In the mid-1960s, he received a master's degree in history from the University of California, Riverside. The consensus is that no more than five to ten people in a hundred who die by gunfire in Los Angeles are any loss to society. . previous 1 2 next sort by previous 1 2 next * Note: these are all the books on Goodreads for this author. Technology for understanding the digital world and mitigating electronic threats. This is the optimal condition for day-to-day life and should be the basis of your awareness. In a single-action pistol like the 1911, the user must cock the hammer to ready the gun to fire. Be the first to hear about upcoming classes. Cindy Coker - Co, *Competitive Shooter of the Week* Best practices involving up to date medical information and life saving equipment. The handgun impressed experts in combat shooting and engineering as well. Always cheat, always win. Carrying in Condition 4 would not be recommended in a self-defense situation since there are too many steps to complete before the gun is ready to fire: draw the weapon, insert a magazine, rack the slide, load a round, aim, and press the trigger. Lt. Col. Jeff Cooper, the founder of Gunsite, deserves a great deal of credit for being the first to popularize the need for truly universal safety rules that would apply to all firearms at all times including those kept loaded for personal defense. 1, 1993, "With this issue, I am abandoning the editorial 'we' along with reference to Gunsite in the title since I no longer exercise control over the output of the Gunsite Press. Later, he would fight in Korea, where he was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel. LEARN THESE RULES WELL! Fight back! (NRA please take note.) Remember that Cooper favored the Colt 1911 in .45 ACP, a semi-automatic pistol with a hammer, thumb safety, and grip safety. John Dean "Jeff" Cooper (May 10, 1920 September 25, 2006) was a United States Marine, the creator of a "modern technique" of handgun shooting, and an expert on the use and history of small arms. Owning a handgun doesn't make you armed any more than owning a guitar makes you a musician. Staying at Condition Yellow in everyday life allows us to be aware of our surroundings and better protect ourselves from threats. If violent crime is to be curbed, it is only the intended victim who can do it. If you don't resist you almost certainly will get killed. [1], In 1976, Cooper founded the American Pistol Institute (API) in Paulden, Arizona (later the Gunsite Academy). His daughter Lindy Wisdom published a biography, Jeff Cooper: the Soul and the Spirit (1996). They are afraid of a populace which cannot be subdued by tyrants. There are lists of "Gunfight Rules" floating around the internet on various web pages, in forwarded emails, hanging on gun store walls and other similar places. You are plugged in to whatis happening and paying attention to your surroundings. Let's begin with Cooper's first rule: all guns are always loaded. Tennille Chid, *Competitive Shooter of the Week* When you have confirmed that its not loaded, continue with the mindset that it is loaded. Naturally his superior hearing is part of the answer, but not all of it. He moves well, using his senses fully. Never one to lean on false. However, many who carry are uncomfortable having a round in the chamber, so they prefer Condition 3. Generally, you are unaware of what is going on around you. That is why our masters in Washington are so anxious to disarm us. He also did some political writing. Thanks to the generosity of our supporting members and occasionally earning money from qualifying purchases as an Amazon Associate, (when you click our Amazon links) weve eliminated annoying ads and content. But the elevated year-end tax . Col. Jeff Cooper led a life dedicated to not only serving his country in WWII and Korea, but teaching his fellow man how to become more proficient with a firearm. Coopers wisdom has been heavily integrated into modern shooting and today well look at a few things you should commit to memory if you own or carry a gun. Without them, man is diminished, and his opportunities to fulfill his destiny are lessened. ), Rule III: KEEP YOUR FINGER OFF THE TRIGGER UNTIL YOUR SIGHTS ARE ON THE TARGET. As Im sure youve seen people at a range muzzle sweeping and with their fingers on their triggers, there should be a test every time a firearm is purchased. Lately, the .40 S&W has been awash in a stormy sea of unflattering ink. This wide spectrum of calibers developed until today along the line of the Thumper concept ranging from Wildcat cartridges to commercially available rifle/cartridge combinations and to calibers with approval through SAAMI or C.I.P. Since the October low, the SPX has carved out two 6-7 week rallies interspersed with a drop into a December 22 low. Like the .510 Whisper round it was developed from the case of the .416 Rigby/.338 Lapua Magnum cartridge. Unfortunately, the "as if" compromises the directness of the statement by implying that they are unloaded, but we will treat them as though they are loaded. and Cmon man! Even if they are not, treat them as if they are," Carpenter explained, citing what he told the Post are "Colonel Jeff Cooper's four fundamentals" of firearm safety. Anyone who uses a gun would be wise to take heed of this advice from an expert in the safe use of small arms: Rule #1Assume all guns are always loaded: This is a straightforward rule without exceptions. You dont have to read but a page or two to discover he was an arch-conservative. 13, No. Do not assume anything. John Dean Cooper"Jeff" to one and allstands alone and unchallenged as the most influential individual to ever hold forth on small arms doctrine and technique. . In Condition White, youare unaware and relaxed. Do not allow the muzzle to cover your extremities, e.g. 27 Feb 2023 21:47:11 Danger abounds if you allow your finger to dawdle inside the trigger guard. They are afraid of a populace which cannot be subdued by tyrants. Even if they are not, treat them as if they are. 10. The essence of good marksmanship is self-control, and self-control is the essence of good citizenship. Col. Cooper discovered that their speed and accuracy improved when shooters focused on the pistols front sight. Stay in touch with Widener's, be the first to know about new articles, products, and more. If you don't understand weapons you don't understand fighting. 526-7. 16, No. 1 corresponding to GG Vol. However, with each right comes an equal . He also wrote a series of memoirs about his adventures in the military, firearms instruction, and big-game hunting. The ability to stay in Condition Yellow takes conscious effort in the beginning, but it will shortly become second nature. In addition to his books on firearms and self-defense, Cooper wrote several books recounting his life adventures plus essays and short stories, including Fire Works (1980); Another Country: Personal Adventures of the Twentieth Century (1992); To Ride, Shoot Straight and Speak the Truth (1988); and C Stories (2004). Rule 2: Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy. We will get back to you within 24 hours. A Marine officer,firearms pioneer, and the founder of the world-famous Gunsite Academy, Col. Cooperdeveloped an easy-to-understand series of color codes to teach awareness. Ruger (Gunsite Scout Rifle), Savage Arms, Springfield Armory, and Mossberg have made versions of the scout rifle as well. Never compromise them. [13] [14] Jeff Cooper, an influential figure in modern firearms training, formalized and popularized "Four Rules" of safe firearm handling. "The one who anticipates the action wins. "[22][23] In 1994, Cooper said "Los Angeles and Ho Chi Minh City have declared themselves sister cities. Mr. Cooper created these rules and every shooter knows them by heart. Political correctness is neither political nor is it correct. It is a tough choice, but there is only one right answer. Named after a deputy sheriff who excelled in combat matches, the Weaver stance is balanced and uses a two-hand, isometric hold on the handgun. Published on March 1, 2020 12:46 PM. Condition 4: Chamber empty, no magazine in the gun, hammer down, safety on. The trouble with democracy is that 50 percent of the voters are below average. Another one of Coopers secrets of speed and accuracy was to teach his students to press the trigger instead of yanking it off target. Whatever the risk, and at whatever the cost, fight back! Condition 3: Chamber empty, full magazine in place, hammer down, safety on. The Glock is okay. In Yellow you bring yourself to the understanding that your life may be in danger and that you may have to do something about it. "Cooper Vs. The aggressor does not fear the law, so he must be taught to fear you. Thus we must regard them as servants, not masters - and good servants to good men. To date, a more effective method of managing the fighting pistol has yet to be brought forward.. Also known as carry conditions, the readiness conditions refer to the various ways to carry a handgun. They had three daughters. This is because I dont have to worry about cocking a hammer with the double action pull and theres no manual safety to remove to fire. In 1976 he founded Gunsite Training Center just north of Prescott, Arizona. Both? May he never choose you, but, if he does, surprise him." ~ Jeff Cooper. "I was . Its dangerous to place your finger on the trigger before you have your sights on the target and are ready to fire on it. John Dean "Jeff" Cooper (May 10, 1920 - September 25, 2006) was a United States Marine and the creator of what is known as "the Modern Technique" of handgun shooting, and one of the 20th century's foremost international experts on the use and history of small arms. Jeff Cooper Quotes: Technique, Safety Rules, & Gun Conditions To say Jeff Cooper was a bit outspoken is like saying Johnny Cash was a fair-to-middling country singer. Newsletter. The cart, *Competitive Shooter of the Week* It amounts to social censorship, and the sooner we spit it out, the better. The Bear Flag in the 3 rd week of December had many players betting on immediate breakage to a test of the October low or lower. Later even more Thumper rounds have been developed for the AR-15 platform in the US and in other countries such as the .458 Alpine, .458 Silent death and .460 Alliance. "I think the works of W.D. Hoplophobia [fear of guns], of course, is not simply an attitude but rather an aberration in which the sufferer clings to an idea which he himself knows to be unsound, such as the idea that inanimate instruments have a will of their own or that lawbreakers abide by the law. Jeff Cooper's Rules of Gun Safety RULE I: ALL GUNS ARE ALWAYS LOADED RULE II: NEVER LET THE MUZZLE COVER ANYTHING YOU ARE NOT WILLING TO DESTROY RULE III: KEEP YOUR FINGER OFF THE TRIGGER UNTIL YOUR SIGHTS ARE ON THE TARGET RULE IV: BE SURE OF YOUR TARGET RULE I: ALL GUNS ARE ALWAYS LOADED There are no exceptions. Why? 1 rule, but the film crew reportedly used the same firearm that was used in Hutchins' tragic death for off-set "fun." A firearm holstered properly, lying on a table, or placed in a scabbard is of no danger to anyone. At ITS, our goal is to foster a community dedicated to learning methods, ideas and knowledge that could save your life. Do not pretend that this is true. The modern technique emphasizes two-handed shooting using the Weaver stance, competing with and eventually supplanting the once-prevalent one-handed shooting style. The times when you may be in this condition are when you are sleeping or safely settled in at home for the evening. That's okay, though. ", Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Jeff Cooper, 86; Firearms Expert Set Standard for Pistol Technique", "Arousal and Performance: How Stress and Fear Affect Tactical Performance", "The Combat Triad: A Training Tool For Personal Defense", "Scout Rifle Shangri-La Happy Birthday Jeff Cooper", Official Website of The Jeff Cooper Legacy Foundation,, A large caliber pistol, preferably a semi-automatic. An unarmed man can only flee from evil, and evil is not overcome by fleeing from it. This is the base level of awareness and the springboard for any further escalations in conditions. Gun News, Gun Reviews, and Self Defense Tips, You use of this website constitutes and manifests your acceptance of our. We promise not to send you a bunch on BS! There were a lot of rules. Pin, Secure, Call Support: Greg Thompson Talks Close Quarters Combat, Good Guy with a Gun: Study of CCW Holders Stopping Mass Shootings, Gun Buybacks: Anti-Gun Policy That Continues to Misfire, 9mm VS 40: Why the .40 Caliber Round Fights On, 21 new Red-Dot Optics Sighted at SHOT Show 2023, Pulling Out All the Stops with the Magpul M-LOK Barricade Stop, New Concealed Carry Clothing from SHOT Show 2023, Enhanced Pistol Caliber Carbine: The Aero Precision EPC-9, The SilencerCo Osprey 45 2.0: Keep Your Factory Height Sights, Wilson Combat AR9X Carbine: Not Simply a Converted AR-15, The Smith & Wesson Volunteer Series XV Pro and X 308 WIN, UPDATE: Discover Credit Card to Track Gun Purchases Starting in April, The Shadow Systems CR920P 9mm with Integrated Compensator, California SB 637 Uses Banks Against the Firearm Industry. Rather than providing Cooper's qualifications, I kept getting asked who was a qualified instructor. 1, No. 2) Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy. Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy. Cooper was the first one to define and stress the Four Basic Rules of Firearms Safety All guns are always loaded. UPDATED, 4:08 PM: More than two months after Jeffrey Cooper was found guilty of three counts of child molestation by a Los Angeles jury, the theater architect and longtime Academy of Motion Picture Written by Col. Jeff Cooper with some additions by Tommy Morris - Chief Instructor KOI. You need not be impolite, but check it yourself. In 1997, Cooper wrote that he coined the term hoplophobia in 1962 "in response to a perceived need for a word to describe a mental aberration consisting of an unreasoning terror of gadgetry, specifically, weapons."[18]. One correspondent, who is into psychology, notes that in his experience people who are hoplophobes are nearly always nutty in other ways, too. These rules have been amended and . Not long ago it was easy to tell who the bad guys were. If you resist, you just may get killed. Cooper wrote extensively in defense of firearms rights. Let there be no mistake about that. This is also the state that most people enter, however, when they obsess over their mobile devices in public. The most important means of surviving a lethal confrontation, according to Cooper, is neither the weapon nor the martial skills. From the late 1950s through the early 1970s, he was a part-time high school and community college history teacher. Twitter and other social media icons below. Cooper promulgated most of the following terms: Condition 0 is considered "ready to fire"; as a result, there is a risk of accidental or negligent discharge carrying in Condition 0. . Morrison, G. and Cooper, J., "The Modern Technique of the Pistol", Paulden: Gunsite Press, 1991. suggests that this field has not yet produced optimized solutions and is still subject to engineering optimization. Whileit may be nothing, it has caught your attention and increased your level of alertness. Things have escalated to the point where you are either engaging a threat or are in retreat. In 1941, he received an endeavour in United States Marine Corps (USMC). Colonel Jeff Cooper first codified the "Four Rules of Firearm Safety" which are: Rule 1 : All guns are always loaded. Cooper's four rules, in wide use today, are: 1. He's not thinking about his job or his image or his income tax. 6104 W Pioneer Pkwy Ste 212Arlington, TX 76013[emailprotected]. Cooper's criminal trial began May 9 in Los Angeles Superior Court in Van Nuys, following his arrest by LA Special Victims Unit detectives in June 2018. Following the tragedy in Uvalde, Texas, gun control advocates have taken the anti-gun narrative to a fever pitch. A smart man only believes half of what he hears, a wise man knows which half. My #1 Trading Rule look to buy strong stocks when they crouch and short weak stocks when they try to stand on their tiptoes. The pistols chamber is empty, a magazine is inserted, and the hammer is down. It is a tool of power, and thus dependent completely upon the moral stature of its user. This will keep you on the right side of the line of least resistance, allowing you to buy or sell against it, which is the key to taking major trades. using both hands to reholster the pistol. It is difficult to surprise him. The great part of its sales comes from police departments . they need to be validated. That is why our masters in Washington are so anxious to disarm us. Bringing the sights to bear on the target, whether from the holster or the Guard Position, takes more time than that required for moving the trigger finger an inch or so to the trigger. If you find yourself under lethal attack don't be kind. Let it suffice for now that you do not dry-fire using a "target" that you wish not to see destroyed. "[24], Cooper's Commentaries is an unedited superset of Gunsight Gossip, with CC Vol. But it is also the condition where a negligent discharge is most likely, making some carriers very uncomfortable. This is a straightforward rule without exceptions. If you are going to a gunfight, have a (loaded) gun - one that you have practiced with. I carry a Sig Sauer P225 daily which is a DA/SA (Double Action, Single Action), which means that the first squeeze of the trigger cocks the hammer and fires the weapon, successive shots are single action which dont require the heavier trigger pull needed to cock the hammer first, as the slide travel is cocking the hammer. Many of Jeff Cooper's opinions and experiences are here, but . Cooper preferred the Colt 1911 and its .45 ACP ammo, believing that doing as much damage as quickly as possible is one of the key tenets of defensive shooting. [20] He is buried at the Arizona Pioneers' Home Cemetery in Prescott. safetyrules Jeff Cooper's Rules of Gun Safety RULE I:ALL GUNS ARE ALWAYS LOADED RULE II: NEVER LET THE MUZZLE COVER ANYTHING YOU ARE NOT WILLING TO DESTROY RULE III: KEEP YOUR FINGER OFF THE TRIGGER UNTIL YOUR SIGHTS ARE ON THE TARGET RULE IV: BE SURE OF YOUR TARGET RULE I: ALL GUNS ARE ALWAYS LOADED There are no exceptions. The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. 2.) Following the tragedy in Uvalde, Texas, gun control advocates have taken the anti-gun narrative to a fever pitch. Ideally, you know how to shoot so well that the gun has become an extension of your hand and fingers. It is a tough choice, but there is only one right answer. Therefore what he must be taught to fear is his victim. If you don't resist you almost certainly will get killed. In 1976, American Pistol Institute (API) located in Arizona was also founded by Cooper. The late Colonel Jeff Cooper declared the CZ 75 the finest 9mm service pistol yet manufactured. Evan Craig -, Logan Toland is an 18 year old competitive shooter, Understanding Different 12-Gauge Shotgun Load Types, 300 Blackout Effective Range & Best Barrel Length, Survival & Backpacking Water Filter Tests, Best 9mm Ammo: Plinking, Training & Home Defense. One over the other? The API was later renamed. After perfecting this method, a quick and accurate shot will surprise the assailant. If you think it is unloaded, check it again.Remember to check the chamber as well as the magazine. It is too easy to say that a good shot is automatically a good man, but it would be equally incorrect to ignore the connection. Do likewise. are his carefully designed rules (and commentary) for safe gun handling. It must be due to all those Kalashnikov rifles that are issued to prisoners upon their incarceration.. Weapons compound man's power to achieve; they amplify the capabilities of both the good man and the bad, and to exactly the same degree, having no will of their own. While this does not mean you instantly attack someone, you are certainly ready and waiting for a specific trigger or predetermined action that will launch the process. July 25, 2022 Updated 3:25 PM PT. Walking around with your finger positioned carelessly on the trigger invites an accident that could be deadly! Indeed bad things can happen in nations where the citizenry is armed, but not as bad as those which seem to be threatening our disarmed citizenry in this country at this time. Knowledge and tips to give you the mental edge and prevail in any situation. It involves pulling the trigger and lowering the hammer with a live round in the chamber. They are. His insightful teachings on modern technique, safety rules, and gun conditions are a commonsense approach to safety and defense that will never go out of style. One of Jeff's truly best, yet least appreciated, contributions to shooting in general has been the Four Rules of firearms safety. Click the Learn More button below for details. They are not afraid of criminals. The 70-year-old pleaded not guilty to all . . Situational awareness is a term shared in countless classes and training programs, yet few people discuss in detail what it really is. You can now point a finger at any object and be fairly sure that your finger is actually pointing at the object. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles. Jeff Cooper (2006). I have long had a tendency to tie marksmanship to morality. Improve yourself, find your inspiration, share with friends, Jeff Cooper (2006). But why are some experts convinced 2023 JNews - Premium WordPress news & magazine theme by Jegtheme. 637. Willem Middelkoop. and became Coopers platform for teaching his modern technique of the pistol. Gunsite was first known as API (American Pistol Institute), developed to teach rifle and shotgun classes to Military, Law Enforcement and Civilians. And lowering the hammer to ready the gun to fire intended victim who can do it two-handed using! 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Inmate Dies At Clements Unit, Articles J