They will lead us to places of rest and provision. The Hebrew word for rod (shaybet) here seems to simply mean a stick with a variety of applications. But the valley was always there, casting its shadow over her life. Webby John Calvin: Commentaries on Psalms by many authors : Commentaries on various Psalms: Read & listen to many hymns linked to specific Psalms: EasyEnglish Bible Commentary on Psalms: Explaining the Psalms to children & those new to English : Overview of Psalm 23 : Psalm 51 in-depth study : In-depth studies in the Book of Psalms The Third Commandment says, You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not acquit anyone who misuses his name (Exodus 20:7). (Kidner). Ok, I'm being naughty. Psalm 23 is written by David who grew up as a shepherd. It was never used on the sheep. Hence he infers that he should want no good (ver 1), that he needed to fear no evil (ver 4), that God would never leave nor forsake him in a way of mercy; and therefore he resolves never to leave nor forsake God in a way of duty, ver 6. Believe with the same confidence David had. For them, it truly was the valley of the shadow of death. It's not somewhere that you set up camp thinking that is all you will ever know. Click to enable/disable Google reCaptcha. John MacArthur. "He recovers me when I am sick, and revives me when I am faint, and so restores the soul which was ready to depart." It has remanded to their dungeon more felon thoughts, more black doubts, more thieving In this context, it suggests blessings that will help the psalmist. But Jesus is the good Shepherd. (3.) Thank God for such times! He will sustain and provide for all of His peoples needs. The Hebrew word for staff (mishaynaw) seems to speak of a support in the sense of a walking stick. [12] You will only be able to say that if you have truly come to know the Lord Jesus as your Shepherd. Here is. The shepherd would use his staff to guide sheep and to pull them back from dangerous places. He takes them into his fold, and then takes care of them, protects them, and provides for them, with more care and constancy than a shepherd can, that makes it his business to keep the flock. Sure enough, someone guessed pretty quickly that it would be Psalm 23. Let us not, therefore, be afraid. Near death, the saint does not walk in the valley, but through the valley. [1.] Witamy Wybierz adres dostawy Wszystkie kategorie Wyszukaj If you refuse cookies we will remove all set cookies in our domain. The hosts care and concern doesnt eliminate the presence of my enemies but enables the experience of Gods goodness and bounty even in their midst. It means to actively pursue, to chase, and normally in a negative sense as when Pharaoh chased Israel at the exodus. 2. So some take the latter clause: "Goodness and mercy having followed me all the days of my life on this earth, when that is ended I shall remove to a better world, to dwell in the house of the Lord for ever, in our Father's house above, where there are many mansions. It is a valley of the shadow of death, facing what seemed to David as the ultimate defeat and evil. Why the double standard of confusing messages? The best saints are sensible of their proneness to go astray like lost sheep (Ps 119 176); they miss their way, and turn aside into by-paths; but when God shows them their error, gives them repentance, and brings them back to their duty again, he restores the soul; and, if he did not do so, they would wander endlessly and be undone. What He is leading, guiding and teaching us is firstly about the inward change to the circumstance even if outwardly things remain the same. Every word in it has a wealth of meaning. We have to learn to sit back and thank Him once again. (1 Pet 5:1-4, Acts The Saviours Cross. So I wrote back and said I had done a thorough check and all was well. Now David wasn't saying here that 'the Lord is my Shepherd, whom I do not want'! It is expressed in this verse - Rom He is that interested in each of His sheep! daq) is life lived in accord with ethical principleslife lived in accord with Gods law and Gods will. [4]. Click to enable/disable essential site cookies. In all of those things he was also being pursued the goodness and loving kindness of his great Shepherd. [6]. The sheep may crack their skull just to ease the suffering to get rid of the brain-eating parasites. a. ), which the WEB has updated. MON 10/20/2014. They know that it will be ok. and I will dwell in Yahwehs (Hebrew: YHWH) house forever (v. 6b). The word Psalms alludes to a In this he had certainly an eye, not only to the blessings of God's providence, which made his outward condition prosperous, but to the communications of God's grace, received by a lively faith, and returned in a warm devotion, which filled his soul with joy unspeakable. My cup runs over (Hebrew: rewayah) (v. 5c). I'm sure you are smart enough to see the analogy between Jesus and His sheep today. (General Editor), New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology & Exegesis, 5 vol., (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1997), All Rights Reserved | 1997-2023 Richard Niell Donovan. Whose soever sins ye remit. The divine guidance they are under is stripped of its metaphor (v. 3): He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness, in the way of my duty; in that he instructs me by his word and directs me by conscience and providence. But, what makes it so compelling? Our website uses cookies to store user preferences. Psalm 23:4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death. The book of Psalms is so unique because it focuses on the character of God. He had not only enough, a cup full, but more than enough, a cup which overflowed. God leads his people, not to the standing waters which corrupt and gather filth, not to the troubled sea, nor to the rapid rolling floods, but to the silent purling waters; for the still but running waters agree best with those spirits that flow out towards God and yet do it silently. Copyright 2023, Bible Study Tools. He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His names sake.. The shepherds staff was the familiar long rod with a crook on one end. 1. When I was serving in Vietnam as a chaplain, I visited soldiers in the A Shau Valley near Laos. WebPsalm 23:4. The sense of this verse then is that, because God is loving and kind, his people can expect God to provide blessings throughout life. The wonder of wonders is that through the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ in our lives we can actually go through these times without fear! WebJohn Fullerton MacArthur Jr. (born June 19, 1939) is an American Protestant pastor and author known for his internationally syndicated Christian teaching radio and television program Grace to You. So many people place their trust and hope is all sorts of things. But the shepherds here use dogs and fences to drive and control the sheep. When flies or parasites annoy them, its hard for them to be at rest. See the happiness of the saints as the sheep of God's pasture. Gods motivations for treating His people rightly stem from the perfection and goodness of His nature. There are few experiences in life that would be more satisfying. This feeding is symbolic of being fed spiritually with the word of God. 'Do I need to be extra careful?' He had a sidekick with him who spoke on 'I will build my church'. Many people were praying for me. WebThe MacArthur New Testament Commentary is now completethirty-three volumes that take you through the whole New Testament, detail by detail, verse by verse. Anyway, we might have been being a tad naughty but the principle can be quite helpful and this is what I will do with this first verse. In extreme cases where a lamb continually wandered off and wouldn't stick with the pack (causing the Shepherd to repeatedly have to go and bring the lamb back) the Shepherd would sometimes break the lamb's leg! Again, there is comfort in the fact that God directs us and even discipline from the Lord (pulling us back into line!) Pray to him, then, for the blessingRestore thou me, thou Shepherd of my soul!, Some Christians overlook the blessing of sanctification, and yet to a thoroughly renewed heart this is one of the sweetest gifts of the covenant. Now mine was a recent silly example. How resolutely he determines to cleave to God and to his duty. And it is in these times that it starts getting a lot more personal! The word through is important. Though the majority of the occurrences of hesed are translated steadfast love, there are undeniable elements of mercy and kindness that underlie each of these occurrences (Renn, 633-634). But he would then carry that lamb while its leg mended and apparently, once healed, that lamb would never wander off from the shepherd again. Here the second allegory begins. This table represents all the blessings that are ours in Christ Jesus. He is the Lord our God that heals us, Exod 15 26. David could confidently write the second phrase because he experienced the provision and providence of God in his life. [1] It is a Psalm that encompasses our live here and even extends into eternity future. The wonderful discovery is that the Lord is not just a shepherd who looks after the entire flock, but He is cares for me as well. It is what the Apostle Paul knew when he wrote: Philippians 4:11-13 I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. Part 1. We need to hear those words as if God intended them for usbecause he did. David claimed that the same God who faithfully rescued the Israelites from Egypt and provided guidance and provision in the wilderness is the same faithful God he served. He doesn't stop, and he doesn't give up hope. Konto i listy Zwroty i zamwienia. Is it a terrible thing that even though God is sovereign and controls the entire universe, we don't want to let go of the reigns! [4.] No creature will lose itself sooner than a sheep, so apt is it to go astray, and then so unapt to find the way back. Because there is no evil in it to a child of God; death cannot separate us from the love of God, and therefore it can do us no real harm; it kills the body, but cannot touch the soul. Note the pronoun change in this verse. The image portrays that God has the power to feed and protect David. WebThe backdrop for the Psalms is twofold: 1) the acts of God in creation and history, and 2) the history of Israel. It is the duty of Christians to encourage themselves in the Lord their God; and we are here directed to take that encouragement both from the relation wherein he stands to us and from the experience we have had of his goodness according to that relation. But he also knew, through many highs and lows, throughout his life, that he too was but a sheep with a far greater Shepherd. People need to know this beautiful Psalm of David to reorient and renew their thinking. We often try to work things out in our little minds and end up working ourselves into a place of nervous exhaustion! As the shepherd led the sheep from oasis to oasis, this sometimes meant passing through narrow valleys that had steep cliff faces on each side. "Even in the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil. Nothing is outside of His control. [4] I read in a John Hunter book that as well as being able to say 'The Lord is my shepherd' we should be able to say 'The shepherd is my Lord.' Proud member where is thy sting? The shepherd certainly did not remove the presence of evil but removed the fear of evil. Hebrews 13:20-21 May the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him His present care and provision for His people This psalm is so personal, with the pronoun I or My, being used commonly. Not many people receive such an invitation, and even fewer receive more than one. 3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Witamy Wybierz adres dostawy Wszystkie kategorie Wyszukaj Jesus honors us by inviting us to his table, saying, This is my body that is for you. He will not, and cannot forsake you if you are one of His sheep! This sentence may be read, only goodness and mercy, for there shall be unmingled mercy in our history. What are these green pastures but the Scriptures of truthalways fresh, always rich, and never exhausted? He is. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over.. Significantly, it is at the dangerous moment pictured in the psalm that the He of Psalm 23:1-3 changes to You. The LORD as Shepherd is now in the second person. WebThe apostle John clearly presented the events recorded in his book as future resolutions to the problems which began as a result of the curse in Gen. 3. The word Psalms alludes to a Salem Media Group. I remember a woman who grieved every year on anniversary of the death of her infant child. the peace which Jehovah gives to his people, even in the midst of the most trying circumstances! The sheep didnt know where the green pastures and still waters were. It is for 'His name's sake' that He does this. WebPREVIOUS John 20:22 NEXT John 20:24. 2. The shepherd is also a guide who leads the flock on the right path. The word my cup runs over indicates that David not only had the necessities but also enjoyed abundance. The concept dates back to the Book of Genesis when Jacob referred to the LORD as the Shepherd and the Rock of Israel (Genesis 49:24). 4 Ways the Parable of the Sower Encourages Spiritual Growth. can be seen as comforting for it is a sign that He loves us scripture says (Heb 12:6). Please be aware that this might heavily reduce the functionality and appearance of our site. We are so invited and not just occasionally but foreverthe honor that exceeds all other honors. d. For You are with me: This emphasizes that it is the presence of the shepherd that eliminated the fear of evil for the sheep. Dying soldiers have died easier as it was read to them; ghastly hospitals have been illuminated; it has visited the prisoner, and broken his chains, and, like Peter's angel, led him forth in imagination, and sung him back to his home again. Is It Ok for Christians to Follow Zodiac Signs? [8] If you are someone that God has placed in a position of leadership or teaching then you should also remember that you are called shepherds and are called to feed the flock of God. Gods shepherding care from the previous verse brought restoration to Davids soul. Imminent danger supposed: "Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, that is, though I am in peril of death, though in the midst of dangers, deep as a valley, dark as a shadow, and dreadful as death itself," or rather, "though I am under the arrests of death, have received the sentence of death within myself, and have all the reason in the world to look upon myself as a dying man, yet I am easy." a. He has been the pastor of Grace Community Church, a non-denominational church in Sun Valley, California since February 9, 1969. But we have the testimony from the Shepherd also how he loved the sheep and would never let them go! It is a song of gratitude that resonates with the authors heart and trust in God. From the good gifts of God's bounty to him now he infers the constancy and perpetuity of his mercy, v. 5, 6. Bible History: Old Testament by Alfred Edersheim - Hebrew In Psalm 22 He dies; in Psalm 23 He is living; in Psalm 24 He is coming. Not was, like He helped you in the past. When things were hard for Joe Christian you would hear the pastor encourage him saying 'Jesus will never leave or forsake you - take heart!' He was the son of Jesse and a direct descendant of Abraham. This is the joy of the Christian! In the presence of my enemies: This is a striking phrase. Part 2. The New Testament speaks of Jesus as anointed (Luke 4:18; John 20:31; Acts 5:42; Hebrews 1:9, etc.). God does not eliminate the risks and hazards but will illuminate His presence. Though God may suffer his people to fall into sin, he will not suffer them to lie still in it. Is it Messianic? It is a comfort to the saints, when they come to die, that God takes cognizance of them (he knows those that are his), that he will rebuke the enemy, that he will guide them with his rod and sustain them with his staff. That he was not stinted, was not straitened, but had abundance: "My cup runs over, enough for myself and my friends too." We are smart enough to do this in the physical. Below are some of his most touching and eloquent comments on each verse. These twin guardian angels will always be with me at my back and my beck Goodness and mercy follow him alwaysall the days of his life the black days as well as the bright days, the days of fasting as well as the days of feasting, the dreary days of winter as well as the bright days of summer. he leads me to waters where I can rest: this was the best water. Anderson, A.A., The New Century Bible Commentary: Psalms 1-72 (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1972), Broyles, Craig C., New International Biblical Commentary: Psalms (Peabody, Massachusetts: Hendrickson Publishers, 1999, Brueggemann, Walter, The Message of the Psalms A Theological Commentary (Minneapolis: Augsburg Press, 1984), Clifford, Richard J., Abingdon Old Testament Commentaries: Psalms 1-72 (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2002), Craigie, Peter C., Word Biblical Commentary, Psalms 1-50, Vol. Once he sent his men a begging for him to Nabal, and another time went himself a begging to Ahimelech; and yet, when he considers that God is his shepherd, he can boldly say, I shall not want. With no one to turn to, we develop true and steadfast love and trust in the Lord. It adorns walls in faithful churches and fills frames in Christian homes. (1.) Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. But the love for our Saviour is great, with us waiting patiently for a time all these woes will come to an end. To eat at the Kings table in the presence of your enemies would show your enemies that the king holds you in high regard, and would demonstrate their powerlessness to hurt you. Now this place of rest is, first and foremost spiritually speaking, right in the midst of the problem. The primary responsibility of a shepherd is to ensure the well-being and safety of the flock. Wow! To be invited to Gods table is the ultimate honor. In terms of how it is loved, look at how one old theologian from the 1800's spoke of it. 3 He Kings were anointed (1 Samuel 10:1; 16:3, 12-13; 2 Samuel 23:1; 1 Kings 1:39). It is getting harder to live on this planet - from a health point of view, from a financial point of view, from a spiritual and moral point of view, from a fear and anxiety point of view - there is much that a person could be concerned about. Its evident in this verse how David recognizes Gods lordship over his life. Web29 MacArthur Bible New Testament Commentary - Almost Complete Set + Handbook + 1 Sold by brianmash | Ends on 2023-02-28 23:45:20 . The Analogy of God and the Shepherd in Psalm 23, The Lord As A Shepherd Who Provides (Verse 1), The Lord As A Shepherd Who Guides (Verses 2-3), The Protection And Comfort From Gods Presence (Verse 4), The Blessings of God Amidst Danger (Verse 5), Faith-Filled Content Delivered To Your Inbox, Best NASB Study Bibles Ranked & Reviewed, The Best Bible for Young Adults: Buyers Guide. This is a Psalm of David and David was a shepherd. Click on the different category headings to find out more. Can you say that about your life? Shepherds use the rod and staff to guide the sheep and protect them from potential predators. For instance, we would emphasize 'I WILL build my church' or 'I will BUILD my church' etc. The LORD is His hope rises, and his faith is strengthened, by being exercised. In New Zealand (where I live) all of our farms and fields seem to be 'green pastures' and the sheep tend to munch all day! It is a bit difficult to ascertain the exact time Psalm 23 was written. It may portray the straying sheep brought back. Since these providers may collect personal data like your IP address we allow you to block them here. Scripture: God's eternal desire is that He would have many sons and daughters who display His glory and light within them. 'My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. Psalm 23:6 And I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever. (1.) He would not be like his Lord if he had not. Psalm 23 is a wonderful masterpiece of David that contains encouragement and awe-inspiring spiritual truths. It is a Psalm of but 6 verses but countless sermons and entire books have been written on it. How would you describe sheep? He will never, ever, leave you! The following cookies are also needed - You can choose if you want to allow them: You can read about our cookies and privacy settings in detail on our Privacy Policy Page. The green pastures and waters spoken of in this verse were often some distance apart and the shepherd would have to lead his flock to these places. Death is not the house but the porch, not the goal but the passage to it Many a saint has reaped more joy and knowledge when he came to die than he ever knew while he lived. Everyone knows this psalm even non-Christians have heard it because it seems to be a favourite at their funerals. David envisioned God as a benevolent host who prepared a grand banquet. I'll close with this for is gives a great summary of the wonderful provision of God as outlined in this Psalm. Other than the president and family, only a handful of people have been invited to make the White House their homeand then only for a few years. Priests were anointed (Exodus 40:13-15). 1 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. Is one better than the other? It has remanded to their dungeon more felon thoughts, more black doubts, more thieving sorrows, than there are sands on the sea-shore. The continuance of it: It shall follow me all my life long, even to the last; for whom God loves he loves to the end. In Psalm 23, we are compared to sheep who do not have a sense of direction, are hopeless, and are weak who need a Shepherd. How highly he magnifies God's gracious vouchsafements to him (v. 5): "Thou preparest a table before me; thou hast provided for me all things pertaining both to life and godliness, all things requisite both for body and soul, for time and eternity:" such a bountiful benefactor is God to all his people; and it becomes them abundantly to utter his great goodness, as David here, who acknowledges, (1.) I shall not want can translate to I have no lack. 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