caber at each event I really save that for the platform. What you should do is work and do your job every day. Daniel McKim, who is also a multiple time Games World Champion said he believed in maintaining his training intensity throughout the season. How are muscle damage and muscle growth related? Youre still going to get the Olympic lifts, youre still going to do some speed work, and youre still going to work on max strength. Ive really spent a lot of time over the last couple of years trying to improve that event and its been a relatively futile attempt. I think weightlifting is the most transferrable but there have been many a successful thrower from strongman and powerlifting backgrounds. What about macronutrient split? Overhead Squat: Mix reps each workout. I was like Oh, hes spelling heavy different, then I was like, oh no, hviii, that makes sense.. Ill find something else Im into, whether I get into some cross fit or I get more into cycling like I have been. Just a few years ago putting testosterone in your body was considered a PED or even steroid use; without question. I do travel quite a bit, and I like enjoying myself. 16# Hammer: 1577.25 (World Record) I have started to think of pinning my big toes to the bottom of my shoes, which forces my knees to track better and keep me from hitting rock bottom. knowing they do hip thrusts well that takes it to another levelthanks. It looks like the telephone pole. In the past six years, I have coached Highland Games athletes from a dizzying array of backgrounds. Now lets talk training. For those of you who have never competed in the highland games, this should serve as a sufficient program to prepare you. Every time I go to a contest, you know, 17 or 18 times a year, its some 12 of us out of that 20 guys, so you see the same guys every weekend. I was a collegiate thrower and always loved throwing, so this was a great transition for me. Your glutes were burning like crazy after just one set of all 3 exercises. But two hundred pounds is always two hundred pounds." I have really enjoyed the addition of the lifting program that Mike created. The North American Scottish Games Athletics (NASGA) website has a great database of Highland Games where you can search for upcoming events and see current stats and rankings. Brett McKay: How does it differ from 531? Hes of the move, plus, people in Iceland seem to know how to move heavy stuff. I try to vlog and document and kind of do everything Im doing. I have a question about the mental aspect of your sport and your training. Do taller guys have the edge when it comes to Highland Games, or is height not a major factor? Powerlifting Training for Everything 210kg Snatch, 250kg Clean and Jerk, 920lb raw deadlift, 2,221 raw total, 3rd at 2010 World's Strongest Man and 19' . Brett McKay: You mentioned time is fleeting for you. Does it change any from when you were a college athlete, or is it pretty much the same? Matt, this has been a great conversation, and a lot of insights about a sport that I knew little about. Or nine ( US and Canada ) events Dr. Clinton Lee gives you some strategies to keep your knees healthy! Work, which is high fat, high protein, and starting to think about training it... Two hundred pounds is highland games lifting program two hundred pounds. for my sport a sheaf over your head after one! Sub-Maximal loading were burning like crazy after just one set of all 3 exercises pretty! Talk about the Highland Games, because I love doing leg curls and glute ham roller.! Stones that you throw exactly like the shot put, tug-o-war, caber toss: throw., what is sub-maximal loading speed drills me and even ask to, Clean up youre! You were a college athlete, or is height not a major factor therapy ( TRT ) pretty stuff! 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