Which character recruits Iago to woo Desdemona? Retrieved from http://studymoose.com/iagos-use-language-soliloquies-reveal-true-character-new-essay. At the end of the court scene in the first act, Iago and Roderigo are left alone with the poor doting lover in great despair. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.R.3. They reveal that Iago is malicious and malevolent and his methods are manipulative. How does the setting change from Act 1 to the Act 2? The Folger Shakespeare Libraryoffers an extensive archive of lesson plans on Othello. Storms are always of great significance in Shakespeare; here, the storm is a symbol of unrest and the discord to come. In this lesson, students explore the basis of Iago's persuasive power by analyzing his astonishing command of rhetoric and figurative language. Overall I have concluded some ways in which the play could be interpreted, the fact that Iago tends to hide his true character in order to be in everyone good graces: this is the idea of Iago puzzling characters into his plot. Students love them!, Requesting a new guide requires a free LitCharts account. Examine the speech for the metaphors and images he uses. The soliloquy also allows the audience to fully trust the character in showing his or her true beliefs. A puppeteer of the psyche, Iago pulls the strings of those who should know better with a battery of verbal weapons. Students' written work can form the basis for the next class discussion. *The Temple of Abbath or - 1st Level Adventure - In which the Fey Ironically, it is his refusal to speak that inevitably enmeshes him in his own web of deceit; it is his silence that elicits Othello's tragic recognition of his crime and of what he has become. The Turkish attack may have been quelled, but it also bodes badly for Othello's ship. A ''Moor'' meant that Othello was dark-skinned and . Meanwhile, despite Iago's demands that she obey him and be quiet. In other words, Iago 2, the truth-teller, reveals what really lies behind Iago 1's blandishments. Students love them!, Requesting a new guide requires a free LitCharts account. Assisting any children who may require extra support. "My invention comes from my pate as birdlime does from frieze," Iago says, though his analogy misrepresents his quick wit and subtle intelligence (II.i.125-126). Why does Iago choose silence in lines 296301? Iago uses this metaphor to manipulate Roderigo into going to Desdemona's father and telling him that his daughter is married to the Moor, Othello. Don't use plagiarized sources. Therefore Iago decides to give him a cheerful speech in which he says, If thou canst cuckold him, thou dost thyself a pleasure, me a sport. (Shakespeare I.iii.360-361). He will "out of her own goodness make the net that shall enmesh them all" (II.iii.361-363). Complete your free account to access notes and highlights. Lies and deceits are common in society, and many individuals mask their true intentions with a veneer. Complete your free account to access notes and highlights. The setting changed from normal to stormy weather. When Roderigo starts telling Brabantio about this, he shrugs it off, blaming his nonsense on Roderigos unrequited love for his daughter. Cassio laments that he has lost his reputation, which is very dear to him. Iago also appeals to Roderigos pathos in line 301 when he says that if Roderigo kills himself by drowning, then Iago will never love him after he dies. nobody to act as her defense. I also think another way to interpret the play is discrimination; the fact Iagos character refers to Othello with terms such as The Moor a downgrading term towards minorities, this means that Iagos character is racist and the fact that Black individuals were hardly ever seen across Venice, means that Iago dislikes his nature and thus formed a ruse to dispose of him. Othello can think of nothing but his jealousy and Desdemona's supposed adultery. What trouble does Iago stir up to disturb the peace of the island? The audience believes that this reason is inadequate and that it is only because of Othello's good fortune that he has decided to plot his revenge against Othello. He reassures Cassio that Othello is only angry, and will soon forgive him, Iago misleads everyone by pretending to be innocent of how the fight began and by pretending to be sympathetic to Cassio, when in actual fact, Iago was the one responsible for it all. Cassio tries to find a villain in all that has happened; "invisible spirit of winelet us call thee devil" (II.iii.282-283). Iago uses the appeal to ethos twice in the passage, in line 331 and then again in lines 355-357. Shakespeare uses this character to set the basis of evil. To love him still for prating? Start date: May 2022. Othello Study Guide | GradeSaver . Encouraging patience, Iago subtly reinforces the parallel between his plots and drama in general: both need time to come to their climaxes. -Graham S. Cassio, insisting that he is not drunk when he clearly is, seeks to maintain his honor or dignity via an illusion about himself. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.R.2. Desdemona is so in love with Othello and Iago is gonna turn that purity into darkness. During the Iago keeps the gifts that Roderigo purchases for Desdemona for himself. The Duc had studied under B--, il avait tu ses six hommes. Rodgerio and Iago have had a bit too much to drink and they go over to Brabantios house to inform him about his daughters romantic relationship with Othello. Iago is a master of temptation; he is able to figure out exactly what people want, and then drive them to it, often by his mastery of speech. Thus do I ever make my fool my purse (Shakespeare). When Othello breaks up the quarrel, he asks, "are we turn'd Turks" (II.iii.170). They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!, This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. Cassio greets them all, especially praising Desdemona; somehow, Iago and Desdemona enter into an argument about what women are, and Iago shows how little praise he believes women deserve. I hate the Moor: and it is thought abroad, that twixt my sheets he has done my office: I know not ift be true; but I for mere suspicion in that kind, will do as if for surety. Bhaskar Singh Bora . He also labels him as waste and trash metaphorically and needs to be disposed off. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.R.1. He plays on Roderigo's anger and Cassio's low tolerance of alcohol. Good vs. evil is a major theme in the play, though there is a great deal of gray area; though Iago is the villain, everyone else has some blemish on their natures which makes them easily corruptible, and not entirely deserving of the label "good". Her eye must be fed. In line 331, Iago says Come, be a man!. Iago uses his deft and astute strategic acts of manipulation to undermine each characters weaknesses. Iago's speech in Act 2 Scene 3, after he offers advice to Cassio about how to retain his military position as part of his cunning plan, serves as an insight into many of Iago's personality traits. Othello killed Desdemona because he thought she betrayed him. More. Without it, he sees himself as a beast, using the kind of animal imagery that other racist characters had used only to describe Othello. Iago's speech style Language is the source of Iago's power, but his characteristic idiom is different from Othello's. It is full of colloquialisms and oaths, befitting a cynical soldier. He is able to persuade Roderigo of Cassio and Desdemona's attachment by painting an innocent gesture as a sign of familiarity; yet, all the power that is in his words is in their interpretation, for Iago is also able to say everything and nothing at once, depending on the inclination of the hearer. In this Iago confides that he plays two roles, one which is him in reality his true greedy and obsessive side in which the audience finds him in his soliloquies and the other, when he is the company of others and is referred to as honest Iago or good friend. Do you agree with Iago or with Cassio? Before introducing this activity, download and copy the worksheet. Iago says this to Othello. Iago takes advantage of the desperate former suitor of Desdemona and controls his emotions like a puppeteer pulling strings. An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with . Arise, arise, awake the snorting citizens with the bell, or else the devil will make a grandsire of you. (I,I). Creating notes and highlights requires a free LitCharts account. The next time around, however, Roderigo makes a direct attack on Iago saying that Iago is purposely tricking Roderigo. Cassio fights offstage with Roderigo, and comes forth, chasing him; Montano tries to hinder Cassio, but Cassio just ends up injuring him. Iago's motives could be all of these reasons and more, or they could be none; indeed, Shakespeare leaves the root of Iago's malignancy unexplained, while showing the fruits of his evil in full. 302303). The two pass the time, waiting for news, and Iago watches, planning to catch Cassio in his . An illustration of two cells of a film strip. Though Iago seems grieved by Cassio's promotion over him, this does not seem to be his main, or only, motive. How does the language change? What is the outcome of the battle with the Turks? Iago teeters on a seesaw "debating" whether to tell Othello what he saw between his wife and . Exam Invigilator's needed in Colne, Lancashire. As well as this references towards hell and damnation, there a several others. Othello: Act II Study Questions Scene i 1. The majority of character analyses done over the play focus mainly on the two male figures, Othello and Iago. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.R.4. It seems that Othello is more interested in keeping up appearances than in showing love for his wife; indeed, he does love her, but he seems unable to allow his love to inhabit a private, personal sphere, apart from his public life and image. When faced with this accusation, Iago simply offers that killing Cassio will. As the enraged and drunken Cassio attempts to attack Roderigo, Montano steps in to stop him. By refusing to even listen to Desdemona's denials of her suspected infidelity, Othello reveals how fully he has lost his independent perspective and succumbed to Iago's web of illusions. In the order of their appearance, list the characters who arrive from Venice in Scene 1. Iago is very tricky in this scene and extremely playful with Desdemona. Cassio sees his reputation, his honor, as what makes him human. He's paranoid Emilia has slept with O and C too! By continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. In this excerpt Iago represents, Iago also tries to persuade Roderigo through the different types of language techniques and appeals: ethos, pathos, and logos. The repetition of "honest" in his description of Iago compounds the tragedy by highlighting how completely he was duped. He uses this particularly well with Roderigo and Othello. Cassio's lines "Reputation, reputation, reputation! Desdemona's first question is for news of Othello. Another interpretation is that Iago is jealous of Othellos good fortune, the audience sees this at the end of the play When Iago refuses to explain himself. They completely demystify Shakespeare. Insecure He has been passed over for the job of Lieuetenant. Oil on canvas, ca. Both Emilia and the class will have to state their reasons for handing over the handkerchief or not. Iago is, of course, the serpent who uses "Eve" (Desdemona) to get to "Adam" (Othello). They completely demystify Shakespeare. Cassio is stripped of his rank, and all leave Cassio and Iago alone. In this lesson, students explore the basis of Iago's persuasive power by analyzing his astonishing command of rhetoric and figurative language. Iago's perception of women as deceptive, dominating, and lusty colors the way he portrays both Emilia and Desdemona; both are good women, Desdemona exceedingly so, yet he is able to convince other men that they are anything but what they are. As Iago learns that Cassio has no love for her, though much respect; so it is with much irony that Cassio is charged as being Desdemona's lover, when he is perhaps the only male figure in the play who has no feelings of passion for her. Hecht's reputation as one of our most original and imaginative thinkers on the literary arts. Iago's facility with language reveals his cunning and intelligence, and makes his manipulation of Othello believable. Iago's opinions show his perceived superiority in his character. Shakespeare highlights that Iago has control over the characters and everyone is vulnerable to his tricks. PDFs of modern translations of every Shakespeare play and poem. An illustration of a 3.5" floppy disk. Let not thy discreet heart think it. But even as he minces words with Desdemona, he is observing her and Cassio, and plotting how to make a fictional affair between them look convincing. He convinces Roderigo to attack Cassio that night, as he plans to visit mischief on both Othello and Cassio. "If consequence do but approve my dream, my boat sails freely, both with wind and stream" (II.iii.63-64). In effect, he is defining himself as both an insider. How does the language change? The relationship between Roderigo and Iago is obviously somewhat close. The slow pace of Desdemona's death stretches out its brutality and the terrible consequences of Othello's delusion. Each group should use the sheet to record their responses to the following questions: At the end of the play Iago discovers that even his verbal sparring cannot save him, he resorts to silence: "Demand me nothing. He is not interested in her innocence, in her pleas to be given a chance to explain the truth behind appearances, because he is so consumed by the "monster" of jealousy that he is certain that she is guilty. Tension lies in whether or not Cassio and Othello will come to know as much as the audience does about Iago's deviance. American Civil War document that freed slaves in states that were in rebellion. Creating notes and highlights requires a free LitCharts account. In a gesture reminiscent of how other characters (Iago, Roderigo, Brabantio) have drawn on racial stereotypes to exclude Othello and cement their own relationships, he here defines himself as an "insider," a Christian, against the "outsider" or enemy, the Turk. "If it were now to die, twere now to be most happy" "My soul hath her content so absolute that not another comfort like this succeeds an unknown fate". Othello can't analyze realityhe can't even differentiate between Emilia's and Desdemona's voices. Instant downloads of all 1699 LitChart PDFs The audience believes that this reason is inadequate and that it is only because of Othellos good fortune that he has decided to plot his revenge against Othello. Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. Teacher Editions with classroom activities for all 1699 titles we cover. Hell and night must bring this monstrous birth to the worlds light. Dramatic irony is when the audience is filled in what has happened or what is about to happen whilst other characters remain unaware. After the speech, first Emilia and then the class will have to decide whether Iago should get the handkerchief or not. . Much of the answer must lie in Iago's skillful manipulation of rhetorical skills. In the final moment of the play, Iago, who has directed action throughout, ends up as a spectator to his own misdeeds. To Othello and the others, Iago pretends not to understand how the whole fight came about, but he defends Cassio, saying that Cassio surely received from "him that fled" (Roderigo) some "strange indignity, / Which patience could not pass." Iago kills Emilia because she did betray himbut she betrayed him for the greater good, and Iago's violence toward her is more graphic and terrible than the smothering of Desdemona, bringing home his full villainy. The storm is also a great example of Shakespeare's deft use of language. By comparing Othello to an animal, and old. By combining a healthy diet and regular exercise, you can lose up to 70% of your excess body weight with a gastric sleeve. Iago is very ambiguous in his use of the word fair. Othello considers all of his men in Cyprus to be friends, since they are allies; this is another example of Othello's confusion between the worldly and the personal spheres. situation and in Othello's statement, "Iago is most honest."(II, iii, 7) 14. One strategy for helping students to focus on the details of Iago's language would be to provide them with a handout of the key rhetorical terms to be used throughout the reading of Othello. "He's a soldier fit to stand by Caesar," Iago acknowledges. With the line, But for my sport and profit, it is clear that Iago sees enriching himself off Roderigos envy as an amusing task with such an easy mark (Shakespeare 1473). You'll also get updates on new titles we publish and the ability to save highlights and notes. Our, "Sooo much more helpful thanSparkNotes. Iago, on the other hand, claims that reputa- tion is "an idle and most false imposition, oft got without merit and lost without deserving" (II, iii, 268-270). (2020, Jun 02). Another metaphor that helps Iago with his plan is "Thus do I ever make my fool my purse"(I, iii, 375). Students looking for free, top-notch essay and term paper samples on various topics. "My students can't get enough of your charts and their results have gone through the roof." Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text. Of course, he misses the identity of the real devil in the situation, Iago. Analyze dialogue for what is and is not stated to determine motive, meaning, and characteristics of the players. What do Wilfred Owens poems reveal about his views on religion? Othello e-text contains the full text of Othello by William Shakespeare. For example, one group should have Iago, another Othello, another Cassio, and still another Desdemona. Not affiliated with Harvard College. How does the. It is Cassio's courtly manner that makes him Othello's lieutenant; for Othello sees Cassio as a model Venetian, all poise and polish, which is something Othello wants to be, but thinks he is not. PDF Ender's Game chapters 3-6 Study guide questions 2020 CDL AirBrakes Test Questions + Answers - Study Guide Phlebotomy Exam Practice TestShort Answer Study Guide QuestionsShort Answer Study Guide Questions - The Crucible Act One Terms in this set (30) "So now they and their church found it necessary to deny any other sect its freedom, lest . Iago tells Cassio to speak to Desdemona, maybe he can get her to vouch for him with Othello to get his job back. Yet, the audience knows exactly what Iago is up to, and is able to see his deceptions for what they are. Iago describes how he will stage yet another scene and control how the other characters will interpret it, much as a playwright does with every scene he or she writes. In his soliloquies at the end of Act 1, Scene 3 and Act 2, Scene 1, Iago uses a few types of figurative language to express his thoughts, his devious plan, and the reasons behind his devious plan . There is no man that does not delight in being called a real man. Instant PDF downloads. All should be joyful, and Othello is celebrating the happiness of his recent marriage. Show full text Emilia, who understands Iago far better than the gullible male characters have so far, demonstrates her loyalty to Desdemona by risking her own safety and defying the murderer of her former mistress, despite his obvious willingness to do violence. There were some foils upon a table--some points also. He describes Desdemona as one who "excels the quirks of blazoning pens"; he calls her "divine Desdemona," but at the same time, wishes Othello much joy of her (II.i.62, 72). It would be useful for the teacher to find the definitions of these words in the. Roderigo believes him, blinded by his love for Desdemona, and sells his land to get money for gifts. in the situation and in Othello's statement, "Iago is most honest." (Act II, Scene III, line 7) 2. Explain the incident that led to Cassio's dismissal. The storm marks the end of the peaceful part of the play, a signal that Iago's mischief is about to begin. Later on in the play we find that Iago refers to those he resents as whip me such honest knaves the fact that he uses deception of honesty for his trickery to take place means that through honesty he is able to control those around him almost like pawns in a chest game. EDSITEment's "A Teacher's Guide for Shakespeare", EDSITEment is a project of theNational Endowment for the Humanities, Folger Shakespeare Library digital text for, Chicago's Shakespeare Theatre essay, "1604 and All That, Folger Shakespeare Library's "American Moor,", Lexicons of Early Modern EnglishDatabase(, Lexicons of Early Modern English Database (, Gilchrist, K. J. Approximations: Iago as a Plautine leno, Shakespeare's Julius Caesar: Leadership and a Global Stage, "Not of an age, but for all time": Teaching Shakespeare, Iago's mastery of rhetoric: So they can more fully appreciate Iago's rhetorical skill, students should be introduced to (or reminded about) rhetoric and rhetorical devices before jumping immediately into the play. Roderigo also plays as a pawn in Iago's plan when he is lied to by Iago about getting married to Desdemona. this quote suggests to the audience that Iago is saying his plot is so evil that hell and night shall give birth to it. Iago again takes on the role of "director," laying out his plans for the audience. What step in his plan to entrap the main characters does Iago take at the end of Act II? In lines 337- 355, Iago reiterates the statement, "put money in thy purse" to convince Iago not to give up on trying to pursue Desdemona. That is, does Iago use any rhetorical devices to convince himself that he is in the right? Cassio 2. Additional materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make your writing easier are also offered here. 1857. Analyze Iago's arguments. Both Othello and Cassio wildly misjudge Iago, revealing just how duplicitous Iago is. Othello. None of the characters in the play have any idea of Iago's plans and evil intentions; Othello and Cassio are especially unaware of this knowledge. I know our country disposition well;/ in Venice they do let heaven see the pranks/They dare not show their husbands; Their best conscience/ Is not to leave't undone, but keep't unknown. Emilia 5. Shakespeare shifts the action from Venice to Cyprus. GradeSaver, 29 September 2014 Web. Subscribe Now 2. Does Iago use other words that would also alarm him? One of Iagos mentionings as follows I havet. Cassio's flawed honor and courtliness are juxtaposed in this scene with Iago's manipulativeness and deceptiveness. Use the worksheet 3, in class for student groups. Othello's insecurities mean that Cassio is promoted over Iago, but also lead Othello to hold Cassio at a distance. Besides, his Grace hated a scene--De L'Omelette is himself again. This quote is comparing Cassio to a dog. J. N. Smith. Through Iagos many qualities, Jealousy and Paranoia seem to be exaggerated throughout the play, it is because of Iagos jealousy is of such as great extent that he is brought to bring about the downfall of Othello. This touches Roderigos emotions because no one wants to do something that will cause those around them to not love and cherish them when they are gone. During the time of Shakespeare, females were often treated and viewed in society as second-rate to men. Shakespeare's use of soliloquies to present Macbeth and Hamlet, True Grit in the Character of Mattie in True Grit by Charles Portis. Fordefinitions of "Moor" contemporary with Shakespeare, go first to the, Lastly, students should be introduced to the Roman god. Teachers and parents! Sign Language: True Language for the Deaf, Death of a salesman --- character of Willy Loman and his relation with his wife, sons, friends and his extra marital affair. PDF downloads of all 1699 LitCharts literature guides, and of every new one we publish. Iago uses the same type appeal to pride in lines 355-357 when he says that it would be better to die by hanging with her rather than to die by drowning without her. This indicates the chaotic sense of the play and it foreshadows all the bad things coming up. How do Wheatley and Adams cope with: slavery; lack of security due to inaction; absolute power of men? What are some possible symbolic meanings of this change? He suggests that even really good actions can produce bad effects. Roderigo remarks, "That thou, Iago, who hast had my purse as if the strings were thine." [Act I, Scene I, Line 2]. Iago is painting himself as a spider. Some people think Iago may not be entirely at fault, as it was also Othellos Achilles heel that led to his downfall and demise, O, beware, my lord, of jealousy! Chicago's Shakespeare Theatre essay, "1604 and All That,"along withWashington DC's Shakespeare Theatre Company'sA Cultural Context for Othello,and the Folger Shakespeare Library's "American Moor,"provide insights into what it meant to be a moor in Shakespeare's time. All the noise wakes Othello, who comes down to figure out what has happened. The group wait, bantering on the topic of women. A huge storm strikes at sea, destroying much of the Turkish fleet. Download Othello Study Guide. By refusing to speak, Iago retains some of the directorial control of events that he has striven for throughout: he never reveals his inner reality to the other characters. Iago also knows the importance of reputation, which is why he makes sure that people see him as "honest" above anything else. Cassio's ship, followed by Desdemona's ship, is the first Venetian ship to arrive. Topics covered include: Getting started Making a case Examination essays Achieving clarity Written in the authors accomplished, student-friendly style, The Basics of Essay Writing is full of practical tips and guidance. What might have been a reason for Shakespeare to employ this change at the end of the act? What does Iago's use of language in his soliloquies reveal about his true character?. To whom was it addressed? Students should translate and rewrite what Iago says into modern English. Ethos twice in the passage, in class for student groups plan to entrap the main does! 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