The following tactics are common when a relative is vulnerable to manipulation: Family members who borrowed money from a relative might insist that such loans were gifts after the relatives death. Additionally, when you own estates or nay assets, consulting a financial planner would always be the best option if you want to know how to have security for years to come. My Dad also did street drugs, was never in sound mind, couldnt spell, understand reading etc. I agree just as Steven said also. And also sold the stocks and bonds that I was supposed to get before mom died and said she needed the money to take care of mom for the last 4yrs that she lived. I was on transport and gave him ice chips he was so thristy!!!!! An initial trust lawyer and a lawyer that litigates for beneficiaries that would see any undo loopholes. My family made the mistake of putting one professional fiduciary in charge of everything and there are no checks and balances. 3 siblings filed suit challenging the will and against the 1 sibling who received 80%. Ive bookmarked your site, and Im adding your RSS feeds to my Google account. Now, let's focus a bit more on inheritance theft. 3 years later my uncle died at age 55. He didnt have any payments for purchases the whole time and only had utilities payments. My son gave durable power of attorney to his father, since then my son continues to ask how much money was giving to him from inheritance from grand father and aunt ,he would like to know how much and were has he spent money and would like a bank account opened in his name for money to go into to keep track of it my son has been incarsrated. They defamations of my character and they are all in on it, My mom and her brother got there dads money after he passed I dint live with her she is crushed and now is depressed and her and her brother was supose to split the money but her brother signed paper and his girlfriend is the one thats supose to split it he got a lawyer to get her to be the person without being in trouble for it my uncle did somthing he has all the money and my mom crystal and crystal asleep everyday and I feel bad for her I want to help her but im busy and really not good at talking and dont even. Im torn my mom said Im in the will of a close relative . If all her papers her official will, and her Ad&d insurance papers were missing. I know she cant put me out, but what can I do I was thinking about may a police report, but when I tell them all thats going on and show ownership, they will make her leave. Personally, I do not think that it has. She has lied to me..both visiting Mother doing who knows. If the case . I wish someone would give me a polygraph. Is it too late for us to stop this? She is on dead certificate as adopted granddaughter and Bank statement, they leave no children at all. No one will tell me who, but after all that over 15 years someone took that money. I have a sister. Trust sibling manipulated me and then erased me. The daughter had only a copy of the will and it is now in probate.She has excluded him from anything and stated in the probate that there is no other heirs. Who do I call? I have nothing now and She called me and my sister to her bed.she helped my sister pay off her house., and I let her have the bank account, and she verbally agreed that the house was mine. My Mother & Father put a lot of time helping me.This was taking time away from my brother & sister. Inst there someone out there who helps people like us who rightfully get wronged in this will situation!! In saying all this he wasnt fully coherent or understanding of everything bc had 2 prior strokes, depending on others for almost all his care, still grieving from the loss of his wife, no glasses at time of doing all this. Professional fiduciaries and lawyers create many loop holes in which they can easily overcharge for care. But I had no idea that this happened. The only way to protect an estate from this kind of hijacking is to insist on loan documents whenever a large amount of money changes hands. If I cash the check, do I lose my right to question expenses and pursue legal options against her? I didnt find out til a couple months ago that I was applying for social security because it cane up in the information. Mom dies 1981. If I have proof my brother-in-law who appointed himself executor, has stollen from the estate, can I go after him legally even though my husband who is the beneficiary doesnt? She made him send it to her house because she wanted make sure she received her money. If you are writing a will, you want an attorney who is willing to remove the rose-colored glasses. Can this be so? But to undo what she did would cost tens of thousands of dollars. She took mother to sign a Will she created. calling him , or texting him . I can relate to a lot of people on here, Im curious to know if anyone got the answers theyre looking for? If anyone could assist me.. My dad ex-Marine ( USA)) retired. I even hold a SOUTH CAROLINA TITLE CLEARNING FORM THAT WAS FIED IN CLECK OF COURT IN MARION, SC 29571, AS WELL. She has kept the money from the bank account, but refuses to sign over her half of the house. I havent touched any of the assets. Inheritance Theft - Texas Will Contest Lawyer (800) 323-1857. . My father never intended for me to be hurt. Paper work like deeds , quick claimed etc all contain the wrong names in the wrong places. My brother is the trustee, and Im listed as a beneficiary of only 40 percent. My parents got divorced and my father remarried so when my grandmother passed away my father took care of things. Should we hire an estate planner who can suggest us to get the assets or the information? In case of the worst and she is disabled or passes away, we dont want me to lose money on probate or any other thing, I will need the money. Did we have a right to be heard? Is it too late to do anything considering lts been since 2016 but Im assuming laws were broken at least were mosy-likely broken and hiding wills/ financial info took place i believe. Not sure getting the inheritance back will restore my spirit or health anyway. In the time that my brother had the bank card he purchased an entire heating and cooling system inside and out for his house and withdrew at least twice a week 800.00 each time for right at 30 days. When her will was read it left almost 80 % to one sibling. I really dont have the money to financially go to court or get a solicitor over this unfortunately :(( my step dad said if you are mean to youre older sister in anyway just remember who is dealing with the money after Im gone now Ive never been mean to my older sister I just want to see what the will actually states as Ive yet to see it, also they left me and my twin out of being involved in our mums funeral we were just people showing up and sitting there :(( while my older sister stood up with her children to sing (although she was a daddys girl) so me and my twin who is the mum of my niece feel we dont have a say at all in the will and also are it seems being kept in the dark to what we actually come into :(( and of course if we actually also get the full amount, my niece should get 30 thousand, me and my twin each apparently will get one hundred thousand each, but sadly I dont think were going to see that amount :((. S. Hokams. Go to your prospective attorneys website and see what they claim to specialize in, Ross says. Dad was a veteran,retired epidemiologist,and always had life insurance?how could my dad leave me with nothing and no on verge of breakdown and no $$ for atty.i asked for photos so do I need an atty to demand those.sister also has my $ blocked. No oversight ever done. She found out that the will was just changed in June or July of 2020. she also found out that he is taking money from her dad and spending it on him. My father past away June 27, 20 and I am his first born daughter. When a will is executed or changed due to fraud, a will contest will often be necessary to cure the inheritance theft. The Father bought property and built a home here in the northwest. I told her repeatedly that I was not helping her to take money. I am the co trustee of Moms trust. Thank you. She wants to remarry him as he is fastly declining which is something he has always wanted. Nothing. Year later my Aunt died leaving all to her cousin in Ca. Whether you are planning your own estate or you are fighting for your inheritance, you may feel overwhelmed when trying to find the right estate attorney for your needs. Fighting against an inheritance thief is both exhausting and expensive. I have spent about 100 thousand so far. as he was caring for her, she requested for her daughter. I need a good beneficiary attorney in the Cola.,SC area asap. He has stated to me that he would remarry her if it doesnt effect anything. This lowers the likelihood that your executor will take advantage of their position. What type of lawyer would we need to try and at least recoup some $10,000 that she told him was cost of his dads celebration of life? But an DNA test says not related. My mother has contacted her attorney to take my sisters name off the house, but when it was time to sign the new will her health was failing. If I survive her three death threats Ill update you after my eviction trial this week. Large estate in Mo. I know they have a motive but I dont know what it is or how to find out. How can I get his personal and medical records papers as his legal wife? I have the records, in my possession, in the bank where he kept the money. No will my question is how did she go behind my back and taken everything from me that i am the soul survier ship i stook by him with Five surgurays and never lefted him until the day he died i was still with him this lady is telling everyone to leave that she ownes everything now she took his ld when i went to the bathroom and took his bank statements and ss number aswell and now shes over everything know nobody told her she could get none of his things r they anything that could be done to stop her before its to late, My friends for over 40 yrs just found out that her dads will was just changed by her stepbrother. I would have investigated earlier but I didnt know what he was worth and I just thought he didnt leave me anything. She put it all in her sons name prior to marring my father in law, A month before my father in laws death he realized that the trust gave her too much power and he attempted to change it but her attorney wrote it in a way that she could not be removed with out her agreeing. so I cant even say if this is what you mean but I feel I was ripped off couldnt even take days off because of my job and they were so far away anyway ..but thats were they hid everything from me!They were supposed to divide stuff, but that never happened either! There was so much fraud going on witch one do you pick or who do you go after . So she took every single item even the curtains left no assists for the estate . She stated that she wanted me to help with managing the business affairs. The remaining siblings all agreed some manipulation took place in the last year my mother was alive. When he passed my uncles wife called me and said he died and I layer found out the called me 1 hr after funeral just so no one would go to his funeral my uncle had serious daddy issues. As a victim, you do have the option to make a criminal complaint and ask the district attorney to prosecute your sibling, either when you suspect theft, or have proven they stole your assets or inheritance from the estate. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Please someone give us some advice/direction to turn too. Needed to compose you a very little word to thank you yet again regarding the nice suggestions youve contributed here. In Sept of 2021 my grandmother passed away and after reading this article I would say my case falls under manipulation of my inheritance from other family members that were with here while she was doing her will and left me 75 a month till supposedly her money runs out who can help me? Since this person will be managing your assets until they are distributed to your heirs, you must choose someone whom you trust to follow your wishes. My aunts house Had been abandoned for two years after death , no will, I went to Florida to say my goodbyes while she was dying at the nursing home, any way, 2 years later a purple leaf properties called and said they wanted to buy my aunts house for 60,000, then it went down to 40,000 and he said my mom who is incapacitated we get 15,000 and my mothers brother will get another 15,000 then the property manager called me again and told me that he wanted the key to my aunts house so I sent it to him then he drop the price down for me $2000 and then he had the guardian for my mom take the money and put it in a trust fund for 15,000 uncle got his money a month later 15,000 for signing some type of probate paper for the courts I didnt get any money yet but I got mad and told him that the lawyer called and said that they could take the money from the house and split it between all the heirs that me and my brother would get half and half because my mom is incapacitated. Im going to file agin for excutor and go back to la and ask due to edviedence of step brother confessingn why he lied was he wouldnt of been able to get my inhertance if he can be prosicuted, or moneys frozen. Im also afraid that they will do the same when my mother dies. Sorry!!! We have no idea of what to do because of course this is the first time seeing this and not knowing of how the law is. were do i start to get wats rightfully mine. Our cousins still live near by. Plus one of them is a attorney. Sometimes maybe a bill. Literary! My father is elderly, and has handed over all of her investments and asset to my sister. My father told me he was leaving me his house as he knew my mother was returning to Quebec the first chance she got. Now her father has passed the corp down to the daughter from his 2nd marriage and that daughter is doing all she can to take my friends home from her and stick her away into a convalescent home and take her share of the corp. to share with her sisters and keep for herself. They know that I do not have the money to fight back like I should. I have a question for you. In our dads trust document, I notice that only the house and furnishings are listed as assets. How do I go about finding out if I have a trust in my name. I come home from trip to discover him panic packing paperwork into threee small duffel bags and fleeing like a scared child and blocks my cell. The husband now has filed charges against me for tressspassing and burglary of habitation because he claims he owns our land and home. Am I entitled to anything years later? Scum bags of tbe highest degree. My final decree of adoption is vested with the jurisdiction under the Uniform Adoption Act . Plus she hasnt answered for drugging then having husband killed a decade earlier. How would I go about find this out . I turned to my stepmother for help and I was scolded and threatened in return and have been ever since. They have created several very large successful businesses. My dad passed away in 2019 & I didnt know that he had left me his house. That nun stole my wifes entire inheritance by having having a trust created for my wifes aunt and uncle and making herself the beneficiary before they died. He passed September 18th 2020- still not in the ground yet family member comes over takes away the washer and dryer says she has two weeks to move out my mother was promised to pick a vehicle out of the three right along with a payment settlement. I have been in the same assisted living facility as she and her guardian has never taken her out anywhere except for doctors visits. She was of age and only child. Self-dealing or stealing trust assets. I am supposed to inherit the investment accounts and bank account which were about the as much as his gorgeous house on the water, my sister gets the house and land. I want to find the initial will and see how it was written. I can let this go I dont expect money I just want justice and closure. Is their anything I can do or is it even worth it. It left out my father and me. With some letter appearing have nowhere since 2003 and nobody being informed of changes. She told me about how successful they were and that they will not be interested in anything that she had. Our rights are being violated and refused to get disability lawyers to help us. He didnt specify that I actually be allowed to keep it. I saved information in my email that only my mom and sisters and brother had access to. What can I do if anything? My father hurt me very bad when I was young. she didnt and I was slapped with sanctions and had to pay for her entire attorneys bill out of my pocket I might add and I get way less than what my father wanted. Im an only child and only grandchild. To try and teach us severally disabled a lesson. Police would even take a report as he and his girlfriend carried out my belongings. When I was called in by the investigator, I explained what was going on and that I was only helping her. If there is no loan document in place, the heirs have no recourse to get the money back from the borrower on behalf of the estate. I am surprised that people claiming that they are heirs without legal support can give the will writer a hard time making ones inheritance. I was not notified of his death till a week ago. The curtains left no assists for the estate years later my Aunt leaving... Mother was returning to Quebec the first chance she got in, Ross says have. 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