Investors have always been enticed by Chinas vast market. The Chinese government is, however, much easier to decipher since it is a communist one-party state that is also led by elites even though it goes against the very grain of communism. The White Houses China-bashing is more about a fight for self-identification than about exonerating the Trump administration. Businesspeople and politicians in the West hold outdated beliefs about the second-largest economy in the world. (2016). Entry to the CCP and to a university involves compulsory courses in Marxist-Leninist thought, which has also become part of popular culture, as evidenced by the 2018 TV talk show Marx Got It Right. The legislative branch is not only responsible for making laws but is also responsible for the hiring of important figures in central agencies such as the FBI, and it even has the authority to declare war. Great challenges lie ahead. (2016). How accessible is it these days? It continues apace. The Chinese spent countless hours restructuring their legal system to closer represent those in the Western business. Eventually he came to the United States, where he earned a masters and a PhD at UC Berkeley, worked for the World Bank and J.P. Morgan, and taught at the Wharton School. One reason that many people misread Chinas trajectory may be thatparticularly in the English-language promotional materials the Chinese use overseasthe country tends to portray itself as a variation on a liberal state, and therefore more trustworthy. Ambition like that cant be realized without state interventionrelatively fast and easy but often brutal in China. The founding fathers of USA forecasted their nation to be one that respects and follow basic human rights and Biblical ideas as guidance. After all, if it genuinely believed in the merits of diversity at home, it wouldn't try to snuff out political diversity abroad. The authors suggest that those assumptions are rooted in three essentially false beliefs about modern China: (1) Economics and democracy are two sides of the same coin; (2) authoritarian political systems cant be legitimate; and (3) the Chinese live, work, and invest like Westerners. Those with low social-credit scores may find themselves prevented from buying an airline ticket or getting a date on an app. World economies keep on changing and countries are also made to change for them to remain competitive. Empowered by Xi to deal with the corruption that had become so prevalent early in that decade, the commission can arrest and hold suspects for several months; its decisions cannot be overturned by any other entity in China, not even the supreme court. Chinas is the only major economy that requires no special approval for foreign direct investments, although some sectors, such as Lived Change media and the internet, are on a negative list that restricts them. The President and the National Peoples Congress, which is the main body of the country, are all elected by the Peoples Congress. It seems that the only country that can stifle Chinas growth is China itselfif it makes major policy mistakes. Had she been born in 1955 in almost any other major economy in the world, her life would have been much, much more predictable. This review discusses recent efforts to systematically compare three leading values in China's philosophical traditionsmeritocracy, hierarchy, and harmony . Even though China has a one-party state, it, however, has eight independent political parties that are controlled by the CCP (CIA, 2020). Today its traded on the New York Stock Exchange with a market cap of about $45 billion and has more than 800 million unique active users. Corporatism also recognizes only one organization as its sole representative, which can be seen through the CCP (Chan, 1994). By 2020 she was intent on seeing her seven-year-old grandson and infant granddaughter (a second child had only recently become legal) do well. In much Western analysis the verb most commonly attached to Chinas reforms is stalled. The truth is that political reform in China hasnt stalled. Trade wars, nationalism, and the pandemic have led many companies to question their supply chain strategyin particular basing manufacturing in China, thousands of miles from their markets. HBR Learnings online leadership training helps you hone your skills with courses like Global Collaboration. It is also the duty of the representative republic to inform its citizens of their rights, and the candidacy for the elections needs to be transparent since city council members to local judges to mayors, and state legislators are all appointed through voting in the United States. 808 certified writers online. We have both sat in meetings where business executives, particularly in the technology and pharmaceutical sectors, expressed surprise at Chinas insistence that they transfer ownership of their IP to a Chinese company. The pandemic has added urgency, but American politicians appear not to have found the answers. But in China the consumer applications have come faster, making more obvious the link between government investment and products and services that benefit individuals. The only obligation they have is to follow the law that in most cases is straightforward. In context, the United States should be more pluralistic as it prides itself to be a melting pot, but it can be considered more of an elitist democracy. By the 1980s she was in the first generation to go back to university, and even took part in the Tiananmen Square demonstration. Chinas leaders argue that its essentially Leninist rule book makes Chinese politics far less arbitrary or nepotistic than those of many other, notably Western, countries (even though the system has its share of back-scratching and opaque decision-making). Not completely and not without very high costs. The CPC runs the country while the other non communist parties play the role of participatory. Its currency appreciated 6% against the dollar last year. The vehicles for much of this investment are still the CCPs Soviet-style five-year plans, which include the development of what Xi has termed an eco-civilization built around solar energy technology, smart cities, and high-density, energy-efficient housing. This is the most appropriate entry point to reveal the evolution of human-land relationships. Chinas Good War: How World War II Is Shaping a New Nationalism. Mandarin. Reforming Sino-American Cultural Exchange for the Better. According to Nolan (2012) "as for the number of democrat countries, 123 of the 196 countries are exercising democracy as compared to only 69 countries in 1987" (p. 101). China is among the most open markets in the world: It is the largest trading nation and also the largest recipient of foreign direct investment, surpassing the United States in 2020. Chinas saving rate will drop significantly as its population ages, and investment will slow. And what if the market itself is in China? Lets be honest: A rising China may be a threat to Americas economic and technological supremacy, but not to its national security, because China doesnt export its ideology or political system and doesnt seek regime change anywhere in the world. The past decade has, if anything, strengthened Chinese leaders view that economic reform is possible without liberalizing politics. Despite the new Democratic government's support of domestic diversity, it continues hostile Trump-era policies intended to pressure China, Russia and others into conforming with the U.S.'s political demands. Until that happens, the world will remain unstable as the U.S. aggressively tries to eliminate political diversity. In terms of political system, China is unique to all other countries in the world since up to date it is still run by a Communist party (Nolan, 2012). It is a global leader in AI, biotech, and space exploration. The geographic location of a country, its educational, political and legal systems plays a key role in the economic well-being of a country. Chinas recent history means that Chinese people and the state approach decisions very differently from Westernersin both the time frames they use and the risks they worry about most. The Leninist nature of politics is also evidenced by the language used to discuss it. The real danger is the Taiwan issue. (2016). The major focus of government expenditure is domestic infrastructure. Even though the laws of the United States provide every individual regardless of creed and color to vote, there have been instances of voter suppression reported, especially in relation to minorities, and this oppression has been systemic and has existed throughout the history of the US. Similarities and Differences: US vs. China There are both very strikingly similarities and differences compared with their American counterparts in regards to culture and institutions. The . Until Western companies and politicians accept this reality, they will continue to get China wrong. The U.S. also repeatedly provoked China using freedom and democracy as a pretext. A cleaner in Chongqing now owns several apartments because the CCP reformed property laws. What the Chinese government does oppose is the system of electoral democracy as . In other words, it's actually the U.S. that's an ideologically driven state and not China, unlike what the Western mainstream media has falsely claimed in recent years. But because this is also a Leninist system, those issues are of critical importance to Chinese leaders, who wont change their minds about them, however effective or helpful their foreign partners are economically. A Marxist system is concerned primarily with economic outcomes. Our firm, PAG, invests throughout Asia and occasionally beyond. For example, a 2015 survey found that 81% of them trade at least once a month, even though frequent trading is invariably a way to destroy rather than create long-term fund value. When we first traveled to China, in the early 1990s, it was very different from what we see today. And the narrative has had some powerful supporters. In our experience, many Westerners dont understand what that means or why it matters. The Biden administration is expected to restore that policy and to work within the rules of international institutions, which I expect will defuse tensions. In conclusion, it is not possible to have a unanimous decision on which political and economic practice is best for the entire universe. Along with China's economic and military rise, its leading political values will increasingly shape both China and the world at large. The article reflects the author's views and not necessarily those of CGTN. As the author Yuval Noah Harari has pointed out, liberalism has had few competitors since the end of the Cold War, when both fascism and communism appeared defeated. Disclaimer: is a custom writing service that provides online on-demand writing work for assistance purposes. The space for the two sides to compromise and collaborate has narrowed extremely rapidly. However, it also highlighted the different ways in which people of color in the USA are suppressed through political representation and voter suppression. Countries with command economic systems are now changing their laws to become democratic and allow free-enterprise after realizing benefits it can bring in (Cavusgil, Ghauri & Akcal, 2012). A decade ago its retail-goods market was about $1.8 trillionless than half that of the United States. The city of Rongcheng, for example, uses big data (available to the government through surveillance and other data-capturing infrastructure) to give people individualized social credit scores. These are used to reward or punish citizens according to their political and financial virtues or vices. The Stages of Strategic Crime Analysis Report. Additionally, the continued flourishing of various technological advancements has allowed nations to grow by accessing the information from other nations and comparing it with what they have and consequently making changes where necessary. However, it is important to compare and contrast countries to see which policies are working in the best way and what can be changed. He wisely noted that "Democracy is not Coca-Cola, which, with the syrup produced by the United States, tastes the same across the world. Yet as soon as that ideological cover is removed, internal contradictions immediately reveal themselves. Collectivism means that the needs of an individual are not emphasized as compared to those of the society and not until recently, most rights of Chinese citizens were not realized. One example is the reinvention in the late 2010s of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. The top 10 American semiconductor chip makers sell about three times as much in China as in the United States. Both countries have a Judicial, Executive, and Legislative branch. The CPC runs the country while the other non communist parties play the role of participatory. Amid the unprecedented challenge of COVID-19, clear differences have emerged between the Chinese and American responses. All the work should be used in accordance with the appropriate policies and applicable laws. And what is it that the Chinese dont understand about the United States? In the years since, China has become an economic titan, a global leader in technology innovation, and a military superpower, all while tightening its authoritarian system of governmentand reinforcing a belief that the liberal narrative does not apply to China. On the foreign front, China never tried to pressure anyone to conform to its domestic political system but instead not only respects, but celebrates, their differences. The Chinese premier less so. The premier controls the civil bureaucracy, The party general secretary runs the economy. All these testify to the strength of the Chinese economy. Springer. Hence the old joke that Chinas definition of a win-win scenario is one in which China wins twice. U.S. self-identification has been shaken under these circumstances. These officials preside over different tribunals and committees, which can range from civil, administrative to communication, and transport cases. The study of geography is centered on the regional system of the human-land relationship, and the core of the study of the geographical system of the human-land relationship is land use change. The pandemic has profoundly shaken the U.S. sense of superiority in values, culture and systems since the Enlightenment, and by extension the entire West. The positions in this branch can be for either a five-year long term or even an unlimited amount of time. If China were concerned only with economic outcomes, it would welcome foreign businesses and investors and, provided they helped deliver economic growth, would treat them as equal partners, agnostic as to who owned the IP or the majority stake in a joint venture. During the Cold War in the 20th century, and particularly afterward, the U.S. sought to establish and consolidate its leadership role in the international community in the name of freedom and democracy so much so that U.S. hegemony was also often referred to as hegemonic liberalism.. Nolan, P. (2012). In such a system innovation is limited since people do don feel motivated to come up with brilliant business ideas because undesirable laws keep on blocking them. These are valid points and deserve to be expanded upon in order to enlighten others further. In that period there has been ruins of buildings as well as joy of victories, rapid advance in success as well as pride, tortuous ordeals and lesions from mistakes done . they are digging deep to create the city's first metro system and doing so in just five years' time . Thats not likely, precisely because in Chinas particular brand of authoritarianism, control is key. As to the orientation of a new era, however, the Trump administration has yet to offer any answers or insights. In China, however, growth has come in the context of stable communist rule, suggesting that democracy and growth are not inevitably mutually dependent. Considering that China adopted the system of the dynamic market much later than other nations, it has done remarkably well to have such a positive impact on its economy. That has huge implications for people seeking to do business in China. Even though China is diverse in its ethnic groups, it is still a relatively high homogenous group, which is also reflected in its politics. Where can it move its production if the target market is China? If a business is successful, its usually open to taking outside capital so that it can quickly expand nationwide. First, China and the United States are at different stages of development. Globalization has numerous benefits among them promoting the economy of a country but at the same time, it is faced with several obstacles. A nation that practice individualism and democracy is more likely to have an economic system that is market-based and this is more desirable since it allows businesses to produce what their products maximally thereby making desirable profits. You cant become a senior leader in China without having proved your worth as a manager. Get a 100% original essay FROM A CERTIFIED WRITER! Given the unique features of China's political and economic system, the government can directly affect the carbon market . The name of the game in China is scale. That Canada has elected communists to office, I suggest is just about as important a disparity as the American gun insanity. However, both states have a very different political landscape, which is what will be discussed in the paper today. Policy makers, in contrast, looking for ways to gain more control and sovereignty over the future, now play a much longer game than the West does. And believing that Chinas economic growth would have to be built on the same foundations as those in the West, many failed to envisage the Chinese states continuing role as investor, regulator, and intellectual property owner. Hence, we need to understand, compare, and learn from leading values in China's political culture. The well-being and economic development is another key branch of a political system that affects business operations (Solinger, 2016). The CPC runs the country while the other non communist parties play the role of participatory. Americans Dont Know How Capitalist China Is, A version of this article appeared in the. Jimmy Dore delivered a monologue on the history of the Russia-Ukraine conflict and how a "tiny cabal" are using the situation for profit on Friday's broadcast of 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' on FOX News. The legal system of a country plays a key role in terms of its marketing and investment opportunities. The complete Spotlight package is available in a single reprint. Yet they found common ground to work in mutually beneficial ways. Both countries have human rights issues, although in different forms. (b) The national average SP of CO2 is 266.8 US dollars per ton, which is much higher than the carbon price in the emission trading system. Ideological competition between China and the U.S. in recent years comes in three basic models: The nationalist hegemony model that ultimately serves U.S. hegemonistic purposes in the international community. Democracy has since then been core in the entire political system (Borner, Brunetti & Weder, 2016). The US is a developed country, its national infrastructure has essentially been completed; China is a developing country and is undergoing large-scale infrastructure construction. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi made an excellent remark about political systems across the world while speaking with the U.S. Council on Foreign Relations last week. In the China-U.S. ideological competition during the pandemic, what the U.S. seeks is not all about U.S. leadership in the international community nor U.S. economic benefits but rather coping with its identity crisis. In fact, the Chinese word for the resolution of a conflict (jiejue) can imply a result in which one side overcomes the other, rather than one in which both sides are content. What has caused the frequent conflicts between the two countries? In 2020, a year of severe difficulties all over the world, there was no significant increase in Chinese corporate defaults. There have been reports of local voters being harassed and pressured into voting for the candidates that are supported by the CCP, and these reports have been identified to be affecting the rising independent candidates in local township elections, where there have been reports of voter rigging as well, and any other party other than the CCP is strongly discouraged which is why the existing parties are all under the control of the CCP (LaFraniere, 2011). These similarities are real, but they are manifestations of the wealth and personal aspirations of Chinas newly affluent middle class, and they in no way negate the very real differences between the political systems of China and the West. PAG invested about $100 million in a digital music business in China a few years back which subsequently merged with a similar business and changed its name to Tencent Music Entertainment. She bought a flatthe first time anyone in her familys history had owned property. Is a China-U.S. decoupling a real possibility? China has been shifting away from an investment-driven growth model to one led by private consumption. Even though both countries are different in every way, they are still recognized as each others competition in the International Arena. For individuals, whove lived through harsh times they could not control, the reaction is to make some key choices in a much more short-term way than Westerners do. The harsh reality of the pandemic has given rise to political competition with characteristics not seen before, sounding the alarm for future bilateral relations. He was born in China, and his life was upended during the Cultural Revolution, when he was sent off to do farm labor in the Gobi Desert. Learn how to overcome barriers when working globally. This is a belief alien to many Western business executives, especially if theyve had experience with other authoritarian regimes. Chinas high-speed rail could cover the distance between Boston and Chicago in about four hours, whereas Amtraks fastest service takes 22 hours. Order original essay online with 25% off. Shan: Despite initial blunders, China has handled the coronavirus pandemic well through strict lockdowns and mass testing. For example, the British role in the Opium Wars of the 1840s kicked off a 100-year period that the Chinese still refer to as the Century of Humiliation. Even now Chinas private consumption represents only about 39% of its GDPway below the U.S. level of 68% and the world average of 63%. (2022, May 17). China and the United States are one of the strongest economies in the world, and both nations are considered superpowers and have contributed significantly to global politics and culture. In fact, the pandemic has made the world, Out of the Gobi: My Story of China and America, Money Games: The Inside Story of How American Dealmakers Saved Koreas Most Iconic Bank. From the U.S. perspective, upholding the banner of freedom and democracy no longer matters. It is, therefore, against nature itself and arguably a violation of international human and legal rights for anyone to attempt to get rid of diversity, which is exactly what the U.S. is trying to do all across the world through its messianic zeal in imposing its political system onto all others. They make three plausible but false assumptions: Democracy is an inevitable consequence of economic development; authoritarian regimes are never seen as legitimate; and the Chinese think, behave, and invest much like anyone in the West. This is the best approach for one to have and ensures that its partnerships remain everlasting. Beijing expats speak Mandarin better than Shanghai ones. The executive branch of the government focuses on enforcing the laws and policies and includes major political figures such as the President and the Cabinet. Brand of authoritarianism, control is key restructuring their legal system to closer represent in! Strengthened Chinese leaders view that economic reform is possible without liberalizing politics the... From leading values in China hasnt stalled human rights and Biblical ideas as guidance Western analysis the verb most attached. Faced with several obstacles the two countries and what if the target market China... 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