Almost four years have gone by, and Im still in constant agony in multiple areas across my body. p. 50). One person Krystal played was Gordon Todd Skinner. ), She was the first and only girlfriend I took home to my parents. 1. his aliases (Merit trans., p. 75, ln 15-24); 2. aliases in Arizona (p. 76, ln 15-16); 3. aliases in Oklahoma (p. 76, ln 18); 4. aliases in New Jersey (p. 76, ln 19-20); 5. the frequency of his travel to New Jersey (p. 85, ln 3-9); 6. his associates in New Jersey (p. 85, ln 17-18); 7. the profits from his criminal activities being used for bond (p. 88, ln 6); 8. the origin of funds for the property being posting for bond (p. 88, ln 7-9); 9. the origins of $50,000 (p. 88, ln 11); 10. his other premises (p. 96, ln 9-10); 11. his ownership of property (p. 96, ln 11-19); 12. his rental of property (p. 96, ln 19); 13. his residence in Tulsa (p. 97, ln 8-10); 14. his alleged residence in London (p. 141, ln 15-17) or the Caribbean (p. 142, ln 5-6); 15. his profession from 1985 through 1988 (p. 142, ln 15-21); 16. the names of his companies (p. 143, ln 10-21); 17. whether his companies were in the United States (p. 143, ln 24-25); 18. whether his companies were not in the United States (p. 144, ln 1-2); 19. the kinds of companies he owned (p. 144, ln 3-4); 20. the names of other companies (p. 144, ln 1-2); 21. where the companies were located (p. 145, ln 3-4); whether they were in Tulsa (p. 144, ln 5-6); 23. names of the Tulsa companies and his partners (p. 147, ln 308); 24. January 8, 2000: Skinner is arrested at missile base for impersonating a Treasury agent at Harrah's Mayetta Kansas casino. Ball and Dobbs discussed Skinner's drug distribution to young people and the need for his arrest. Skinner's use of the alias "Finnegan" in currency speculation (p. 172, ln 1-9); 25. the times aliases were used (p. 172, ln 18-19); 26. his occupation in 1987 (p. 25, ln 9-10); the sources of $18,000 in the first of his two Boston arrests (p. 25, ln 11-12); and 27. his activities from 1984 through 1991 (p. 26, ln 1-7), June 13, 1991: Skinner is sentenced to three years probation in New Jersey case in exchange for testifying against John Worthy and others [NB: Skinner's sentence was suspended with time served (10 months), and discharged in April, 1994.]. For somebody to commit the types of crimes she has committed, and to show no real signs of emotions, she is a loose cannon and is a threat to any community, especially a threat to unsuspecting males. (See Report, p. I had a boyish optimism about life. She only turned against her man Skinner (I hope you get raped by a rabid gorilla escaped from a zoo you worthless was of human life) after they both got caught for the X ring they had going in NW US. Jesus grant me forgiveness, humility and a contrite heart! When I reach 25 patrons, I will hold a monthly giveaway for an 8x10" art print! 7.duct-taped across the mouth to prevent his calls for help. Somebody pray for me because I dont even know what to say or how to express these overwhelming emotions. "I was kidnapped in July, 2003, and today in almost February, 2007. I would be too scared not to incarcerate Krystal A. Cole-Skinner. July 13, 1982: Skinner's 18th birthday. Theres a massively long article on the trial somehwere that I read and just reading what was said in Court about what happened to Brando is horrific. Picard never misrepresented his product and it was always top quality. After casino cage manger detects fraudulent ID, Skinner is arrested with briefcase containing his stepfather's sidearm. Skinner also testifies that he cooperated with "multiple federal agencies" on a case involving "money laundering" and that he was contacted by a "federal law enforcement agency" while in Gloucester County Jail about another unspecified investigation. Skinner and the agents also stated that "late September/early October" was Skinner's first contact with DEA/DOJ, and alleged that Skinner's attorney Thomas Haney went to Washington, D.C. to retain (purportedly with $50,000) a D.C. law firm with DOJ contacts to intervene with DOJ to arrange an interview with DOJ officials and secure immunity for Skinner. Skinner's involvement in these cases is suppressed by the government in the 2003 LSD trial. Skinner extensive history as an informant is also suppressed. After July 30, 2000: While in the Mendocino, California house with Skinner, Ryan Overton instructs Overton's employee Carrie Conway to retrieve 300 pills of MDMA from the mailbox of Tanasis Kanculis in Kansas City. He calls his collection the "Institute of Illegal images", and you can visit for free. Give me the grace to forgive, so that the enemy doesnt have a foothold in my life. 11.) Business, Economics, and Finance. 1996:Gunnar Guinan is arrested for marijuana in Tulsa. I was quick-witted and mentally sharp. Neurosoup is just a pure wrong-un. July 20, 2000 (approximate): Skinner moves stolen LSD lab to missile base with Guinan and Skinner's father (Tulsa chiropractor Gordon H. Skinner). In this episode from the show's third season, psychedelic researcher READ THE REST, The walls of Mark Mccloud's San Francisco home are covered in LSD blotter art. Summer, 1997: Skinner associate Sammy Yazdinfar, a 25-year-old Iranian at missile base, discloses that Skinner is under investigation by KBI. Haney carried documents and photographs Skinner provided. Life is too bleak & cold without You. Who will be eaten first? 1995); United States v. George Jim Conway, 57 F.3d 1081 (10th Cir. not really that surprising thought tbh. Skinner and Gary Magrini. Overton is in yard when police arrive. You are the one that defends me. That bitch cant be trusted at all and I cant believe she didnt get sent down. The motion details many suppressed interviews with witnesses against Skinner (see witnesses Stetler, Wright, Dobbs, Ball and Roberts, above) and confirms his informant activity in the federal cases against Ryan Overton and Tanasis Kanculis (also suppressed by the government at the Kansas LSD trial). March 28, 2005: Affidavit received from Krystle Cole stating that Leonard was innocent and was set up by Skinner. During this time, she was held captive and used as a guinea pig for experimental psychedelic chemicals. Cole probably knew what was going on with Leonard, as she was happy to go off around the country with a rich older man right after. She is young, evil and enthusiastic. Haney joins other civil litigants with damages against Skinner totaling $750,000, all uncollectable from Skinner. Question from Pre-Trial Investigator: Do you believe the Defendant is a serious threat to the community? Yeah you cant help but be suspicious when she talks about Todd and what Todd did to Leonard was unreal. Green is repeatedly injected by Skinner with unknown substances (compare manslaughter of Paul Hulebak, above). I realized at the point Krystal's true side would never be brought out in court To think that my high school felony drug charge for an unprescribed pain medication carried a worse penaltythan Krystal's charge, makes me cringe. April 4, 2007: Krystle Cole's Pre-Sentence Investigation Report also cites torture victim Brandon Green as reporting a collapsed lung, damage to the left side of his body, sexual dysfunction, severe memory loss (click here for Report p. 5-8). . June 20, 2003: Source of Information ("SOI") states to DEA that he distributes drug for Skinner. My name is Krystle Cole. April/May, 2001: Skinner moves from Tucson to Seattle with Krystle Cole, and remains in Seattle until eventual his arrest for theft of $150,000 stereo from Audio F/X of Sacramento, California. sales Summer, 1997: Skinner provides an individual with a near-lethal overdose of fentanyl at the missile base. designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated 1987 (approximate): Gordon Todd Skinner assigned DEA NADDIS number: NADDIS# 2002804. She always said, the two worst things that can happen to her are spending time in jail and./or getting a felony conviction. I've been on YouTube since 2007. Skinner also describes himself to other neighbors as a "chess master" and military general. 1990: Skinner purchases marijuana from John Worthy and two of Worthy's associates, while recording phone calls to Worthy. on the case had me come into his office to discuss the court case. July 14, 2003: DEA interview of Kristi Roberts concerning Skinner's kidnapping of Brandon Green and Skinner's drug distribution. She has even mentioned the site In a negative light I believe, and her and her current BF are commenting back saying its all lies. About Krystle Cole. 1995: After a reversal and retrial, LaVay McKinley appeals his conviction a second time. Fuck you Cole, everyone in the Psychedelic community knows youre a sociopath who should be in prison. She has the propensity to kill and is arrogant enough to follow through with it. p. 105). Gordon Henry Skinner pleads to no contest to punching Castellano on December 11, 2002 and to another count of domestic assault and battery. She's got that dirty film, you know. Skinner is dealing "4000 hits of MDMA per week" according to Krystle Cole in her DEA interview of July, 2003, wherein Cole named Skinner's Seattle distributors. Skinner deceives FOG by stating he will cover the margin requirements with a "half-million in Treasury bills and/or post a letter of credit from Barclays Bank." You were a stripper, a DEA snitch and part of one of the worst tortures known about as of recent times. After more than two years, the woman was arrested and convicted for an apparent Ponzi scheme. July 1, 2003: SOI further describes Skinner's MDMA laboratory. Oh my goodness!! Skinner leaves stolen LSD lab at the missile base in sealed containers, departs for Mendocino, California and rents house. Eight months later, the charges on Cromwell are changed to possession of methamphetamine and Cromwell is sentenced to probation. He later changed the dates to 1984-1985, stating that he initiated a case involving money laundering by turning over cashier's checks, and the investigation was conducted by multiple federal agencies. I was quick-witted and mentally sharp. Boris Olarte and his wife Clara Lacle both testify against Abello-Silva (Lacle resided with Skinner's mother Katherine Magrini while cooperating with FBI to convict Abello-Silva to reduce Olarte's sentence). Due to a disability that emerged in my 20s, I spend much of my time sedentary and indoors. August 30 2003: Skinner is arrested for 352 grams of MDMA at the Burning Man festival in Reno, Nevada, and booked at Pershing County Sheriff's Office. pulled with the telephone cord around his penis until cartilage "popped.". Krystle Cole is a 37 years old author and painter who used to be infamously known for her addiction and relationship with Gordon Todd Skinner. Im still just start to comprehend how evil and disgusting my kidnappers truly are. Multiple neighbors describe his activities. September, 1997: Skinner appears at Entheogen Conference in San Francisco, and develops relationships in the psychedelic research community by offering "grants" for research from fictitious businesses and foundations. January 3, 1985: Skinner begins trading with a $5,000 deposit to FOG. June 8, 1984: Gordon Todd Skinner established as an informant for the FBI Oklahoma City field office. Do not support her. November 25, 2003: Leonard and Clyde sentenced in Kansas to life and 30 years, respectively. May 24, 1984: In Merit, Skinner states he first met Merit on this date after being called by a friend and "asked to see some people" (trans. Skinner was charged with manslaughter of Paul Hulebak, then the charges were dismissed after Skinner claimed immunity in the 2000 LSD case in Kansas and asserted Guinan's statement was a product of Skinner's immunity (i.e. 1987: Sam Merit and five codefendants arrested for fraud based on Skinner's recordings for FBI. Again, all of Skinner representations are fraudulent. July 14, 2003 (approx): Skinner instructs accomplice William Hauck to dump the unconscious Brandon Green in a field near Archer City, Texas. May 16, 2001: Gordon Todd Skinner is arrested on State of Kansas warrant for manslaughter of Paul Hulebak in April, 1999 at the missile base. 4.forced to drink an unknown substance and was also forced to swallow some form of parasitic eggs. 5.not given any food and very little fluids during his captivity. My name is Krystle Cole. p. 155). Answer: Green is admitted to intensive care at a local hospital. 1992)(hereinafter "Merit"), Gordon Todd Skinner testified that he cooperated in a 1983 case, but refused to disclose the details. Her only regret is getting caught, and probably wishes she had finished me off there in the field. (See Report, p. August 11, 2000: The morning after the MDMA pickup, Ryan Overton goes to his office with Krystle Cole and Shanna Everhart, while Gunnar Guinan leaves for the missile base in van. of You are experiencing a small sample of what the site has to offer. May, 1987: Boris Olarte begins cooperating from Tulsa Jail. Walker does telephonic interview with Skinner regarding the upcoming trial of Sam Merit (Merit was recorded by Skinner in 1984, see above). We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. July, 2002: Charges filed by Pottawatomie County (Kansas) police against Skinner for theft of $150,000 stereo. Skinner testifies that he is cooperating simultaneously in the New Jersey case against John Worthy, but that the New Jersey cooperation is independent of the Merit case. November 6, 1984: Gordon Todd Skinner opens foreign currency options trading account at Financial Operations Group (FOG) in Philadelphia, by fictitiously convincing FOG that he was an active trader and managed a large inheritance. Supplemental motion revealed that Skinner recorded federal agents' phone calls prior to his July, 2003 interview. How a Kansas Stripper Wound up in a Missile Silo with Chemists Manufacturing LSD Video. The individual deposits the check at the Bank of America and Skinner refuses to return the stolen funds. Your email address will not be published. 1983: Skinner purchases Traveler's check in Tulsa, reports them stolen and makes claim for redemption, then travels to Las Vegas, Nevada and attempts to cash the check using fraudulent identification. Unfortunately for society, Krystal has the capability to play or maneuver a person or situation just as someone would engage in chess. Here are a few things probably never mentioned about Krystals premeditation and the execution of the of the plans in regards to my kidnapping: Although she was broke, had no steady income and had previously helped me financially, Krystal secretly paid my apartments rent several months ahead. "Many nights Krystal would sit in front of the mirror and would repeat to herself what she would say if ever caught for her and (Skinner's) illicit drug activity. Last year, followers of QAnon influencer Michael Protzman (aka Negative48) organized a gathering of Q-Anon followers in Dallas, Texas, in Dealey Plaza, where John F. Kennedy was shot and killed, READ THE REST, My LSD-Induced Love Affair With a Pigeon features one of the most eccentric people I've seen appear on Hamilton's Pharmacopeia. She always had the upper hand in the relationship. May 25, 1984: In Merit, Skinner stated "the next day" he traveled to the Tracon site, and was given about "six inches" of documents by Merit. Prompted by this story to research further, I present you one of the more bizarre drug war stories I've ever encountered, complete with a three-year run from the DEA: October 27, 2000: Skinner and agents deceive resident trustee Graham Kendall about their presence at property, with DEA agents posing as "buyers" for the missile base. Skinner encourages Leonard to use Skinner's credit card for booking air flights. (See Report, p. Shit read. Ships from Wichita, KS. She still has a lot of damage she could do, if not punished correctly the first time. Cole also states Skinner had an MDMA laboratory in "Building 3" of Skinner's mother's small business Gardner Springs, Inc. Green stated he distributed drugs for Skinner. July 10, 2003: DEA interview of Mandy Ray, who provides samples of Skinner's drugs she had acquired from Kristi Roberts. (See Report, p. early 1990-late 1992: E. LaVay McKinley, a Skinner associate in Florida, begins to sell fraudulent offshore bank shares through his various salesmen. Conway, on probation at time of pickup, knew of second shipment by Kanculis to Krystle Cole's home address, as well as Krystle Cole's relationship with Skinner at missile base. Skinner stated he was introduced by Scott Schuber, an earlier acquaintance, while Tom Leding was present (trans. Skinner is sentenced to four years (less than the guidelines). and like the poor victim said he got more parole time for having some Opiate pills on him when he was at school. Present were H.V. This is what happens when a sociopath encounters psychedelics; true darkness. 22M views 10 years ago "Former goth stripper Krystle Cole talks about her time spent living in a subterranean missile silo converted into a luxurious LSD manufacturing facility -- a sort of. Kanculis arrested in Tulsa, Oklahoma and transferred to Poland for trial on charges there. (while in jail)(Id. October 19, 2000: Gordon Todd Skinner signs a DEA Confidential Source Agreement form (DEA-473 form). July 18, 1992: Skinner marries Kelly Rothe (Rothe divorced Skinner in 1996). This girl is an evil scumbag liar, if youve seen the documentary at the end she speaks about the torture incident. Former goth stripper Krystle Cole's extraordinary survival story is presented in this 2012 episode of Hamilton's Pharmacopeia, called "Underground LSD Palace." Just as her predecessor/husband, each time she slides through the court system successfully, she will become more brazen and more confident." February, 1998: Gordon Todd Skinner appears again in San Francisco and "accidentally" encounters William Leonard Pickard for the first time in a hotel lobby while Leonard is visiting from Cambridge, Massachusetts as a research associate at Harvard Medical School and attending the American Academy of Forensic Science meeting. You must be logged in to reply to this topic. July 8, 2003: DEA interview of 17-year-old Betty Stetler concerning Skinner's drug distribution to Stetler and others, and Wright's overdose and emergency room admission. August, 1993: Gordon Todd Skinner failed to disclose to the jury in McKinley his concurrent cooperation with - and deception of - multiple federal agencies while he was conducting an offshore banking fraud with McKinley in the period December, 1989 - March, 1992. (This information is concealed from defense and jury in 2003 Kansas LSD trial, with agents testifying there "was no previous investigation of Skinner." Skinner claims indigence and is released on own recognizance. July, 2002: Skinner's several neighbors, alarmed at Skinner's bizarre behavior, do internet searches on "Dr. Gordon Skinner" and discover an online plea by Leonard and the defense team for information as to Skinner's whereabouts. ), April 4, 2007: Krystal Cole's Pre-Sentence Investigation Report also cites statements of torture victim Brandon Green regarding Krystal Cole's activities prior to and after the kidnapping: Krystle Cole is on Facebook. She is a PhD candidate in psychology. 10.) In April, 2005 Kansas Bureau of Investigation General Counsel admits KBI has the phone records but "no other records on Todd Skinner," again suppressing all investigative records and affidavits of KBI agents arising from the subpoena for Skinner's phone records, in addition to the outcomes of the toll analysis.). She would ask them if they had heard from Brandon In my humble opinion, Krystals involvement was greatly played down throughout the court proceedings. Orange Tabby Cat Art Print on PAPER or CANVAS of Cat Painting by Krystle Cole $19.79 to $142.99. November 6, 2000: Defendants arrested due to Skinner's efforts. July, 2002: During the Skinner's Seattle period at the Metropolitan Towers. Magrini settles her portion of the suit, agreeing to pay $100,000 in damages. Krystle Cole Wiki: Age, Family, Career. Fucking hell. She has the propensity to kill and is arrogant enough to follow through with it. p. 52). GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. The below quote is quite disturbing (violent psychopathic), so be aware if real life sick torture stories upset you. I found this information out after the fact, and it still took me several years to realize she paid up my apartment so nobody would be looking for my body. October 28, 2000: Prior to having a warrant, Skinner and agents spend "many hours" at missile base fork lifting military cargo containers with LSD lab to prepare for an anticipated October 31, 2000 "covert entry" warrant. October 24-27, 2000: According to Skinner's testimony at 2003 LSD trial, DEA agents encourage Skinner to enter missile base unaccompanied for several days during these dates and set out chemicals to be in "plain view" for agents' eventual "walk-through" so that warrants can be obtained later from the district court judge. In State of Kansas v. Skinner, DEA agent testified that there was no knowledge of Guinan prior to November, 1999, conflicting with Guinan's NADDIS dated April, 1999). 1991: In an rare event for a government witness, Skinner in the Merit trial invoked the Fifth Amendment on 52 occasions to prevent self-incrimination during his testimony. Merit stated to Skinner that he owned an airline ("Coral Air") in the Caribbean, and sought from Skinner (then 19 years old) a $300,000 loan from Skinner for Tracon, a gold mining venture. bound with duct tape by the hands and feet and beaten repeatedly. and affiliate links. Upon request, neighbors provide a photograph of Skinner taken by one neighbor in an elevator at the Metropolitan Towers, thus confirming Skinner presence (see above photo on the left). May 23, 2000: Family disturbance occurs at home of Leslie Gervat in Kansas City, with her father calling police about suspected 300 pills of MDMA delivered in a package from Amsterdam to Ryan Overton. Krystle Cole Wichita, KS United States Favorite Commission a Work I grew up and have lived most of my life in Kansas. July 8, 2003: Skinner and attorney H.I. ): Skinner, Cole and Hauck blindfold the gagged and bound Brandon Green, injects him with drugs, and move him in a box on a luggage carrier from the DoubleTree suite to the trunk of a car, then transport him to a motel in Houston, Texas, where the torture of Green continued. This interview occurs while Skinner - unknown to the DEA agents - has Brandon Green bound, gagged, assaulted and drugged at the DoubleTree Hotel, guarded by his associate William Hauck and Krystle Cole. Give me a heart that is stronger then all of this evil I just watched, and unfortunatly have been infected by for almost 12 years now. December 4, 1992: E. LaVay McKinley, George Jim Conway and Steven Emery indicted. See also herein a Timeline on Krystal Ann Cole, also known as Krystle Ann Cole, K.A. subjected to severe trauma to the rectum with an unknown instrument. Taylor Zakhar Perez Age, Birthday, Parents, Height, Net Worth, Siblings, Girlfriend, Wiki, Lloyd Marcus Wife, Age, Cause of Death, Children, Net Worth, Wiki, Bio 2020. I guess perhaps Skinner maybe got her off the hook with his testimony. This led to a cross-country pursuit by the DEA and the organization which distributed the LSD, the Brotherhood of Love. Cole later reports she was disoriented from drug use during the brief ceremony. November, 2004: Skinner asserts immunity defense, as he did with manslaughter charges in Kansas for death of Paul Hulebak at the missile base. Skinner's fraud/theft reported by Audio F/X to Pottawatomie County Sheriff's Office prior to November, 2000, but no charges are filed. April, 1998: Skinner appears again in San Francisco and overdoses on alleged 2-CB his 17-year-old Kansas girlfriend, then a freshman at UC Berkeley, and another couple at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel. 8-9. Now that she's free from her captors, Krystal is an artist and writer who shares her experiences in books and online. (See Report, p. June, 2003: Brandon Green arrested for drugs in Lebanon, Missouri and offers information on Skinner. She has grown up in a life of easy money, answering to no one, and is lying to everyone. subjected to bleach being poured over his groin area. p. 38) and has been cooperating with a federal agency for "a few months" prior to the Merit trial (Id. In the name of Jesus the Christ. Unfortunately for society, Krystal has the capability to play or maneuver a person or situation just as someone would engage in chess. April 21, 2000: Another Currency Transaction Report filed on Skinner by the Bellagio casino. Question from Pre-Trial Investigator: Do you believe the Defendant is a serious threat to the community? She made her debut as a stripper in Kansas who fell in love with Gordon Todd Skinner, a DEA informant. August 20, 2000: Skinner withdraws $70,000 from his account at the Paris Casino in Las Vegas. In Lysergic, Krystle Cole describes the events that occurred in her life within the time period of 2000 to 2003. Eight months later, the two worst things that can happen to her are spending in... Give you the best experience on our website unfortunately for society, Krystal the. A. Cole-Skinner military general DEA Confidential Source Agreement form ( DEA-473 form ) with an unknown instrument Skinner & x27. Dea snitch and part of one of the worst tortures known about as recent. Haney joins other civil litigants with damages against Skinner for theft of $ 150,000 stereo to possession of and... Krystal is an evil scumbag liar, if not punished correctly the first time Green is injected! 1987: Boris Olarte begins cooperating from Tulsa jail federal agents ' phone calls prior the. Tom Leding was present ( trans assault and battery believe she didnt sent... 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Michael Underwood Obituary, Diocese Of Alexandria Priests, Articles K